[WIP] [New Mastery] The Engineer

RELEASED! Check out the new thread here!

The Engineer
“Devious. Dangerous. Imperial Engineering.”

“The Engineers of the imperial army were a highly educated group of men and women responsible for immense war machines and other efficient means of destruction. They rarely saw any front-line action before the grim dawn, but are nonetheless capable of unleashing contraptions on the fly to destroy their enemies. Engineers tend to prefer firearms, but some brash individuals have devised methods to augment their own fists.”


This mastery is designed to be like a slightly more… constructive version of the demolitionist. It will cater to ranged and unarmed playstyles. Expect some cool mechanical summons and interesting abilities that should synergize well with other masteries. I’m creating custom models for my summons, which is a pretty time-consuming process on top of the already time-consuming mod tools. Doing my best to get something playable out in a timely-enough manner, but I only have so much free time to work on this.


Here will sit a running list of general features and where they currently stand in development. Hope I’m not forgetting anything:

Planned But Not Started:

  • None :slight_smile:

Working on

  • None :slight_smile:


  • Basic ideas for all skills.
  • Implementation for 2 full default attack skill chains: Ranged and Unarmed.
    [li]Mass-Renaming spree to make this mastery easier to merge into other mods.[/li][LIST]
  • tagSkillClassName07 has not had its name changed, it appears to special and used by the game. (ClassEngineerTags.txt)
  • MasteryEnumeration is still SkillClass07 for similar reasons. (_ClassTraining_ClassEngineer.dbr)

[li]Standard Summon 1: Sentry Gun[/li][ul]
[li]With an interesting skill chain behind it![/li]

[li]CD Summon 1[/li]
[li]The other less time-consuming skills.[/li][ul]
[li]Finished unless inspiration strikes me.[/li]

[li]Standard Summon 2: Flamethrower Turret[/li]
[li]CD Summon 2[/li][ul]
[li]Deemed unnecessary. Filled all the niches I wanted to fill, got a pretty full skill tree.[/li]

[li]All the mastery and skill icon art.[/li]
[li]Long, arduous balance passes.[/li][/LIST]

For the curious, I have all of my work up on GitHub, here. It may come in handy for someone trying to get into mastery modding, since it’s possible to look at my commit history and find where I solved a problem and what I changed to solve it. Also nice to have out there in case I suddenly disappear forever for some reason and someone wants to continue developing this mod. A plan for every occasion!

The Fun Stuff

Finally, teaser / progress pics! Hopefully these will get a bit more exciting as development continues.

1.) Here’s a transmuter for the unarmed default attack! I may tone it down a bit.

2.) Here’s another attempt at the Sentry Gun model.

very exciting! can’t wait to see more

Oh, that’s an interesting approach to a "pet"class! So glad to not see another necromaner.
I also take my hat off to you for making custom models and class art. So good to see someone investing time and dedication into making their mastery truly different and great.

… double transmuter? Great idea!

love how you pretty much nailed it with calling the mod tools “time-consuming”

Oh damn, you’re combining two things I want to see in GD in one. Unarmed and Deployable weapons? You caught all my attention. Best of luck to you friend.

Interested to see how you differentiate it from Demolitionist, and also how you’ll do the unarmed stuff. That part seems difficult to create synergy with other masteries, as it seems only Soldier will work effectively, and even then there are issues (Blitz requires a melee weapon for instance).

Still, seeing someone put effort into brand new models and the like is exciting!

So, it’s like a techno-monk! Cool.

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i’m not quite sure how well a lack of stats from being unarmed will work out

Works out better than you think.

We shall see. I do hope it will be good

So…TF2 Engineer and Torchlight 2 Engineer?

I was hoping someone would make an engineer class!

How about TechnoMage?

Also the idea of mechanical summons is awesome… :smiley:

Yeah, synergies with unarmed and other masteries is an interesting issue. I’ve thought about it, and I have a few passive skills which only work when you are unarmed. That’s one of the few things which will be helping out synergies on that end of things. Beyond that, summons are pretty useful to effectively any class so I’m not too worried about it.

Definitely doing my best to balance unarmed as well as possible. It’s going to have to scale a bit quicker than standard skills to make up for the lack of weapons also scaling, but it shouldn’t be too bad.

Made another attempt at the Sentry Gun model. Getting back into the swing of things, just had to make a couple throwaway models! Still tweaking, but here’s a teaser pic:

Use the portal sentry gun model! :smiley:

Nah, sentry gun level 3 from TF2

That description 10/10 lol

Briefcase sentry gun?

The flamethrower from Guild Wars2 engineer was sexy.
…just murmuring…:stuck_out_tongue:

I can neither confirm nor deny any plans to include a flamethrower. Nope, my lips are sealed.

Totally planning on adding a flamethrower, just a matter of making it work well.

sword with a chainsaw blade that shoots out flames confrimed


if your looking for inspiration

teh conflagaration relic + Albrecht Aetherial Ray will result in a flame thrower like stream of flame… that might help you find the animation instead of making it from scratch.