Hello GD Community and Developers,
Will try my very best to be comprehensible and succint at the same time, as typing great texts might be more of a daily challenge for me, as being born in Brazil, English is not my mother language.
As many of you, I got a bit upset about some of the changes in Yes Monster Shrines are great (I really liked the concept). But some of the decision making regarding itens made me question your methods. You see, I have a friend with whom I played Grim Dawn since the very release of the game.
Since we both had A LOT of things to do in real life beside playing, every ARPG we played toghether we always chose to pick a build for each since the very start (when we didn’t understand what was that Bar behind our HP, Constitution lol).
We played many characters, I first played a Bleed Warden then quit., then came back in AoM to play a Fire Dmg-based Two Handed Gun Purifier, then we quit again for some time, and now must be like 3 months we came back toghether to play Forgotten Gods. I was playing a Cabalist build by Maya ( Will O Wisp - Pet Cabalist) and he was playing a Valdun Purifier. We had a lot of fun.
We finally got to the endgame. I dropped a Blueprint for Diviner’s Mask and using the Transmute, crafted many masks and thus converted 3 masks into the other parts of the set, until I had full Diviner’s and my build was working as a charm.
Never really had the chance to enjoy the full potential of the build. Because when I was getting into it, came out and now Familiar got nerfed and Diviner’s doesn`t have Conversion to Aether Damage to Reap Spirit Pets no more. And so, my build is now like 1/4 of what it used to be.
Mind you I spent like 4 M Iron bits crafting all the pieces and rolling them until I got pieces with stun resist and so on I was happy with. Spent A LOT of time with that character leveling with pets (which was a pain to be honest). And now I don’t even have a character strong enough to do SR or Crucible with, WITHOUT changing all my Devotions or itens/skills altoghether. Yes I still have a lvl 100 Cabalist. But that’s it.
Now, finally, to your balancing methods. If something is being played more then you want it to be, try nerfing only the numbers, the damage, etc. NOT removing a Conversion, because there are like a Million builds in the game you will end up deleting, and some people work 50 hours/week and don’t have the time to invest every free time again after every radical change like that.
Cheers, and thank’s for listening. If I`m using the wrong forum section for this please move the topic, because I am really new at this and must be like the third time EVER I’ve posted here.