Why does this happen?why is it even a thing?can we fix this maybe?

Weapon on the right…why…just…why,also had one drop with 31% cast speed /facepalm


fix what?
you being unlucky and getting conflicting conversion affix
or you want to ruin a good affix (fury) because you don’t like it applying cast speed to this particular weapon; also even if the rest of the stats of the affixes are useful?

“no please don’t fix” items getting mismatching affixes happens rarely now; but is super good for making memes,
you lose nothing by it being possible to exist, since you can just discard the item as any other poor affix combo you weren’t chasing, and you still have increased likelihood of getting fitting affixes with the new GD "smart"loot, so you’d just ruin build diversity by restricting affixes even more

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What?why would it ruin fury?or the attack speed affixes? some weapons should just have those affixes never roled on them,why would a weapon that specificaly convers aether to physical have a chance to roll the oposite? or a weapon that suport attack speed drop with cast speed?

My point is that there should be exeptions in the code that prevents these ilogical conversions and stats that are completly contradictory from procing on certain items

because it’s a speed utility affix ffs
so yes, if your suggestion is to strip cast speed of it; you’re gimping an entire class of usage, and is then a very poor suggestion or “ill considered” at best

*and if you think Fury suffix is then bad or unfitting for this weapon; then you don’t realize what a decent affix is

But im not saying strip that from fury,im saying dont let certain affixes proc on weapons that are not useful for it,like the dmg conversion,and i dont mean simply that arent useful,but literaly oposite

fury is useful for that weapon
you’re specifically mentioning the cast speed as detractor, hence why i’m pointing it out
as for the conflicting conversions; already addressed that
it has a low chance of happening(even lower chance now on 1.2) and is still potentially useful for other items for meme builds, and doesn’t detract from you since there is/always was RNG in not getting purely good/useful affixes, and that’s fine not having 100% smart loot, and the chance is lower now to roll mismatching than ever before - and imo should not get higher, “smart loot” is set high already

I get what your saying,also the meme spec in this situation wouldnt work for this weapon anyways,as the weapon is already converting blade arc in physical from aether,so that affix of physical to aether only affects other effects,there are better weapons for that like lucius or fleshwarp if you wanna aether it up

ye, but that’s the point; it being more unfitting for 1 item, causing a “fix” in the code for the type of behavior; would ruin it for all items/all meme potentials
meanwhile here it detracts very little for you; because you always had a chance of not purely rolling phys affixes
so you’re being slightly inconvenienced here (less so than prior to 1.2 even), and at teh same time suggesting to complete hamper build diversity and meme potential and make unfitting affixes even more GDstash only
^last part i already advocated against with the increase of the new smart loot/requesting smart loot not be set higher even more going forward

it’s a bad suggestion either way, you got a poor drop because bad RNG, it does not warrant what you think/suggest just because of it; accept 10% sucky RNG existing in your loot game

Making exeptions for weapons like this wouldnt harm meme builds,a weapon that always has X converted in Y, cant be made in a meme build if that same weapon then turns Y in to X,it basicaly invalidated itself lol,meme builds are stuff like making the poop build

meme builds are conversion memes too
and while in this specific case it would be borderline impossible to use (not totally), other cases would be totally fine, like sigil sceptre, ravna claw, scythes etc etc
the key is the item has additional stats/modifiers, that you can use, and split the direct conversion with something else, where the additional mods make up for the split/partial portion lost to conversion - and that’s ofc even assuming not deliberately after a duo/tri dmg type meme build ofc

Weird combinations have to drop. Why? Because they keep things interesting. You found one and what happened? You thought: “What the hell? This item doesn’t make sense. Who would ever use it? How unlucky am I?” It broke the monotony, made you feel something, gave you a trophy to show here. You’ll be all the happier to eventually find a good combination too.


Heh…thats funny,remind me of radiation weapons in fallout 4 droping with 50% dmg vs ghouls…those being…immune…to…uhm…radiation dmg