Will O Wisp - Pet Cabalist

How can you equip the diviners codex in this build when it requires 724 spirit ?

Crane devotion lowers the spirit req for off-hand

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Hello, Maya. What if use Master of Death instead Possession? What you think?

It will be worse. I have tried. Master of Death sucks.

Hmm really nice work, appriciate every form of Dark Arts.
I wonder if there is possible to make Reap Spirit Pet build with Skeletons combined and still using occultist support?
Or would it be better to go single mastery Necromancer for this?

I disagree with this. Master of Death is not always the best option, but it’s not garbage.

My experiences have shown me otherwise. It needs a buff imo.

(and garbage implies useless, I do find it useful on my Solo Necromancer :stuck_out_tongue: )

one mans garbage :poop: is another mans treasure :moneybag:


update on my quest for the 2 sets: after getting 1 ring I still have nothing. This is like 80 hours later lol.


unless you’re trading or farming SR/cruc for hours you’re in for a much longer grind than that to get a specific set.

There is always comfort in set item transmutation :slight_smile:
where do you farm btw?

Yeah, kind of the major drawback of the build. It requires 2 full sets to reach its full potential :frowning:

I do runs of SoT and a couple of other ez runs in AoM and FG, I end up with 10-15 purples per run I guess…

I’d just like to get some drops for these sets so I can transmute them hehe

I wish there was a skeleton Cabalist build that could preform at the level as this one as, that is beat ALL of the content in the game. Alas skeletons are too squishy and weak to do this currently from my experience.

Yeah, not happening with Skeletons in their current state. They would require some massive buffs.

I really hope it happens at some point, while I love the destructive capabilities of this build it does not match the class fantasy I was aiming for with my Cabalist, which was a Necromancer drawing upon the eldritch powers of the 3 Witch Gods to foritfy their abilities and minions.

For Ghol’s Malice version do you feel cabalist or ritualist is stronger

Both are kind of equal.

Did you take down the Ghol’s Malice version from here?