Wishlist thread for Fangs of Asterkarn?

Is there still time for the community to contribute a wishlist for FoA features, or is the scope already locked in for the expansion and there’s no time for this?

E.g. wishlist for QoL, skill/class refinements, new gear ideas, new MI’s for current bosses, etc.

its just sad that noone is actively posting here anymore :rofl:

I bet you Zantai is too busy to reply nowadays and I can already tell why. He is too busy playing Torchlight 2 so he can get some ideas from there and copy paste them to create his version of berserker… :joy:

going to topic: yes of course you can contribute some ideas just don’t get your hopes up that he will read them , especially these days… as he is locked in creating the new expansion to be bothered…

I think :crate: always reads all of feedback.

Indeed. The whole point of having the Ideas & Feedback section as well as the Bug Reporting is so the devs do see what people are liking or not about the game. They read everything in both sections. Something may get posted here that could be included in the next expansion, who knows? Only Crate when they read it - which they will do.

I just hope that in the coming expansion, Crate can address the issue of limited loot stash… like why gimped players… in a game where one of the main driving force to play is collect bunch of loot… ?? like there might be a bunch of mod that already do this, why not make it official?

hoping they create stash space capable of storing at least every single item in the game… ( for the loot connoisseur in us? . well of course the MOAR the better no? if they do this, then grim yawn will be the best arpg to exist in the market? like come on thats the only feature making this game not a solid no.1 in everybody’s book.

well to be fair grim dawn is very close becoming my personal no.1 arpg. Diablo 4 is still the king of Arpgs… but im glad Zanta-rin has addressed the following in the last dev stream:

Fangs of Asterkarn will add moar difficulty options to this already super easy game, he said:

  1. possible 2 rogue dungeons post release ( one possible snow oriented and one hot?)
  2. making all enemy factions have 2 nemesis bosses? ( this is super sweet, )
  3. ascendant mode- been wanting this for years as grim yawn campaign is probably the easiest of any arpg i have played…
  4. fangs of asterkarn will be the last expansion.( well that means it wont since he outright lied last time)

More wishlist:

  1. Make Devil crossing great again? or please go back to repair town quests. like anything that let us have a sense of community achievement…
  2. hoping for different path ending… depending on whether we choose to ally or support whichever of the new faction/s…

I wont comment on the berserker mastery as of now, but here is to hoping that we can shapeshift into Scorv Egdenor at some point in the future…

it’s been addressed multiple times
literally pops up "more stash space"topics all the time, and it gets answered everytime…

I can’t take you seriously with this anymore xD


Sure, easy to do (not). Also did you ever think about how that would affect people using cloud saving? The limit for characters on cloud saving atm is 50 due to Steam’s byte limit, but infinite stash or enough to store EVERY item in the game will likely reduce that number quite a lot methinks. Even if using local saves I suspect such a large increase might cause some people problems with lag, stuttering, etc.

Do you have infinite stash in D4? PoE? Last Epoch? Other ARPG’s? I seriously doubt it.

Skills like wind devils should get a waaaaay longer base duration for when you just want it as a lvl 1 skill to proc devotions. And then if you decide to main skill it, as you pump points into it the damage goes UP but duration goes DOWN back to what balance you deem apropriate.

Hmmm, i have almost as much time spent on POE as i do GD, ~2.5k hours. The thing with POE is i don’t need to have all the loot stored because it’s online only, with a heavy focus on player driven markets.

In GD online mode is quite non-existent, specially for trade, with the caveat we can’t tell if the item we’re trading for is legit (for those who care). GD stash already does this for me, and i make sure to only use it for that, and to transfer items back and forth instead of duping, so yeah, having official better stash support would be GREAT.

Actually yes, since stash tabs are paid content in this game, so you can buy any number of tabs.

so by definition not infinite since our/“a” supply money isn’t infinite? :thinking: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

you’re still alive? lol

Anymore? No one ever took this guy seriously to begin with.

It’s not even the best one in its own series.

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I would like to see numbers on the sliders in the settings menus.

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Skeleton icons and counters in top left, like other pets

It is extremely hard to me to see how much of them i have in very small icon where it is now


spinning eye of reckoning bosses, that’s all from me or while we at it laser (ray) bosses too.

as far as i was told enemies cant do channelled skills, they just activate it and “abort” it doing other stuff immediately

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doesn’t hurt to wish tho. :rofl:

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