Why lokkar set armor so low?

maybe silly question yeh, but why is lokkar set only got 10 armor ?

Im trying to lvl 2 new chars for the first time using the set and i somehow feel more squishy and actualy going slower in some areas cause i need to care to not get destroyed by melee or other physical attacks…

so im asking my self whats the points of extra xp if im going slower :slight_smile: when i could just bump armor up facetank more easy and speed up things :slight_smile:

Couldnt you code it so every time you lvl up, the armor on the set gets higher too ? just a sugestion anyways…

My guess is to discourage players from using the set all the way from 1 to 94 as the definitive equipment. It seems like a reasonable drawback for the huge exp boost it gives.

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kinda makes no sense to me… i most likely just want to use it until i reach 94 and i equip other set i got in bank or whatever. until then i suposebly just want fast xp… and if i keep dieing, that aint fast, so im going faster using other gear, making lokkar set kinda useless… unless ofc i get my ass boosted by some one in sr :slight_smile: but thats too lagy and no fun, and it would b faster using gdstash or any other character editor :slight_smile:

Not to mention the set as pretty crappy stats in it, dps wize. I mean compared to some greens you find along the way… so thats a drawback on it self i think ?

So that you take it off eventually.

i would still take it off :slight_smile: … again i just wanted to use it to lvl a bit faster to 94 and equip other gear… but on some characters, expecialy melee its been a bit harder, cause i got low armor… so some enemies one or two shot me… then im always dieing… so im not going faster… so i rather not use that set and just use the normal droped gear that gives me better armor and stats… and then im getting more xp per hour then if i d b using the lokkar set :slight_smile:

so i ask again… whats the point of having an xp set, if im not lvling faster with it!? and constantly dieing!

You can equip it before turning in quests, the exp boost from the set will boost the xp gain from the quests.


aside from mechanically probably fitting being armour scaled “because lvl 1”
it’s a basic tradeoff so you don’t get a totally freebie powerful item/set
same reason Gazerman has the da/oa penalty
you’re getting a fat XP boost, hugely powerful stats compared to level, and +1all skill, “this amount of bonuses for low level warrants a tradeoff “penalty” of sorts”

Issue of skill.

It is substantially faster to use the set than not.

i had no big issues while playing ranged class so far… but melee with that set you can bet im going faster with normal gear, simply because i can sustain couple hits rather then die one shot from silly attacks i barely see comming :stuck_out_tongue: but yeh maybe the issue is that i suck…

by lvl 30-40± set in terms of " power " is useless compared to/if you found couple good greens!

I do like the ressistances tho and ofc the xp boost is awsome yeh if you dont keep dieng too much… again on ranged class im having no big issue i can kite ok… but on melee character, so far, its hard on engage some mobs cause i charge and they hit me or or two times and i die …ofc this is not constantly happening but i notcied the diference when i equiped normal armor items and now going thru content way faster… and yeh equip lokkar armor just for quest deliver…

which is irrelevant when you can freely use it from lvl 1 until that point :man_shrugging:
amazing how you’re just choosing to ignore stuff that doesn’t fit your personalized outcome :smile:

i was hoping i could use the set to lvl faster to 94… but on my melee character i aint using it… cause im not going faster with it… skill issue or not… i do like to lvl yeh. its not like im in a rush and if i was i could use cheats to get to 100… my point remains the same… the set in my opinion is kinda usless expecialy if you playing melee class i dont like it cause it got low armor and im always dieing on some mobs
thats all i meant :stuck_out_tongue:

“which is entirely deliberate”, it’s not like it’s an aspect that totally escaped the devs, they were very well aware when creating it

i get that and its theyre right to do whatever they want yeh :slight_smile: , but in a game like GD where you can bassically make a lvl 100 with couple clicks on gd stash kinda makes no sense to me… i always tought or seen xp set as a way to lvl up faster (wihtout cheats) and many backdraws…

so again i dont understand why they boost ressistance on set quite a bit but leave armor off… expecialy when armor more important for melee character, and thats the only char im having most trouble here and there cause i get insta death from mobs same lvl, after the first charge.

also other armor dont matter!
you see i still got more chance to be hit on the sucky lokkar gear.

chest i mean, not sure how much that influnces tho causse again some mobs i hold fine some just 1 or two shot me its annoying xD , on ranged char its np most the time cause if i get hit its one or two times i can back off / kite heal etc, just more annoying for me on melee maybe cause i got slow reaction time… dunno :slight_smile:

because of balance, tradeoff in terms of other power the set confers, and because it’s mechanically fitting that a level 1 item has that amount of armour… it’s not complicated,
and if you boost the snot out of the armour you make it OP at earlier levels, and too strong for later levels still with everything it gives you :neutral_face:
that’s the same reason fettan mask lost it’s +1 all skill at lvl 50 because deemed too strong for too early level for how useful vs free to obtain it was

well i dont see it as strong set at all past lvl 80ish!

you will have far better options by then, if you dont account for the xp gain!

as i said im doing better on melee char with just couple good greens! i dont think that will get better as i go harder dificulty!

you’re so close, almost there
say it with me “that’s the point” - you’re picking a tradeoff for the XP gain then…
hot dang almost sounds like the set is “working as intended” the way you describe the interaction :grin:

but i do get what your saying lol about the trade off xD im just saying its silly in a game liek gd when you can cheat or get yoour ass boosted in sr or whatever :slight_smile: why not give proper xp set equaly balanced for all class’s that works fine until you hit 94 but then its kinda useless after, with no draw backs :slight_smile:

which matters in what regard to game design on balancing?
just because someone can cheat doesn’t mean players should get everything that way or get stuff for free…
amazing line of reasoning you’re following there…

well again i was hoping set would make my lvling faster and its not helping on my melee character… im not using it… im also not cheating xD i do like to lvl. i just still find it silly… you see i played many games and this is prolly the only where i seen a xp set that aint fair for all the class’s and as backdraws! so rather then use the set to boost my self, i either gona do it with normal gear / ask help for boost or cheat :stuck_out_tongue: … useless set on that melee character unless i get my ass boosted :slight_smile:

and yeh maybe weird reasoning but its my reasoning :stuck_out_tongue: