Will O Wisp - Pet Cabalist

That is an interesting info. What is the reason for that?

Lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Probably a combination of the fact that Blizzard is a lot less impressive since it got nerfed, and that the RR from Elemental Storm is much more reliable than the RR from Diviner’s Mask.

Heh, I like the new Blizzard more tbh :stuck_out_tongue:

Somehow, that doesn’t surprise me at all, haha.

. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ .

I see Ghost+Birbs and i instantly click on it.
Who needs MoT when you have Birbs ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Indeed :smiley:

Honestly, what I imagine in my head every time you zookeeers mention birbs wrecking shit:


^Poster of the video got it wrong - that’s a freaking Aussie accent if I’ve ever heard one.

Lol, tbh though in this case Ghosts wreck shit too :smiley:

‘He’s fluffy, but he is fierce’ <----- The definition of superfluff

EDIT: Just want to add…the angry human is Zantai. And he’s coming back with the big ol’ nerf hammer.

You’re going to start making cabalist builds now?

Okay how do you level this?

Stop trying to scare me wth the nerf thing already!!

Threatens to make a Warlord


I honestly can’t really help you much there. Because this is my first Cabalist build and I GDStashed the entire thing on a blank lvl 100 Character.

Anyone who has leveled a pet Cabalist, if you guys can chime in I will much appreciate it. Are skeletons still good for leveling with?

Maya, I’ve been slowly convincing madame spanksalot to join the GD family, and she said (and I quote), ‘Are there pets? I need to be a badass zookeeper.’


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[b]Callagadra Done!

Cheesed to death!

I feel bad…[/b]

EDIT: Realized I had a older version and that the immortal guards were fixed. Oh well…

RE: Necro leveling

Skeletons are fantastic for leveling. I don’t know how they are after Fiend changed but they should still be good. Deathchill relic when you can. I think there’s a couple other relics that compete with it now for early game but Deathchill really is fantastic. Your only concern is their resistances in the end, especially AoM content. Also, while leveling, buy a bunch of Wrath of the Beast Tinctures, they make doing the bosses a lot easier. And make sure you don’t slack on their resists.

Alternatively, you can do something with Ravenous Earth instead. Ravenous Earth has always been an amazing skill. Bonespike weapon + the basilisk medal for flat CDR.

You just saved my cabalist from becoming vit caster.Also got question to sigatrev will you update your builds or abandon them and make new ones?

Mogdrogen’s Ardor + Mythical Shadowfiend cord are worse then Dirge of Arkovia + Mythical Voidmancer cord?

I prefer the former two. Dirge tends to underperform in Crucible, and with the new patch you’ll probably want the extra pet pierce resistance for your Familiars.