Your Favorite class to play and why?

I mostly play Pets, but I also like DoT builds (particularly acid and bleeding). So, Shaman, Occultist and Nightblade are the classes I enjoy most.

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Those are good choices, I havent really played inquisitor much. Only a little bit a long time ago. I might have to give that a try soon.

I think in every ARPG i play, i try and make a build with DOT. Those can be really fun even if it can take a while to kill enemies off in some games.

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Inquisitor because I really dig the elemental thematic it has, also its really simple to make characters around it thanks to skills like WoR and Inquisitor seal which gives a good chunk of resistances to build around. My favorite combination is the Mage Hunter, I love my PRM/invoquers will build, the sorcerer/wizard feel it gives its really cool.

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They made it great allowing me to get an occultist and a necromancer – the class combinations name is what I hate; we should have the option to change that name – I got an occulist and a necromancer and became a cabala practioner? Every singles time I see that name I think “maybe I should try another combination”. Cabalist? Sacrilegous or something like like that would be better or less nonsense. Hermetist would be far way better than that.

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Personally I always think Cabalist refers to somebody being an expert who is highly skilled in obscure or difficult or esoteric matters and doesn’t have anything to do with the Kabbalah. This goes with the Occultist being a seeker of hidden or forgotten knowledge.


Occultist+X, kind of fits with my mindset of being someone who looks for knowledge and tends not to listen to “conventional” wisdom… mostly because it’s more concerned with maintaining the status quo than permitting change.

I tend to enjoy matching it with Shaman and Soldier depending on if I’m looking to play a two-hander build or a Dual Weapon build.

Beyond that the Occultist is flexible and functional as far as the kinds of builds that I enjoy making are concerned.


I wish I could wishthink like that. It certainly has notthing to do with the old and tradditional Kabbalah but they could think of unspekable monsters names… I guess they’ve ran out of imagination lol. At least it’s not anything from Lovecraft which terror is his literature. LOL.

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