Worth? Cadence OP

any suggestion?

What do you exactly mean? That there is too much items gives Cadence modifier so Cadence builds are too over powered? I don’t think so.

Superior is ok for an prefix but nowhere near perfect.

Of the Abomination isn’t particularly good, you do get some nice flat Physical out of it if you use 2 Seal of Mights but no attack speed is a reason to turn it down.

Personally, I’d sell it if you were considering using it on an endgame build. If you’re just levelling then it might not be half bad until you find something better.

What does ‘‘OP’’ mean? I think I misunderstood the headline.

From what I gather, they were asking if the item they posted was OP (overpowered) in terms of rolled affixes and worth keeping for endgame Cadence builds.

Yeah I know that meaning, I thought opener meaned something else than that after your reply. Then @fr0sty please use more than two words and a question mark when opening a new thread about something.

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