WIP Casual Dawn

I love this game as much as anyone but sometime’s that loot grind can be a real bummer. This mod has many features including new area’s to farm. Casual Dawn features no more one shot boss chests. In fact 3 boss chests have been added to each bosses room. This makes boss run’s the best source of loot as it should be. This includes Warden, Cronley, SOT, UC, and many more area’s. It also comes with increased mob spawn and hero spawns. Nothing overbearing like 3-4 hero’s per mob pack or anything. To compensate for the increased spawn the stats per level have been increased slightly. Also the stat gain from investing points into masteries has been increased slightly. It comes out to roughly 20% more stats at 85 than vanilla.

I will continue working on additional features, I do not intend to break the game by making it vastly different than vanilla. The intent is to keep the vanilla flavor while making it less of a full time job to farm gear. I may add items in the future when all the other stuff is done. I enjoy new area’s so will likely focus on that.

Let me know if this is something some of you are interested in and i’ll get a finished project up here ASAP.

Looking forward to some screenshots :wink:

What kind of environments are you thinking about?

Currently working on 2 locations at the moment. it’s a small outdoor area with high level 50+ enemies in normal mode, 75 in elite, and 90 in ultimate. Just kinda a quick place to go and farm. I managed to get a hidden entrance working so it’s something that would need to be discovered by the player :). I will get some screenshot’s soon.

This is alot like how my own project is built. I say keep with it. I added my own custom chest to boss area’s as well. I don’t like the whole " I grinded this guy for 2 years " thing on a single player game.

Yea, that’s kinda the idea. With the bump in spawns on mob’s a stat change is almost required. Without adding a bunch of OP gear and stuff you have to make up the difference somewhere. I am still working on adding in area’s to the main world so there are more farming places. I didn’t realize how hard it is to make a nice looking landscape without interfering with the default camera angle. I’m sure people don’t want to pivot the camera around while being chased by hero’s so I need to get that resolved yet.

My 10 cent is that is part of the game and wouldn’t worry about it. I haven’t event considered that in all of my map making and yet after all of my testing stuff don’t get in the way often.