[WIP][Masteries] The Elwar & The Alchemist

holy crap this looks insane

Hello Diacred, what is the status of these mastery mods? Due to the limited slots available in the DAIL compilation, and the increased mastery mod creation, we want to offer the community the most playable content available. Please respond to myself or Davood as soon as possible.

I am making this post public should someone know Diacred or have a way of contacting him.


Hello Kathanious !

I could not work on the mod this summer due to an overwhelming amount of work, and I am not done with it yet. I’m still working on this mod but very scarcely.
If you feel the need to give my spot to someone else (if you haven’t already I just came back to this forum today), this mod probably won’t be finished before 2-3 months.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Cheers :slight_smile:

Hey guys, here with an update !

I’ve created 4 new skills for the Elwar and improved the feel of the Frostfire enchantment proc, so here you go :slight_smile:

Frostfire enchantment proc

I felt that the field of icespikes that procced from your attacks when under the enchantment felt a bit dull and boring. Always the same size, always the same range, always the same shape. It’s cool but having half of your screen covered in ice spikes every few attacks felt a bit too much and not rewarding enough :

To fix it I have added a more random element to it : it has a chance to go through ennemies. This makes it so everytime the skill is cast it won’t have the same shape and it rewards good positionning to actually hit a maximum of targets with it.

Here is a picture of it:

It has a way better feel to it now and the chance of piercing improves with levels, giving it a more powerful feel for every point in it. I’m quite satisfied with this one.

Now onto those new skills :slight_smile:

Arctic Blast

Last skill in the Frostfire enchantment line, it gives your attacks a chance to cleave multiple ennemies knock them back or freeze them for a really long time (~7 seconds!)

Impale !

Last skill in the Aetherlight enchantment line, this one gives your attack a chance of doing heavy damage onto your opponents by conjuring three blades that will impale your foes :wink:

Some screenshots :

And if you want to see it in action, here is a gif !

It has a nice random element to it (the swords won’t come from the same direction/height everytime)

These two skills concludes both enchantments lines which I am feeling pretty good about for now. Read next post for the two last skills of this batch

(This is the end of the previous post, I had reached the maximum amount of pictures allowed)

Here are the last two skills :

Aetherial Hail

Is a new Tier 8 skill which makes it quite powerful. It’s a spammable nuke in the form of a multitude of aether swords coming down from the sky and doing damage in really small radius (most of the time you won’t get more than 1-3 ennemies with it). It is also mid-ranged.

Here are some screens :

Sleet Storm

Is Aetherial Hail transmuter. It gives it cold damage, a boost to cold and aether damage and it makes enemmies crumble on the ground. It isn’t spammable anymore (greater cooldown) and has a higher mana cost.

Here is a screen :

There you go !
Tell me what you guys think <3

PS: Not balanced at all yet, if anybody have better ideas for the damage/crowd control/etc of some of the skills don’t hesitate to tell me !


Your skills look so damn awesome I can’t wait till you release the mod

Sent from my 0PJA10 using Tapatalk

Thanks for the kind words <3, I am hoping to release a playable version soon. I only have a few skills left (7 I think) and then I’ll release the alpha while improving on existing skills :wink:

i can’t wait for this !

Diacred, how’s this mod coming along? I have players ready to run it through DAIL if you’re looking for feedback.

I need Elwar in my life

Frost Infusion looks like Ground Slam from Path of Exile, if you make it spammable - will be absolutely insane and cool, like good ol’ times from PoE in 2013):smiley:

Hi Diacred,

Can i share and host your mod on my site? About the site:


Pretty sure the mod is dead dude, plus it never even got released, there’s nothing to share in the first place.

Yeah andit is pretty obvious, that’s what happens when you don’t sleep properly:D

Sorry to say, the mod is NOT dead at all. I just don’t have the time at all to work on it in the past few months. Worked a lot on it in september and october (created a few skills, including one that made me edit a good 50 dbr files and took me at least a week of work :D) but since then I haven’t been able to get anytime for my side projects, including this one.

I am for sure going to release it, but I won’t say soon because I know I won’t have more than a few days of work to spend on it in the next at least 3 months :confused: I am sorry it’s taking so long but well, I have a lot going at all time and I need to work a lot to keep on eating and living properly :smiley:
When thinking about the mod and what it could be I am still as excited as day one when I thought of it, so it’s not going to go anywhere. I will release it, and improve on it afterwards, even if it takes me 6 months to finish it. I just can’t find the time :confused:

I am still reflecting on it and thinking on how I will implement the next skill though. I am also facing quite a technical challenge for what I want to achieve.

I could release a alpha version but you’d be missing at least 4-5 of the active skills though (not counting the passive I haven’t designed yet), so it would be missing ~1/3 of the skill panel.

How about you team up with some other modder, I’m sure there are people to help you out

just don’t let me pass 2016 without elwar in my life mang

you can’t just treat me like that, I have feelings you know

So glad to hear you are still planning to work on this mod and release it. Cannot wait (but will have to ofc - eat well and sleep well - priorities priorities…)
Been checking this thread often for news and this is a fantastic surprise!

@griffisu : ahah, that’s so kind of you, but don’t worry mate, I won’t let you down. You know I love you right :wink:

Asking for someone to help me wouldn’t be a bad idea though, but I am pretty sure anybody with the skill and time is already working on their own mod :smiley:

@UdiA : It’s heart warming to hear you guys being impatient about the release (and I do feel bad about it now :smiley: ), knowing that you are waiting for it, it fills you me with determination !

Btw, so you guys know : my current issue is that I have this pretty cool Summoning skill that allows you to summon a sword to fight by your side, with the look scaling with levels and stuff, and I am trying to create a transmuter that will change it from one sword to an army of guns instead. It’s quite the pickle but if I manage to achieve it, it will be pretty rad !

I don’t usually get turned on by games but that sounds sexy :wink:

Get off your butt and complete this mod already (pretty please with sugar and spice and everything nice, plus chemical x) :stuck_out_tongue:

I…am…very…$^%$^@#$%^%$^ PATIENT!!! (FINISH THE MOD ALREADY!!!)
Kidding ofc :slight_smile: Yes - been following your work and it looks incredible. Will wait patiently and no pressure whatsoever {tears remaining hairs off bald head}