Your mouse or your keyboard is not working ? I have the solution !

Hello everybody !

Today I’m gonna tell you how to make things works well without any difficulty !

So I’ve sometimes my keyboard (bluetooht) saying that he needs to reconnect and it doesn’t.

Recently it was my mouse, double clicking (razer orochi) when I was single clicking.

So to make it disapear I unpluged the mouse and beat it on my desk and same for the keyboard. Now they perfectly work.

Approved science.

Man, I am totally onboard with these kinds of methods. It works with women too. Not the beating part but the, doing whatever you’re gunna do with confidence part.

Just be utterly sure of yourself and that it’s all going to work out for the best.

Example (and totally true): Got this gal some years back and we out at the bar drinking it up, playing some darts. I’m pretty good and she’s lightly complaining about how she can never win. I’m a cocky jackass so I decide to double down (blame the whiskey). So, getting ready to throw my next dart and I turn my head and look at her and say, Hey. She looks, I smile and still looking at her I release my dart. Straight dead center bulls-eye.

Total panty dropper. Confidence and assurance and reckless cockiness. Better than duck tape even.

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Method confirmed. Just tried this and it worked perfectly :wink:

:stuck_out_tongue: lol

Approved science, indeed.

Was weird to read. writing notes.
Vouch soon Kappa

+1 confirm. Do this daily.

Haha indeed! (yes I know. I’m a total master at taking unrelated scenarios and tying them together. Sue me :wink: ) Let me know how it goes. I’ll be the first to admit tho. It was pure unadulterated luck. But damn was it cool.

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Going soon with my stepsister on holiday, time to incest.

…technically not incest! :rolleyes:

this is gonna get real bad real fast if the post quality keeps going downhill like this, lmao

You are now obliged to take back your “weird” comment. You upped the weirdness, I’ve been outclassed :wink:

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/Best thread ever :smiley:

Razer Mamba TE mouse and my keyboard is part of my MSI GT70 2PE Dominator Pro gaming laptop.

I ain’t banging anything on my desk any time soon, thank you very much! :cool:

I wash my hands each and every time before I use either…Some people that have been with me over these past few years on this forum probably don’t find this that surprising though…


Yeah I know it’s not incest but my friends when I told them that she looks good started saying “incest incoming”.

Weird level can be increased if u want. My life is a compilation of full strange stories.