[WIP][Masteries] The Elwar & The Alchemist

Hey everyooone !

I am working on a couple of masteries and have been working on those for a few weeks (when I get the time) so I might as well introduce them to you guys :slight_smile:

[The Elwar]
The first one, which is called the Elwar (but I’m not sure about the name). It is a Dual wielder mage (think a crossover between a mage and an assassin, something like that) with a good mobility/survivability (but not much constitution/resilience, this is not a soldier but more of a nightblade kinda), crowd control and a keen control over the Aether and Cold elements.

Ideally you’ll have the choice between two main buffs for your character, one cold centric and the other aether centric. Those enchants will be exclusive, meaning you will only have one at a time. One more focused towards defense/control (cold) the other towards speed/damage (aether/lightning)
Those buffs will empower your attacks while active and give you bonus. Think a frozen field for the cold enchantment and a aether chainlightning for the aether one.

Apart from that you’ll get an life-steal/defensive aura, a blast shield that explodes when disappearing, spawnable decoys (modifier to improve their threat), a teleport (one modifier is a shockwave that blasts ennemies away) and a cyclone strike that pulls all ennemies around you (with a modifier that would allow you to pull all enemies from the screen to you)

And a few more :slight_smile:

Here are a few videos of some of the skills but mind that this is a WIP and there is still a lot of work to do.

Here is the Frost Infusion, it gives you a chance to pierce your ennemies with ice spikes coming from the ground. It will send ennemies flying some times which gives it a really powerful feel and I’m quite content with it.

He is an other spell (Panetti’s Whisps) that creates orbiting orbs around you to protect you and damage your ennemies :

I have made a lot of progress on this one thanks to Daon so this spell will change a lot. Also I need to make a better Fx. Still trying things but nothing feels great yet.
Ideally it will look great and you’ll have the base skill that will summon wisps, going on a random rampage around the map, one of the modifiers will make the wisps orbit close to you (this is the skill you’ve just seen), giving your more defense attributes and freezing ennemies (very low % chance). The other modifier (exclusive also) will make the wisps orbit far from you, slowing the ennemies a lot and lowering their resistances). Ideally I’d like this class to be able to have two very different playstyle (Melee or ranged but I am balancing around melee for now)

Frozen void : pulls all ennemies to you, it’s pretty fun and I am quite satisfied with this one.

Also : Teleport… But with a shockwave attached (as a modifier) (I am currently doing the FXs though). Currently named Outbreak

I am done with a few skills, some I am not satisfied with, some I have not even started. I’m trying to make it look good and learning to edit animations, gonna try to edit some meshes, etc…

Battle plan for this mastery (details of all skill, will help me stay on track :slight_smile:

Legends : Done, Done but FX Needed, Working on it, Not started

Dual weilder melee enchanter

# Offensive

Two exclusive enchantments :
Frostfire Enchantment: Dual Wield, Cold damage + Defense + Proc an ice field on attack
± Transmuter : + defense, - damage, - speed
± Modifier : + damage, on death ennemies explode leaving an ice mist slowing ennemies + coldburn damage
± Weapon attack when enchant active : % Chance of aoe attack that freezes ennemies and reduce their elemental resistance, + dmg and has a chance of freezing them for a really long time

Aetherlight Enchantment: Dual Wield, Aether & Light damage + Speed + Proc aether tendrills on attack
± Transmuter : - defense, + damage, + speed
± Modifier : + damage (more than cold enchant), when below 50% life get MOAR DAMAGE + heal + projectile deflection
± Weapon attack when enchant active : % Chance of single target attack -> Ennemy stabbed by etheral swords -> Bleeding + % Life damage + Chance of lifeleech

Aetherial hail : Aether light shaped into swords fall from the sky, killing everything. Spammable nuke.
± Transmuter (Sleet storm): Cold damage + More aether damage + Knockdown

Conjure sword : Conjure a pet sword (look scales with levels).
-> I would love for the sword to be able to be enchant by frostfire or aetherlight, but not sure if it’s possible.
-> If enchanted by frostfire or aetherlight, as those enchantment enables dual wield, the sword would now be two swords, but not sure if it’s possible

Frozen Void : Pulls all ennemies in a radius
± Transmuter : Pulls all ennemies from afar with much power but longer cooldown
± Modifier buff : Get damage reduction for a few seconds after pulling ennemies to you

