Ah yeah, maybe. I had never used them, so Idk how they look on a character.
Still polishing this build but looking good so far
Third Legendary Mule
I really like the looks of lots of items I’ve seen so far. Designer really did good job in this game.
These came out looking cool, yet totally random, because I have equipped them due to necessity, and they are very low levels.
I’ll post more when I get more loot. It won’t be soon though.
Fourth Legendary Mule
This was my favorite looking character, but I changed the gear.
Thank you, I’ll see if I can get those going for him.
Looks like he’s carrying a weird candle holder.
I’m really digging that farmer look.
No helmet? Ballsy. Or, rather, not.
I like the slight smug smile the female model has on her face, so I took off the helmet for the screenshot. I think she looks better like this. It’s Warborn Visor, obviously.
Looks, not efficiency. Read the thread title again.
You are tasked with making a build based solely on the character’s looks. What does it look like?
Last I checked builds typically have headgear. And, turns out, the actual build has a helmet.
No need to be picking fights if you’re missing the joke.
Not bad for a low level character: Nidalla’s Witch Hunter
That last build tho
Is it the Witching Hour Pet Build you mentioned?
Yes, this is it.
I’d like you guys to try and beat these builds
Warning: Too Much Awesomeness isn’t good for your eyes
With all the new builds popping up, let fashion dawn commence :rolleyes: