Your Favorite class to play and why?

Hey all,

Thought i would ask, what is your favorite build to play as in the game and why?

Mine is anything that has minions typically cause i love to be able to sit back and watch them kill mobs. So this is obviously a necromancer solo class or mixed with another class.


Favourite class mhmmmm… :thinking:
Good question actually!

For me it’s probably Demolitionist (since I like throwing bombs and wanna watch the world burn) & Occultist cuz of the overall theme & it having a plague like ability in Bloody Pox which I enjoy a lot. :slight_smile:


Shaman 'cause Lightning.

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Nightblade>all, can’t make a bad class with Nightblade, always fun :muscle: :partying_face:


Witchblade - because chaos damage type support.

You can do with this class;
-dw cadence melee
-dw cadence ranged
-dw ToC melee or ranged
-Obsidian tremor
-2h ranged rah’binger
-2h cadence melee
-2h blade arc melee

And few others. And that’s just one damage type AA builds so yeah it does show pretty well the genius of GD when it comes to build diversity.


Only one class has Cadence. :scorv:


Occultist, cause pets + heal = pretty relaxed gameplay ^^
Whenever I play a pet build without the occultist class, I sneak in a Bysmiel Iris just to have an extra heal XD


Anything with Demo in it. I love getting to play engineer/alchemist characters, it’s so rare in ARPGs. And it has support for so much stuff. Inherent 1h melee and 2h anything support in Fire Strike, CD and spam variants of BWC and Stun Jacks, bombs galore, pseudo-pets in Mortar Traps, and plenty of supporting skills if you want another mastery to take the lead. I love how broad the skill trees are in GD, as compared to Titan Quest. Gives so much more opportunity to find interesting overlaps between masteries. For Demo my favourite combo is probably Purifier, and that’s despite the fact I haven’t even built a ranged Purifier yet.


Pets! anything with pets


True with any ARPG haha.

Eye of Reckoning from oathkeeper class is such a cool skill, I wish enemies were doing it as well…

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Shaman/Oathkeeper, totem/guardian vit build, because it’s amazing to play in HC, which is the only mode I play in.

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Mostly pet builds for me, but I also like Demolitionist, Shaman and Inquisitor for non-pet builds. Don’t really play the other masteries much.

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Berserker :grin:

…but from the currently existing masteries it’s probably Occultist.
When I started playing GD in early access I just came from Diablo 3, where the Witch Doctor was my favorite. Occultist kinda reminded me of that so it was the first mastery that I didn’t just play for a couple hours to try it out before moving on to the next one. Iirc it was the first that I ever leveled beyond level 50, maybe even to 70 which I think was the level cap back then.
The concept of a spellcasting gunman sounded amazing to me so I took Demo as 2nd mastery, and it did not disappoint. After AoM came out I started using the Darkblaze set which was just perfect for what I wanted the build to be and it’s still one of my favorites.
Fast forward to today, I have over two dozen Occultist builds. Well I also got over two dozen Shaman builds by now so that’s not really a metric but Occultist is the OG mastery (unless you count the unnamed one from the first pre-alpha footage which was probably Soldier from the looks of it) plus he’s the coverboy so yeah, Occy all the way baby!

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Almost all of my characters have started as a Demolitionist. I just enjoy explosions and fire too much. The second class varies.



Nightblade is usually my main choice (and was my first choice back when I started playing ~2013 (10 years, holy crap!), but of late it appears I’m particularly taken with Spellbreaker. It’s a nice balance of mobility and durability. I’m building a Cold DW SS Frostburn Spellbreaker now, but once I start getting some extra gear and exp potions etc, I have plans for:

Fire Spellbreaker (OFF + Vilgazor amulet RoS)
Aether Spellbreaker (2x Blaze Herald or BH/Theodin’s heart)
Chaos Spellbreaker (Voidspires)
Cold or Physical Spellbreaker (WPS + OFF + Sudden Strikes or somethin)

Maybe I’ll even go Sentinel or Sabo instead, too many ideas…

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Thats the one thing i love about this game is build variety. So many things to play around with and have fun. Sometimes hard to just pick something to go with.

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Nightblade with Demolitionist being a close second!

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Cant go wrong with inquisitor :slight_smile:
Always fun to Play for me, can be crossed/mixed with everything and should perform just allright.

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