Panetti’s Whisps : Spawns a projectile that orbits on the battlefield dealing damage
± Transmuter (exclusive) : The whisps now follow you orbiting closely around you and stunning ennemies
± Transmuter (exclusive) : The whisps now follow you orbiting in a large radius around you and slowing ennemies

Decoy : Summons an aetherial copy of yourself
± Transmuter : Creates multiple summons with less health and less damage but are ranged instead that shoots ice bolts (arrows that leaves a small frost field)
± Modifier : Enraged (+ attack speed, + dmg, + aggro) every few seconds


Outbreak : Teleport
± Modifier : Push back ennemies + damages + but lessen your damage for a few seconds after landing
± Modifier : Buffs your defense and speed for a few seconds upon landing
± Modifier : Creates a few decoys with high aggro upon landing OR meteor upon impact, haven’t decided yet

??? : Aura that gives you life regeneration and increases movement speed but as a high mana cost
± Transmuter : Life and Energy leech %, - Speed, - Regeneration, - Mana cost
± Modifier : Increases the potency of the aura and gives you a heal when toggling the aura on

Blast shield : A shield (reduced dmg) that explodes when it breaks or after a delay
± Transmuter : Shielding you, heals yourself for a small amount and gives you tenacity but reduces the damages
± Modifier : Has a chance to release a surge of electricity every second while alive, damaging ennemies and deflecting projectiles.


Passive (Explorer ) : - % Stuff Requirement, + % Light radius, + % Move speed
Passive (Assassin ) : + % Attack speed, + % cunning
Passive (Enchanter) : + % Energy regen, + % spirit

[The Alchemist]

Next on the line is the Alchemist, this character will revolve around an ammunition system but with… potions.
I haven’t decided exactly yet but:

  • Either you’ll unlock skills that will allow you to create potions of different powers/effects (buffs or projectiles or summons when thrown) and you’ll just use the item in your skillbar (like a regular potion)
  • Or you’ll unlock a skill that spawns your own merchant. According to the level of the skill you’ll have access to different potions to purchase and those potions would actually be required to activate your skills (think amunition for the skills)
  • I would have loved to have some sort of gold find and have a passive that gives you more gold so you can buy your potions from your merchant but I don’t remember gold find to be an existing property in the game.

And I have some other ideas for this mastery but the gist is that. Haven’t really started working on it but I am prototyping some skills for now. Need to finish the Elwar first :slight_smile:

Hope you like the ideas/what I have done. I am in for any suggestion.

Cheers :slight_smile:

very very cool stuff ! unique and creative.

I’d love to learn how to make that pull skill lol, this looks really awesome!

Oh I really like that pull skill. Will you let us onto your secrets?

What template did you use for the Pull?

As it happens, both the pull and teleport (+shockwave, though with just damage and no knockdown) are planned for Zenith, so I am pretty curious how you managed to get them to work.

Thanks guys !

Ahah, I guess the pull and push skills have more success than both masteries together :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, here is to you guys, it’s quite simple actually :

Pull : So mainly for pull/push effects you want a knockdown (even 0.1 sec) as it seems to “trigger” the ragdoll push effect. I don’t think any other CC does it though. Then you use the ragDollEffect “TakeHit”, with the ragDollDirection “Pull” and you change the ragDollAmplification to something ranging from 1.5 to 2.0 (1.5 is like they are coming towards you but not fully and not through you, 2.0 sometimes makes them fly a bit further accross your body because of the power of the pull)

So in one screen (just removed what was not relevant/highlighted what seemed to be relevant) :

The push is the same thing, with the ragDollDirection set to “Push”.
Also I had a lot of trouble linking the teleport skill to a damage/knockdown modifier. The teleport template is Skill_AttackSpellTeleportSelf with a Skillsecondary_AttackRadius attached to it; seems quite obvious but took me a long time to make it work. Everything else is pretty much the same concerning the ragdoll push effect.

Hope this helps guys !

Aaaaand bookmarked. Thanks! Looking forward to the mod!

Thank you very much!

Made a lot of progress on the Elwar’s dual wielding enchantments. One is cold oriented the other one aether/lightning oriented, each with their own transmuter that gives them really specific purposes.

They feel sooo much better and are way better looking than in the OP :smiley:
So here it goes !

