You and what army?...Oh

1000 gold? For 9 attackers?! The nerve!


At least bruno is putting in the hours.

Unfortunately I should have paid…


Hey, look on the bright side! 2 villagers were cured! :grava_yes: :joy:

  • and 42 other villagers cured of breathing?

That’s a bit grim… but kudos to those 9! Super hard wee buggers. This you playtesting the new Punisher settings then Zan?

:rofl: :rofl: :joy:
oops…lesson learned I guess.

It’s free real estate.

This is fantastic! I played a lot of Life is Feudal and after a while I would just get bored because the raids were so boring. I wanted to have a reason to have walls and towers and soldiers. I held off buying farthest frontier because I was afraid of the same raiding mechanic. After seeing this post, I am really excited for where this game is going. Will there be more defense strategy implemented into the game? Will there be bigger armies to worry about or different ways to defend than just soldiers? Archers? Knights? Trebuchets?

Don’t know what they’ve got planned for the future, but right now I can assure you that on anything but Pacifist setting (in which you don’t get Raiders, Wolves, Bears, Boars, or even aggressive Deer) the Raiders are Significant. The raids will keep getting bigger with each appearance, so you cannot just sit tight with the same defenses, they will seek (and find!) any weak spots, and they seem to always go for the buildings you can least afford to lose: I will not soon forget the time a raid took out 2 Markets (I’d left One Spot of my walls not covered by Towers) and half my residences began to Degenerate almost immediately. Had to scramble for the rest of the year no to lose major Tax revenue and population.
At least in the first couple of Tiers, they will test you: and Vanquisher setting when you are still learning the game will definitely keep you sweating . . .

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The raid mechanics are great right now. I have started a new “hard-Arid Highland” with 0.8.0 and the raiders killed my T4 towmcenter twice. Good struggle to get the city running on a difficult map but now with 700+ ppl i can defend raiders. The real raids are very spooky at the highest level. The last time they came with 154 soldiers and 3 rams. I payed… again.
But soon, when i have all my soldiers up. I try them again.

PS: Ripped my biggest city (0.7.6) due to a “pay or die” raid. I choose fight, with my 100 soldiers and lost hard. You can fight those but it is always hard on vanquisher.

The opponent’s strategy was excellent.

Здравствуйте! А почему армия существует за золото?

Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

Because on Vanquisher difficulty