Why lokkar set armor so low?

Well, if you feel you need more armour you can always use a component for that. And if you’re dying a lot then post your build using grimtools so we can see what’s wrong and advise how to fix it. Many people use Lokaar’s to level up, some use it all the way to L94.

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Do you have elbows instead of hands? I use that set to level my characters, clearly you are going to expect the same results at high levels, for that you have to rely on your other objects and components, you play melee and you have that armor absorption, it’s a shame

yeh ty medea and your right i been lazy to put components on it haha but also ddnt put components on the ranged guy and he much easier to play with lokkar set :stuck_out_tongue:

the picture i posted was from the ranged char not the melee one :slight_smile: just wanteed to point out the chance to be hit was higher on the chest. he barely gets hit tho compared to melee :slight_smile:

There are HC players who use the set on a fresh char to L94 and reach it in under 5hrs, that is also for melee.
Some crazy peeps even wear it as a challenge at Ulti L100 and SR.

you can do sr 100 naked in hc too if you know how :slight_smile:

There were the so-called Heirloom items in World of Warcraft, for characters leveling. With XP boost they also had dynamic stats values - armor, damage for weapons, health, Crit etc - that changed according to your character current level. Would be a decent solution to Lokarr’s Spoils problem.

But I do not have problems playing 1-94 in Lokarr’s set nowadays, MC is easy anyway up to Ultimate :grin:.

yeh that would b idd nice… im also not having much trouble its just once in a while when other itens fall out of lvl a bit or vs certain packs… but still felt unfair advantage playing ranged with lokkar vs melee since melee often get alot more hits, either way im no big expert in all the builds but also aint big newb after all i got over 1k hours in this game and i miss 6 achivements :stuck_out_tongue: so i know what im saying or at least thats how i felt / feel about the set.

Also… :slight_smile:

not wanting to flex, just pointing out bit sad that 99% the players dont even play/care or finished hc :stuck_out_tongue: 1% of all players is still quite alot of players, considering game sold 7million + copys, if im not rong. And ofc this dont account gog players :slight_smile:

i personaly only done it for the achives anyways… almost done with all…


but anyways, to go back on topic, im now lvling shaman, also melee and so far been easier then the nightblade… my nightblade so squishy with lokkar set its annoying so im using other gear xD

ah well nvm this post no more :slight_smile: my lokkar as armor now!



I’ve wondered the same thing. I only ever got 1 piece. I play HC so you NEED armor. I would think you would just keep this set on your person and every time you are about to check in on a quest, you put all the pieces on real quick for the extra XP boost. That’s about it.

yeh it is bit silly, we already had to farm set / work for it and now its just clutter in your iventory used to boost xp on quest delliver for some of my characters, i wanted use the set too boost a tidy my xp gain and not have to swap much the gear up to 94 but sometimes just annoying, expecialy on melee char like nightblade that can b really squishy sometimes… even my shaman now at lvl 40ish starts to find mob packs that almost 1 or two shot, and its annoying… sometimes i really have the feel im lvling faster with normal gear or at least safer and less annoying so long you upkeep the gear lvl a bit… .

or yeh just learn to mod lvl character inside cheat mod/with your set of rules then transfer char to normal again maybe … or use gd stash to get insta 100 … that seems what devs want you to do at some stage :smiley:

dont belive me !? look!! now lokkar armor no matter with this weapon im not scared!!!


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U might trip and die with that big of a weapon. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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damn it, i ddnt tought about that :wink:

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