First is Frostfire Infusion, the cold enchant which procs a frost field on attacks:

Youtube link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_AjUgePmAQ

And its transmuter Icyveins (TL;DR: less speed, more defense)

Youtube link : https://youtu.be/DTV2FK0zdNc

Then Aetherlight Infusion, the aether enchant which procs a chain lightning on attack :

Youtube link : https://youtu.be/NrQHSorWWrA

And its own little transmuter : Surcharge (TL;DR: more speed, less defense except aether/lightning)

Youtube link : https://youtu.be/PkOl4MSx69o

Hope you like it guys. If you have any idea/advice tell me :slight_smile:
Also, I have no idea how to balance this sh*t so if anybody got general directions that would be great.

You seem to have put a lot of effort on really cool new skills !

Keep going !

can i merge the elwar into DAIL when you release it?

Khalanos : Thanks :slight_smile: I am not good with PFX it’s taking me way to much time to do simple things :frowning:

Davood : Sure ! I would be thrilled to hang out with the cool kids :smiley:
By the way if you find a better name please tell me because the Elwar doesn’t seem a fitting name amidst the Terror Knights, Necromancers, Arlequins…

I wouldn’t put them at 100% conversion, pretty much any weapon that has a focus on a non-physical damage type already has conversion + component conversion. Reducing the conversion on the skill gives the player a reason to still go for the stat on gear.

Having exclusive skills at not 50 is a bit weird. Mastery level 50 skills are allowed to be strong because of the investment required, and Exclusive lets them be more so. The skills you have here are at least as strong, if not stronger than something like Stormcaller’s Pact (and they have very strong procs as well!).

Icy Veins is crazy better than Surcharge, to the point that I would always use Frostfire Infusion and Icy Veins. 25% physical resistance is a lot, and +30% maximum cold resistance is complete overkill (max of over 100% :rolleyes:). The speed penalty is incredibly minor, while the penalties on Surcharge will get you killed easily, namely the -12% physical resistance and -10% DA. As a quick comparison, a character with Icy Veins takes only 2/3rds of the damage a character with Surcharge is taking.

Elwar is fine.

thank you for giving permission

Wow, thanks a lot, that’s exactly what I was looking for. I must admit I haven’t played thoroughly in end game (I am the kind that like to create 30 different characters and bring them to level 35 before starting a new one :/) so I am having trouble getting a real idea of the balance.

The spells do feel overpowered I will tone them down a lot especially considering those are Tier Exclusive tier 1 spells as you say (but they are supposed to be one of the main skills of this mastery though so you don’t want them to be weak).

@AlienFromBeyond : I have tried to tone down everything (except the procs for now) and I will push the skills to the next tier too. Also I have exceptionnaly made those skills max level to be 18 because I want them to be really engaging (you need to spend much points in them). I have toned down the numbers by A LOT (taking diverse skills from arcanist and shaman as references) and I have tried to reduce the effectiveness of Icy veins and improve Surcharge too.
Also you need to take into account the high mana cost and the mana reserved. With a normal level 20-30 build with the enchantment maxed out it costs you 30-50% of your mana and reserves almost the same amount so if you level it first it will probably be your main damage source because you won’t have a lot of energy left.

If you could tell me if it “looks good” (obviously it needs to be tested), that would be great :
Skill’s nerfs on imgur

Thanks a lot <3

This is looking awesome when do we get to play it?

Thanks mate ! Well I still have a lot of work to do on the Elwar (namely about 18 skills out of 32-35 (not sure yet) and 5 more need FX improvements) and doing custom fx (as much as I can) is taking up a lot of time, but I’ll be releasing an early version as soon as I can :slight_smile:

I have edited the opening post with a spoiler where I describe all the skills I plan on doing for this mastery. If you have any ideas/advices on the kit please feel free to tell me :slight_smile:

I think it looks good enough as a starting point for initial release!

Thanks Alien !

Just a quick post to give some update. I am not dead, just have a lot of work and real life things going on so I am moving at a slower pace than before.

Just finished two modifiers for the two enchantments respectively :

Chill Blossom enhance your damages and create a deadly ice mist when ennemy dies (https://youtu.be/pn3eSrNyBao (just mute the sound :D))

Aetherial Conduit enhances your damages and gives you heal and a really nice boost on a relatively low cooldown when in danger

Also, I edited the first post with a description of all skills/modifiers I want to create

Cheers :slight_smile: