[WIP] Celestial/Stargazer mastery mod


Due to unforseen changes in my life, I no longer am able to invest time and pursue the tedious task of creating this mod. I’m sorry. :frowning:


Believed to have their origins among the stars, the Celestial’s namesakes are the very creators of this world. Bearing only a fragment of the gods powers, they are yet able to tear apart earth itself, crushing their foes in a merciless assault of potent earth magic and even call down the very heavens to rain upon those unfortunate enough to remain.

What you can expect:

  • New mechanics

  • New, custom graphics (effects, models, animations)

  • New, custom sounds

  • Physical damage via earth spells

  • Elemental damage via stellar spells

  • Potentially interesting conversions

  • A lot of not-stat-only utility

  • Purple

  • Merges for Grimmer and Grimmest

  • Merges for Zenith

  • Merges for Cornuptica

ETA for a first playable build: By the end of july.
(Working with the modding tools is tedious okay, don’t judge me.)

What I’m working on right now:
Textures, particle effects, tags

What’s finished:
Most skill drafts, some graphics, some skills

And to finish it off, a teaser!

Information for other modders:
I’m trying to make my mods as compatible as feasible. I won’t copy assets from the base game I’m using, but keep my folders and tags clean for easy merging (simply editing the class selection UI should suffice).
If you want to merge this mastery into your mod compilation, go ahead! I’d love to see my mastery find more resonance.

I’m looking for someone interested in making custom sound effects for this project. Hit me up in PM or just right in this thread.

Attachment: photo_2016-06-13_03-27-40.jpg
Attachment: starorbit_teaser.jpg
Attachment: starfall_teaser.jpg

can i merge it into dail when you release it? i’m guessing yes based on what you said. i just want to be certain in case there is an issue.

PM me (or share) on how you made that beam! I was messing with the textures for a custom beam the other day and it is tough! I’m by no means an artist but god damn it looked like cowshit every way I did it.

No problem. One of the main reasons to announce it so early was to get that DAIL slot, otherwise I’d have keep my mouth shut until able to show off something substantial. xD I’d love to see my mod merged with others, hence why I take such care of compatability.

It actually was surprisingly easy. Knowing you, you won’t have trouble creating the pfx’ for start and end.

I basically just took the aether ray beam from fx/textures for reference and started layering the shit out of my image. This beam texture is basically consisting of three color layers, one beam center layer and one starthingie layer (and IIRC some other supportive layers). I created some broad, foggy/cloudy mask for the base color layer (dark purple), then a more refined misty-like mask (swirling around the center) for purple purple, and above that transformed a straigt gradient to look a bit wavy for the deep blue mask. Every subsequest mask is a bit thinner than the last. Above those three, just a straight white gradient with 6px wide pure white center, and then some white dots with a random size brush.
The color layers took a lot of adjusting to look good, you first have to learn that apparently, not even with explicit alpha encoding, dark colors will ever look dark in game… :confused: The more black, the more transparent. Hence why the deep blue around the beams center looks so, well, not dark.

Make sure to also wrap the image vertically to smoothen out inconsistencies and create a continous texture.

Making progress…

Stargazer + Demo = Rocketeer?

Aurelion sol ?

I feel so damn tempted to name that skill “Center of the Universe”… yes, Sol served as an inspiration for this particular spell… >w>

That beam is gorgeous! One of my favorite looking attacks in TQ was this falling star like thing… Idk, something about celestial star magicks just does it for me XD This is going to be awesome!

Damn that looks pretty. This is going to be a good mastery I can see it already.

I see Boomkin from this mastery!

Pretty graphics, am interested.

Looks badass!

I would like to suggest the name of this mastery to be called Cosmologist instead of Stargazer.

I would like to suggest that that is a stupid idea. Cosmologist is a real life term that has actual meaning, Neil deGrasse Tyson is not a magic caster using the power of the stars.

Agreed… although I have seen some gifs that could fool you into thinking Neil is indeed a cosmic wizard.

Maaaaan. Why you joshin’ me, homie?

You can clearly see he has wizardly powers.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk

Yes, because everything should be taken literally and should be compared to real life scenarios/persons on a fantasy RPG… :rolleyes:

I guess the Commando has no place in Grim Dawn, with all those fire and lightning magical enchatments… :rolleyes:

Commando is not nearly as far removed, considering it’s a Soldier packing various explosives and traps. What, going to suggest we rename Druid to Pope, since they’re both religious dudes anyways?

But it still doesn’t fit with the Commando IRL

What, going to suggest we rename Druid to Pope, since they’re both religious dudes anyways?

Nice strawman… not that it’s completely irrelevant to the matter at hand or anything… and it’s YOU, the one that is having problems with mastery names, not me :wink:

I merely suggested a different name.

Anyways, that as just a suggestion towards the mastery… it doesn’t means that DraonCC will rename it to Cosmologist or anything, so there is no need to get your panties in a twist.