[WIP] Legendary drop sound

Finished test both SP and MP. For me the sound was maybe a little low, but my friends thought it was ok. Download below and try it out. Report back if you find any bugs or something.

  • Added Epic version with AoM expansion support. This adds a slightly different sound for epic drops.

Download (nexusmods)

I’ve been thinking about this for so long, great work!

Just Legendaries or can it do blues too?

Thank you :slight_smile: Yes, blues/greens/yellows, but im gonna publish it with only legendary to begin with + relics maybe. We’ll see what the players want. And I need to test it both in SP and MP.

I’m basically sitting on mini-map icons for legendaries and epics. Initially for Ram’s D2 mod, but I wanted to make an Expansion release for it too. I believe Ram added sound and a beam to it as well.

Reason why it hasn’t happened yet is, I was busy with other things and wanted to wait a couple hotfixes and balance updates from Crate, because it overrides Vanilla files and I’m too lazy to push an update for it once a week :smiley:

Wow, that’s awesome :slight_smile: looking forward to the release. I’m releasing this now anyway so the players can get a glimse of the future :slight_smile:

Wanted this functionality for ages. Idk how many legendaries ive missed because they dropped off a white mobb offscreen.

Btw for now this doesnt work for me.

That is, I tested by dropping some items that I already had in my inventory and they made no sound. Maybe it only works for fresh legendaries that drop from mobs? I haven’t had to chance to test that yet.

Because I liked the sound of this so much, I immediately created an account over at nexusmods. Unfortunately, I haven’t noticed anything different whatsoever.

According to your Readme, all I had to do was extract to Grim Dawn/mods. I did. I got 2 folders there: survivalmode (167 MB) and legendarydropsound (75.4 MB).

The sound being too low probably isn’t my problem. I think I can rule that out. Because when an Epic dropped at last, I heard the default sound effect loud and clear. :cry:

Because I liked the sound of this so much, I immediately created an account over at Nexus Mods. Unfortunately, I haven’t noticed anything different whatsoever.

According to your Readme, all I had to do was extract to Grim Dawn/mods. I did. I got 2 folders there: survivalmode (167 MB) and legendarydropsound (75.4 MB).

The sound being too low probably isn’t my problem. I think I can rule that out. Because when an Epic dropped at last, I heard the default effect loud and clear. :cry:

I really like the idea of this mod. The biggest downside for me as a person which is not much into modding is that you have to transfer character data from the dropsound mod to vanilla to play crucible.

Would there be a way of adding dropsounds to the game by mostly adding an extra folder to the root game directory as the Item Filter via color coding does?

This seems like something that should be done with a Lua script instead of editing every item in the game. Is it not possible to use a script to play a sound when an item drops?

Using a Lua script would mean to compare item IDs of droped items with items of a defined database. Which could slow down the game and cause stuttering. The best would be to have item classes like epic or legendary. I don’t know if these item classes exist in the current game.

If not maybe it would be the best to talk to the devs how much efford it would be to have these classes defined.

They do exist. Each item dbr has an itemClassification field that is set to Quest, Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary, etc.

You can use the ondrop lua trigger to call a lua functioin with an objectId as parameter via which you can create an entity of which you can get the name (path) of the dropped item.

You then can extract the item’s name from that path, for example:


Extract the name:


And check via the naming convention which classification the item belongs to:


Which means that the item is classified as “common” since it’s name starts with “a”. So you could define the drop sound to be played on the convention that the item’s path name starts with a certain letter which by naming convention indicates it’s classification:

  • a: Common - Example: a01_axe000.dbr
  • b: Rare - Example: b000_axe.dbr
  • c: Epic - Example: c001_axe.dbr
  • d: Legendary - Example: d000_axe.dbr

But that would still mean that you have to edit every single item DBR as you’d have to add the trigger name into each file single by single as there is no general on drop trigger that applies whenever any item was dropped.
Also remember that this only works as long as there are no exceptions to the above mentioned naming conventions.

Furthermore this is going to cause more stuttering to the game as it will do “huge” script calculations on the main game thread since the game’s lua api doesn’t support threading other than by creating a new window which will go in front of the game and open a black console window which sends the game into the background and freezes it.

That basically means building a proper dropsound will require some work/help from the devs to ether provide us with a general drop trigger or implement the sound trigger in each item id by them self. Both cases will lead to ether reworking the whole drop trigger mechanic or adding sound triggers to all existing epic and legendary items. I don’t know whats more likely to happen. Changing existing mechanics completely could lead to unpredicted issues so it might be easier for them to just add dropsounds like for components. And let us exchanging the sound files by our selves. Like setting up that trigger into all items and letting us know into which directory we have to place the soundfiles. Would mean they not have to spend time/money creating sounds by them selves and letting us pick what ever we like.