[WIP] Celestial/Stargazer mastery mod

No, I’m having problems with your suggested name. I have no problem at all with the given name.

What about Astromancer for another name?

Damn man I have been working on this aurelion sol orbiting projectiles for a few days now and it looks nowhere as good as you. How did you do it ? Did you fix the issue where only one of the projectiles would hit ? Is it a toggle spell ?

Great job !

>mfw there’s a ton of ‘Aurelion Sol’ comments in this thread

Looking forward to this mastery. Also looking forward to how it holds up in Zenith. :wink:

But can I travel over terrain and gank top lane with the gazer?

I look forward to the release of this! Keep up the good work :slight_smile:

Well, Tether does let you ignore pathing, so yes.

But frankly roaming wisp should probably uninstall at that point.

Didn’t want to reply without anything more to show, so I finished this up:

Doesn’t look too impressive, I know. These effects have been a b**** to make though. :frowning:

Senpai noticed me - <inb4 fanboi moment>

Yes, it is a toggleable buff-type spell. But it has major flaws.
I outlined my process of finding this method here: http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showpost.php?p=396806&postcount=3

Neither Astromancer nor Cosmologist do it for me. Sorry guys. :stuck_out_tongue: (Astromancer reminds me of Necromancer, and we really have too many of those…)
Mind you this is not a mastery centered purely around cosmology. There will be plenty earth-related spells as well. I’ll be working on those next since the active star-related once are almost all “finished” (of course, there’s always more to do).

Edit: I’m thinking about just naming it “Celestial”, since that’s the in game lore thing I’m referring to in this mastery.

terrelestial :cool:

Stargazer is a really nice word and I think it fits perfectly. You should just keep it that way. The Celestial does not sound nice imo.

We will see. Meanwhile feel free to fight more over the name. :slight_smile: (Not really.)

I won’t make any progress this weekend, but I’ve realized that I need to expand my scope a little to meet my wishes for this mastery. I guess it’ll be the first time working with models and animations… this should be interesting.

Then I think a more fitting name for the mastery would be Geomancer.

I suggested Cosmologist because of how the animation of the skills you’ve showed resembled stars and such, but then again, it’s your mod, so use whatever you think it’s the best for you. :wink:

Ugh. Little status update after long silence:

I’m running into one wall after the other. The things I’m trying to do turn out to either be really, really hacky or outright impossible. I have many skills working, but working imroperly and left behind to be fixed later in frustration.

Does anyone happen to know how to make a modifier apply to a skills autoCastSkill?
Can someone exlain how modifiers are handled at all? It seems they depend on the preceding skills of the classtree, while also (?) depending on the skillDependancy skills, and they only seem to affect the latter…?

This mod has been cancelled

Due to drastic changes in my life I just lack any motivation to continue working on this mod. Where previously I had enough free time to pursue all my interests, I now have to choose between the many I have - sadly, working with the modding tools is too much a chore to keep it up.

I’m sorry everyone.

P.S.: If anyone wants the current files, especially the (very few) effects and textures I have created so far, PM me.

Put them on git hub and drop us the link