Word of Pain lasts 8 seconds. Death Sentence lasts 4 seconds. Why the difference? It just makes builds more piano… Both should be 8 s.
death sentence adds 4 sec so it lasts 12 total…
Well that is not what one would get from the description… But if so then great.
it’s “contra” the incremental increase 0.8?sec per point you get on ex Curse of Frailty, WoP streamlines the ordeal and just gives it at face value on 1-1
I would never understand that from the description tho. It is misleading. And it is hard to believe it due to it. If it says one is 8 s and other is 4 s then how should one get that it is actually 12 s for both? Doesn’t make sense…
the tooltip will show it (ingame) when you take it, the skill slotted on your hotbar you’ll see jump from 8 to 12
and you can then also count the ticks on dummy to confirm that it does indeed last 4 more
So it is grimtools issue. But still if I read just the decription and didn’t look it would mislead me.
i suppose, sorta?, grimtools doesnt’ add up the duration from pox last node i think? but does ingame
my guess is it’s because the increase is on a modifier and not the main node, so GT just handles the base display different
i can’t say how things should be written to fix that
never really struck me as an issue for wop/pox atleast, seemed rather linear (which is kinda hilarious considering other modifiers that dont work that way and dont’ say they are special )
Duration increased by 4 seconds… or 4 s duration increase.
It is highly misleading without it.
it has a + symbol tho?
so like the dmg that is just + it would seem like it’s just straight up additive?
No + in grimtools…
poke dammitt about that then has ingame
So grimtools is the one that misleads me
like i said, can’t say why GT handles some displays different or how all its voodoo works behind the scenes
This happens when someone plays GT more than GD
after all, the real game is 90% GT and 10% GD
GD is just a simulation of the real game…
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