[WiP]Frontier a survival mod project.

Just opening this thread.
I plan to create a survival mod for grim dawn.
Setting would be a “fantasy-twisted” early discovery of the americas, with tribes, exploration, and so on.
Focus on skills (almost every actions tied to skills) randomization of the world, and increase in world interactions (like a beginner would get lost in its own backyard, and always pick up the poisonous plant, while the legendary frontierman could “track a falcon on a cloudy day”, and successfully interact with everything, be friend with most tribes, and so on…)
I can’t wait to see how far down this warpath I can get with the tools :slight_smile:

New maps.
Skill trainers.
butchering skill: improve chances for specific loot when killing animals.
skinning skill: improve chances for specific loot when killing animals.
learning skill: when you fail at a skill, it will provide a little more global XP.
cooking skill: allows to turn various meats into more potent healing potions/meals (regain constitution) through crafting, and a chance to directly loot some weak potions when killing animals.
Boars: more HP, more damages. Drops leather hide (skinning skill) and boar meat (butchering skill) and weak healing potions (cooking skill).

Actually, after some initial tries, I don’t think I could go far without extremely tedious work, and the result would probably not be very satisfying.

Too many scripting limitations afaik, in the current state of the tools.

Don’t get me wrong, they are very powerful tools, just not suited for what I had in mind.

I will keep an eye around, but might not be a very active modder with the current tools. I will be lurking for an update.

Cheers, have fun modding anyways, people :slight_smile:

I have a “survival” bent but more about strategic defense. I was trying to find out how to load items on to NPC, but I think I’ll just spawn a higher level NPC with better gear on spawn.

If you want to focus on aspects of the mod while I focus on others, I’m interested in exploring a collaboration. I like your idea, but it all comes down to implementation. I’m still trying to figure out what the “low hanging fruit” would be, and then designing features around that. I really wanted pets with gear, but the only way I can do that is to put it in their spawn tables until we can figure out how to attach scripts inside some other innocuous behavior and push items onto them. I can’t even get their Entity ID # atm, and after that is solved, I have another 5+ things to solve.

The skill driven model doesn’t have enough interactions, we can’t use a skill on a corpse or inanimate object. Objects can’t trigger passive skill checks either, so I think a lot of this is a no go. The best we can probably do eventually is trigger some sort of harvest skill via the onDeath parameter.

Aww, and here i was hoping for a real fun new modding project.
But i do agree on the scripting side of things. Though as always had hoped to be proven wrong.

I’d also have made a survival map, hero vs an army(as in thousands), but figured to postpone that until some improvements to modding support like console and logging are available at stock.

low hanging fruit, I’d say most existing item and general db parameters could be called that.

I do like your pet equip and gathering ideas, increasing the range they stray from the player will help with that a lot.

Thank you for your interest, lads.
This is very frustrating. The tools can be so powerfull…
A little update of the frontier skill system…
1/ The player has no skill (I have to figure how to give a proper name to the convo…)

2/ The player buys his novice butcher skill.
Notice the give 50000, for testing purpose ^^

3/ the new skill level appears in the summary now…

This involves no script, only convo conditions and actions.

Now the frustrating part is to link those skill levels to some effects and interactions with the world.

“Butcher/skinner” to gather specific creature parts,
“scavenger” to increase money obtained from killing “evolved” creatures,
“physician” to increase healing potions potency and frequency drop rate…

And so on…

Very nice, keep us posted, I am sure others will look forward to more gameplay systems as well.

I will keep working on this mod after all, as I figured out most of my “frontier skills” issues and world interactions.
I will keep my first post updated with a “feature” list, and “currently working on” list.

Right now my very big issue (and I see no workaround so far) is feedback. UINotify is very poor as a feedback mean, so the player won’t really know what happens under the hood.
Anyways, cheers, modders :slight_smile: