Will you help out a n00b in his first run?^^

Hey all \o/

I need some suggestion from the community, I’m doing my first run just ended normal difficulty and since this game is pretty wide in terms of knowledge\skill\items\stuff I just want some advice on my current build and ask a few question that came into my mind while playing.

I’m currently level 76 with this BUILD, the skills I kinda played around with them and I did that alone to have some fun, I had to look up for devotions since the first time was a little bit overwhelming :stuck_out_tongue: but I’m pretty happy so far, I started playing with it in group with friends so the idea was to freeze everyone on screen to kill them easier, then I found out Eye of Reckoning and I love “spin to win” so I had this idea (playing alone now) to charge in, freeze and lower physical res, and then spin them all out to death, very basic and simple. Most of my equipment so far gives physical damage, some fire damage, all resistances health, the usual stuff, for endgame I intend to go on and try to farm the Warborn set (the level 75 one seems bad, but the mythical gives good sets bonuses) but for now I have whatever I found, two handed weapon by the way.

So here is the list the things I need\want to know that my poor knowledge of the game and Youtube can’t satisfy:

1 - Is there a cap to lowering physical resistance to enemy? I have capped Absolute Zero and Celestial Presence both becouse I think the more the better or is overkill? I know that probably normal monster have different caps then bosses\elite ecc but I just want to know if I can invest points in other stuff that is way better than that

2 - I really love maxing Olexra’s Flash Freeze to be able to freeze all screen (and lower fire res), but now that I’m playing alone should I get it lower and invest points somewhere else?

3 - Do Smite passive procs with EoR? I just have 1 point now those 6 total shown were the last ones I had to invest and since other ranks in Nullification are “worthless” I invested them there

4 - From looking around in the web devotions are pretty ok I think, just I had Assasin’s Mark on EoR the whole time, changed now on Wendigo’s Mark since it was the last devotion I unlocked, is that a good change? Does Assasin’s Mark proc a lot on the guardians?

5 - I guess Ghoulish Hunger is not enough alone on higher difficulties and Wendigo’s Mark is better since is always active, or can I just respec Wendigo’s Mark and take another devotion that fits better in this build?

6 - With this devotions I have one point left, invested in the Bards Arp first node that gives +200 health and +20% costitution, there is something else I should spend this single point better?

7 - If I respec one whole class points (attributes + skill) can I take another secondary class? There are a lots of other builds I wanna try and I have so little time so I probably won’t play another EoR build and looking around the internet Warlord was the way to go for EoR builds

8 - Can you suggest for this build the reputations I should get in ultimate difficulty since that should be the difficulty I will play endgame? Like the smith quest, the Forgotten Gods deity to choose, Death Vigil ecc, those choices I should take that are permanent.

9 - Of course any devotion change suggestion is welcome and if there is any particular armor set or weapon I can farm to get trough Elite difficulty easy is much appreciated :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry for the wall of text…I know the web has all the information I just asked but being in my mid 30’ and having not so much time free I preferred to ask them here since when I looked I did not find proper answers…


edited: Added point 7, 8 and 9

  1. No, there is no cap to lowering enemies’ Physical Resistance, but the points invested in OFF line are better invested in the top line of Arcanist’s passive tree, focusing on getting 12/12 in Overload specifically since it brings valuable OA and Aether resistance.

  2. See point #1 - short answer: yes there is. You should also invest points in Mirror of Eroctes since that’s a valuable button for 3 seconds of invincibility.

  3. No, Smite does not proc with EoR. EoR is not a “default attack” which are used to proc skills like Smite. For Oathkeeper, that would be “Righteous Fervor”. Still, with your focus on EoR, you don’t need to worry about Smite and can put the points elsewhere.

  4. There’s only one belt and a few other items that convert Vitality damage to Physical, so Wendigo is a bit overkill. It’s better to replace Empty Throne with Wolverine (using your spare point) and take the points from Wendigo and place them in Azraaka for the extra Physical damage and attack speed. It’s much better to have EoR proc Assassin’s Mark.

  5. Ideally, you’d have equipment or devotions that grants you Attack Damage converted to Health, such as Toad. Maul is a good source of sustain, so combining ADCTH, Maul and Ghoul should be sufficient.

  6. Either replacing Hawk with Toad or Empty Throne with Wolverine would be the best place to use that last point.

  7. No, after you take Arcanist and put points in it, you cannot respec out of the mastery, unless you use 3rd party tools like GDStash.

  8. Check the augments for sale in the Forgotten Gods and see which ones benefit physical damage the best, and then choose that deity (I don’t know them off-hand so I can’t recommend a specific one)

  9. There are no equipment you can farm for physical Eye of Reckoning in particular, but you can farm Korvan Spaulders - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database to get more Physical damage from your EoR.


Thanks for the reply!

I’ve made those changes now I gotta make some equip becouse I can’t make some early bosses in trecherous domain in early elite diffulty lol, one last question, since I’ve changed now one celestial power, should I be using it on EoR to make it level up fast or they all level up the same if they are on the guardians?
