Why is OFF discriminated against?

Agreee. CC resistance build-up is the answer and done properly in D3. Each time a player CC a monster (a boss or any other one) that monsters gets % CC resistance losing it every second without being CC’ed.

Calling me out of touch is probably the 2nd most hilarious thing I heard this week.

Thanks for a good laugh.

Who is Galakros?

too lazy to copy the original post, sorry That’s actually hilarious, since if you don’t want to farm you can get GD Stash, or if you like farming, make another character that doesn’t really need a gear (Krieg set is easy to farm, Deathknight is easy to play and the Krieg set can be farmed in a few hours, took me 6 for the first time, 1 hour another time when I farmed it).

Also, it’s funny how a random guy flamed the most liked (most likely) dev from GD. It’s like flaming your mom for giving birth to you.

How about making a fallback to lower level CC, if monster is immune to the main effect.

In this instance, applying Freeze (main CC effect) through OFF on an enemy that is immune to it, will apply slow (secondary, lower level CC) instead.

It’s a boss in the area after the rubble you can blow up with dynamite in the Malmouth Sewers.

I started few months ago (including a couple of months break)to play on hc . I had zero stuff at start (no bluepints, nothing) i farmed the luminari epic set ( i traded the gun to be honest but dropped it legit the same afternoon) and i started farming roguelikes and nemesis (i don’t play crucible). I rolled a new char around warborn set and stoneguard set , both selffound, and now i’m getting lot of blueprints and gear ( just completed uroborouk today). Long story made short : Is not impossible you need to farm and be patient then roll stuff with what you get, to be honest if someone doesn’t like farming arpgs should be avoided.

There are some good thoughts in the thread. Many ways to do something different to all-or-nothing and maybe create some builds that can play as genuinely ranged characters, using some pretty cool skills that don’t get used much in the end game.

Hopefully the way some of it is expressed won’t get the ideas shot along with the messenger! :wink: The set does seem to come too late to make any difference and even if it could be used earlier, getting all the pieces would not be at all guaranteed.

There seems to be some support for having ranged/caster builds that can play a ranged style in the game, so I hope the devs will consider how they might do this.

Thanks for reading.

Forgotten Gods is coming soon and makes it much easier to farm your legendary sets.

But does it help with farming things like non-set legendary amulets? The new set-exchange mechanism will be nice, but there are some weighted drop issues for non-set legendaries, Overall, jewelry in particular seems to have a small portion on the drop tables. Jewelry in general. (could be RNG, but with such a large sample, I’m doubting this now).

Edit: sorry to go off-topic.

Anyone tried the set for the -50% freeze RR ?

I don’t think it’s about not farming - it’s understood that you can get gear eventually - but:

  1. There is no real end-game in GD, so by the time you get the stuff it’s the end of the game (for that character). So farming is a bit pointless, since there’s not much to do with a perfectly-built character once you’ve got it. Or you can farm for some other character, but then you’re playing twinked.

  2. Whatever you do, you can’t really play a ranged style in any build in GD. It’s all about standing toe-to-toe with bosses and tanking it - all that changes is how (armour, mitigations, regen, leech… whatever).

NOPE! I’ve suggested long in the past making a means to farm legendary jewelry a bit easier. The random legendary blacksmith is pretty nifty though if you farm the ingredients efficiently. But I understand what you meant I think, it’d be nice if there was an area or way to specifically target legendary accessories via monsters dropping them as opposed to walking over the crafter and hitting the button a bunch of times.

I’ve suggested this to the devs before but it’s not high priority for obvious reasons. I agree jewelry drops feel lower. 6k hours in and getting the legendary jewelry I want is still rough. I wouldn’t mind a challenge dungeon where one chest had higher drop chances for jewelry specifically.

I don’t think it’d kill off people farming it for legendaries since people all need their legendary jewelry and you have the other chests + MI’s the dungeon would get. Plus I think jewelry fits the theme of ancient treasure locked away in a desert tomb. I’ll push for this I guess for FG content.

Yup. It works. I threw together a quick Mageslayer Spellbreaker with 22/21 OFF/AZ and I’m freezing bosses.

Sometimes it lasts a few seconds, sometimes one, sometimes it doesn’t work at all - depends on the enemy. But nonetheless I am freezing bosses. :smiley:

Edit: It does seem a little buggy though. If you remove and requip any part of the set at any point, the modifier breaks and bosses seem to become unfreezable again for the rest of the session. Will test it a little more first then see about making a bug report, I guess. :eek:

endgame is a concept created by MMO to create fake content, here we have real content. Bored by your char? roll another. It’s a pity in a game with REAL build diversity to limit to 1 or 2 builds. I rolled something like 16 characters before moving to hc.

You’re entitled to your opinion, but I’d have to say that many would disagree. Playing the same content over and over is not fun for many. Especially when there’s no worthwhile content to use the perfected character for.

You seem to be mixing content and build diversity. In GD you play the same [b]content /b over and over with different builds. There are plenty of games whose end game consisted of not much more - even D2 was pretty much that, but with extremely rare items, PvP and a trading economy there was some point to it. Then modders like Median took the end game to new levels (all without the source code).

Good MMOs add raids, group PvP, PvP ladders and other features that are certainly not ‘fake’ content. Even RPGs have a ladder scheme.

To be honest, the level up then start again through exactly the same content wore thin for me. Build diversity is great, but it can’t be the only aspect of replay-ability (in my view, of course! )

to each his own , i called those features “fake” content cause they are just timesinks with no real structure behind. The acts in GD are well realized, the story is well written. It’s just my opinion but i would take gd model over grifts or maps or whatever.
Please also consider that in FG shattered realms will make their apparition, that might be a feature you like or at least that goes in the direction you pointed (but Always in the gd way)

Doing the same content 3 times to reach Ultimate can be pretty boring on the long run. Having different ways to level your caracter can be good.I like how in diablo/poe/torchlight, despite playing the game again, you still have to explore and find your way, while here on GD you literally know where every secret and chest is, and have a fixed route you repeat mechanically for every character. I understand they prefer a fixed map over one randomly generated. But progression is too linear, and nothing to speed up the process for secondary characters. Well the Malmouth xp potion and lokarr set help, but still remains slow, and in the end you are forced to repeat content to unlock the other difficulties.
There is an effort to add more content in FG, but in my optinion, i think they should try to do something about the difficulty mechanic, to reduce this feel of repetition.

Honestly this is something I’d love to see excised from the game at some point in the future, like has already happened with D3 and PoE. I’ve always felt that playing through the same story three times with a given character just gets tedious.

Not going to happen but if you haven’t heard already FG will be introducing items you can buy that allow you to skip a character straight to Elite or Ultimate. The only proviso is that you have to have characters that have already made it to these difficulties.

I mean, it was never going to happen in PoE either until it did, so I’ll still hold onto my quite possibly doomed hope that this particular relic of Diablo 2 will one day fully die. That does certainly sound like a step in the right direction though.

It is the only direction and the only solution that required the least amount of work. Because making the game into a single playthrough would require a ridiculous amount of balancing and this late in development is not really worth it since they gain nothing in terms of profit from it.