Worldender, my Obsidian Tremors Witchblade build

Funny how my last GD character will be my first GD build I post here, on the forum. :sweat_smile:
Almost 1500 hours in game and my connection with GD’s community makes this look werid, whole 0 build threads while GD is purely about builds! This changes today as my good looking (and decently strong) Obsidian Juggernaut Witchblade enters this forum section.

Worldender, soldier of Ch’thon who uses witch powers to empower her world splitting abilities.

Grimtools: Witchblade, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
Stats with auras and Blood of Dreeg active:

Stats with all procs (Fighting Spirit, Hungering Void, Abominable Might):

Highest damage dealt (was around 300k before Crucible/SR):

With all my obsidian golem worship, it is strange that I made a build with this weaopon that late in my journey with the game. I already had forcewave builds, cd and non cd ones, so I wasn’t interested in this weapon since it’s just forcewave but chaos. The skill fx and its 3 projectiles were enough to make me invest in that build though and I even managed to do some endgame stuff, which doesn’t happen a lot with my characters.

I focused on Obsidian Tremors’ property of having 3 projectiles instead of one like forcewave does. To avoid making another boring forcewave playstyle I tried to get many procs on my items and low cooldown procs on devotions.

The main item is of course Obsidian Juggernaut, Symbol of Solael component for extra RR as we have no RR from masteries.
Eldritch Gaze, easy to farm and gives nice stats. The main thing for me is the proc as tremors will spread Black Flame everywhere!
Rah’Zin gem, RR to CoF. Pretty much the only reason why I chose it.
Not much freedom with rings, Voidheart and Combustion Band for RR. Hysteria or Entropic Coil can be good if you want to skip one RR ring.
Vestments of Severed Faith, converts acid to chaos to get more damage from Blood of Dreeg and Eye of the Guardian. Energy regen is very useful and its aura is a good boost to damage + increased healing.
Rah’Zin Shoulderguards, phys res, bonuses to Fighting Spirit and Possesion and 2 piece set for extra chaos damage.
Voidrend Talons, casting speed, flat chaos and more acid to chaos conversion. Sadly doesn’t have Doom Bolt proc like the non mythical version. :frowning:
Demonbone Legplates, skill bonuses, good defense and a proc is always welcome.
Timewarped Walkers, pretty much the best boots one could ever wear. The slow proc is insanely good and the boots themselves provide great resists.
Sash of the Bloodlord, mostly taken for conversion. Crit damage and lots of oa is great and the proc will heal me to 100% most of the time.
Black Star of Deceit, skill bonuses, resists and adcth which I painfully need. The RR proc helps a bit when War Cry is on downtime.
Eldritch Pact, taken for the proc spam.

For skills I went for lots of flat damage sources. Possession, Solael’s Witchfire and Blood of Dreeg are almost hardcapped which gives me good flat chaos (converting most of their damage to chaos). Max CoF for AoE and duration, Vulnerability for DA shred.
Soldier skills are mostly passives, the only active I use is War Cry for damage reduction and flat RR (Terrify). Fighting Spirit for a great oa boost, Field Command for all good stats (Juggernaut also gives it flat chaos!) and Menhir’s Will for full heal and hp regen. Severed Faith gives 12% increased healing, so Menhir’s Will and Blood of Dreeg have increased health restoration.

Devotions are typical for chaos, I went for Dying God and Abomination for their great boosts to damage. Hungering Void is not an issue because of big hp regen I have from BoD and Menhir’s Will.
The main devotion is of course Eye of the Guardian. Bound to Obisidan Tremors to ensure maximum number of eyes. The proc is great healing and it’s “passive” as it works even if you get stunned. Fiend would result in more damage (Eye does more damage at 7 eyes but it’s harder to fully convert to chaos), but I prefer Eye as I didn’t go any circuit breaker devotion.
Fiend also allows to go for Revenant so you could probably skip Terrify and Black Star of Deceit.

Gameplay: You mostly mash Obsidian Tremors at point blank to earse enemies from existence. For groups of heroes and bosses use RR skills and War Cry if you need damage reduction and Hungering Void (I bound it to War Cry).
Use movement skill (Rune of Dark Progenitor or Glyph of the Ravenous Wendigo) to reposition yourself or to close the gap (main healing source are eyes and they require you to stick to enemies). Menhir’s Will will always heal you to 100% (good circuit breaker, 25 sec cooldown) and BoD is good healing too.
At longer fights you may use a potion of energy or two. In Crucible just get Ulzuin’s blessing to remove energy problems.
I had problems with Reaper of the Lost nemesis. He is quite resistant to chaos and punishes fighting him at point blank. Break the fight for few seconds so he loses his charges and kill his wraiths at range so you don’t get your resists obliterated.
Any other nemesis wasn’t that problematic. Benn’Jahr takes a while to kill and Zantarin’s bubble should be destroyed from range, Grava’Thul dies surprisingly fast.

About performance, I was able to complete wave 150 of Crucible once, but now I keep dying in 14x waves.
The furthest I have got right now:

In Shattered Realm I went to Shard 70 and it was manageable. I could probably push to 75, but I don’t play endgame much.

I died to Morgoneth in his dungeon like a noob though, had unlucky mutators and he applied his enormous damage reduction on me. :frowning:

I leveled this char with Sigil on Consumption and Chaos Bolt from Void-Touched Ammo component (it has 3 projectiles like Juggernaut, so you could think of it as a baby version of it!). For the weapon I used Curse of Burrwitch as it gives rr, but any 2h weapon should work well, at level 58 I switched to Juggernaut. Bloodsworm MIs are good for chaos stats and some conversion and of course faction items are amazing leveling items. Some notable ones are Black Legion hat and boots, Rovers’ occultist belt and rings and Devil’s Crossing heavy armor if you need phys res.


Nice, looks really well optimized. Obsidian Tremor Witchblade was my first build on the forum too :wink:
Two years - one week ago. Don’t look, most probably not as good as yours.

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You should actually be able to push quite a bit further, no doombolt but has more flat than my witchblade setup!