I’ve been playing in the playtest for awhile with my current village. I have 4 upgraded work camps and suddenly have no wood. They’re all stuck in either planting mode or chatting/resting/etc. mode. I have moved the target areas several times and the most they will start doing is planting. I cannot get them to chop the wood the work camp has planted and it doesn’t matter which work camp planted it. I have two within decent distance of each other and neither one will chop the fully mature trees in either target area. This is new behavior since my last play which was Saturday or Sunday last weekend.
Came to post about the same thing. I can’t seem to find any one specific thing that would cause this, as some are working just fine as intended, while other just… don’t.
As seen on the pictures below, they’re in an area with good fertilization filled with mature oak trees. This camp has been here for at least a decade, If not two. Tried having them just plant trees and chop nothing for many years, but once I put it to chopping down trees, nothing. Plus I constantly get the “Empty working area” popup because of this.
Have you unchecked the box for Mature Trees only?
At a glance, those trees might not be mature yet, but you can uncheck “mature trees only” and see if that gets them chopping in that area.
At around year 121 I unchecked Mature Trees only, and then things really took a nose dive for some reason. I currently have 16 camps, and most of them are now in the 80-90 range, with a few outliers being around 60 or 120.
I’ve now tried doing vastly different ratios on all of them to see if there are any changes, and if anything seems to be working better or not.
Did you check if you set a limit in the Resources page?
I have no limits on logs. If I did you would see the production going to zero at times when hitting the limits.
Could this be an issue related to v. 0.94? I also suddenly have this issue in every work camp, since that upgrade.
I could uncheck Mature Trees Only, but I never needed to do that before, tree growth always easily kept pace with my woodcutting. Are trees growing slower now? If so, that’s a bad change, it was perfectly fine the way it was.
Just happened to me today. New game on 0.9.4, built and upgraded 3 work camps, working fine for 20 years. Then relocated 2 oh them and moved work area on the same forest they were chopping for 20 years. Suddenly the message “The work area is empty” appeared on both the relocated work camps. Now they completely stopped chopping trees…
The only working one is the one that I have not moved.
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