Your thoughts about this ritualist?

I like pet builds a lot. Atm I have 100 cabalist and thinking of building hybrid summoner/2H dmg dealer with bit of self heal.

Main idea is to deal dmg with sel heal procs and have 2 Briathorms procing Blind Fury from Oleron constelation, 1 Blight fiend procing bull rush and skeletons procing falcon swoop.

Atm I am at level 30 and thining if it can work on later game.

Link to build below.

Thanks for all advices.

You’ve gotta get those resists up or you will get wrecked constantly. Especially against anything remotely cthonic

Thank You for Your reply. Rezists are the lats thing I am vorry about atm. Jewelry can be replaced for more rezist friendly ones or change 1 constelation to more rezist one, so that is not that important.

I am asking about the whole idea of hybrid of 2H dmg dealer/summons. If it can work in later game.