You are tasked with making a build based solely on the character's looks. What does it look like?

I think the Ulzuin armor looks pretty friggin’ sweet, so I added some extra fiery gear, and voila! (I like things that are on fire)

I’ve always been a bit of a sucker for sleek-but-rugged heavy armor in games, so my ‘build’ would just look like this:

This is kind of why I’m looking forward to transmog…and also kind of why I’m dreading transmog, as all my chars will look like ^that^.

Edit: Although the previewed heavy armor in the xpac looks mighty fine too…I may mix and match.

Maybe earthcrushers fit more.

Gentlemen if style is the key here then i see your builds and i raise you my own

Fashion Souls :smiley: :smiley:

sorry lads but when it comes to looks, Sentinel already has won first prize in contest known as Fashion Dawn.

Umm we talking about character looks not about some boss monster

And for bosses nothing beats the “weird emo guy cosplaying as a deer” and standing in a corner in Asterkarn enjoying the scenery :rolleyes:

I also really like Ulzuin’s and have quite a few chars that use it. There’s something about it that reminds me of WoW for some reason :wink:

Similar. It is actual set of items therefore it’s comparable.

Not gonna comment second part.

I enjoy the Infernal Knight set…I’ve got a character wearing that, with Hellborne, because it’s clearly the most awesome looking fire rifle ever in a game…And then Empowered Embergrip Handguards and Empowered Molten Walkers. I still need better pants though…My Solael-Sect ones are well rolled, good res…Don’t match the fire-y look at all. Suggestions? XD

My Vit Conjurer would look pretty bad ass if he didn’t hold the Skull of Gul Amesh inside his leg, LOL.

Hellforged Legwraps work fairly well.

My now deceased White Mage. Liked him a lot for being stylish, even though gameplay wise it was a plain AAR sorc.

My Infernal Brimstone Commando.

Because you don’t always need a big helmet, but you always need a big sword!

My Druid uses the same hat, shoulders and robes. The white robes are quite stylish

2 builds i like the most

CT build is old but love the look

That CT build tho :frowning:

I concede :slight_smile:

My Cold 2H ranged Spellbreaker, effective too

Weapon: Northern Wyrm
Head: Demonslayer’s
Chest: Demonslayer’s?
Shoulders: Moosilauke’s?
Gloves: Iceskorn
Boots: Voidwalkers
Legs: Wrathborne?

@Stupid Dragon;

I think the shoulders are Chilldread Mantle and the chest is Frostdread Cuirass.