Will there be more Shattered Realms levels added now that it's been beaten?

Was just checking with the devs if there are any plans to have Shattered Realms extended, as I thought the intention was so have it so it is basically endless / unbeatable?
Thanks so much!

No. In fact it’s getting reduced amount of levels. :joy:

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Maybe max has not been reduced and then SR is not beaten in :thinking:

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From what I understand, soon getting to SR80 will be quite a challenge =D

idono, has it really been beaten tho?

it’s only been beaten in MP, pre 1.2, with *GDstashed items as i understood?, and even then still too incredible effort.
(*my deepest apologies to Team Deep SR if they were not using GDstashed chars/item setups, mean/meant no insult just drawing from recollection/appearance of the GTs posted at the time)

Suppose i’m saying, what’s the point in enabling “content”/extra shards, that’s only beatable by “cheating”/peak theoretical/unrealistic setups ? - isnt’ that like “content” for the niche of the niche of the niche irrelevance?
I’m not really saying i don’t want the devs to do it(i’m imagining it’s rather easy adding values/shard counts, specially now it’s compressed?), - but more so, “what’s the point”, doing something in vanilla; only surmountable with modifications?

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Since the compression is like 2.5 shard for each 1 current shard, the previous SR 210 now is SR 84

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