0.9.0 Feedback after 11hours playing a new map

This my feedback after playing 0.9.0 for 11 hours to year 60. This game is a Medium, Random map upgraded to Tier 4 with a Population of 1578/2152.

Overall, the game is still smooth at a higher population once it gets going, but it is quite obvious that the load times are way WAY longer with so many map assets and villagers.

v0.9.0 Specific updates

  • Relics I tested 9/16 of them and found them very useful! That Ark of the Vengeful Dead seriously takes the game up to survival mode though, player beware!

  • Libraries better than public test we did as Libraries now get books, but still lose >50% books to villagers when they are published; Even when I moved all the book binders literally NEXT DOOR to each library, more than half still went directly to Tier 4 homes. My Resource report (R key) shows +3 monthly change, +56 books/yr, -6 lost/yr and only 5/8 Libraries containing books after 15 years. Oh and Market keepers are still stealing vegetables from barns! grrr.

  • Tier 4 immigration is known to be horrible in 0.9.0 in order to get players to use the “Tears of the Mother” artifact, but I recommend Devs at least show the negative immigration impacts to upgrading the Town Center so players know.

  • Soldier Movement issues are more common during Raider events now. Soldiers are not moving when you tell them to via the Flag Combat Area command and require manual selection/move command to get them moving during battle. In my testing, it appears that all it takes is for ONE soldier to be engaged with a raider for the entire barrack team to ignore the flag, causing this to break and not work.

503 hours of play: Suggestions and comments

  • Raw Materials Limits are needed badly. Please allow us to limit collection of Herbs, Willow, Wax, Honey and Roots as storage becomes problematic at different game stages.

  • Trash Items: Allow delete/trash items (especially crude weapons) to compost yards in order to clear inventory space.

  • Compost Yards and Wagon Shops: Would benefit from work areas to prevent their Travel time from getting excessive.

  • Buildings being selected should show their radius of influence (positive or negative) in lieu of being highlighted the exact same way rat catchers are displayed.

  • Beldar is useless! Beldar needs to sell sand and roots in the late game as he literally stops doing so mid-game.

  • Idling - Unable to work: Villagers in a profession who idle, either due to seasonal change, lack of materials or otherwise should at a minimum have their status changed to “Seeking Shelter” or “Shelter Stocking” and at a maximum, their “Production Halted” and be placed back into the Laborer pool.

  • Sick - Unable to work: Villagers with a major illness should leave their Occupation to allow their position to be filled by a free laborer (When Auto-Refill Professions is enabled)

  • Pinpoint Target Areas: Hunter Lodges, Foragers work areas are too time consuming to hunt down. Please consider making it so the work area doesn’t reset when you relocate them (also includes work camps) or consider making a “Center Camera on Work Area” for them. This is especially important for medium and large maps.

  • Deep Mines: I could be wrong, but it appears tier 4 Deep Mines do not have the same output volume with 16 workers as a Tier 2 Mine with 8 workers. Deep mines, particularly Deep Coal mines produce 20% less coal. At a minimum, please allow Deep Mines to benefit more (higher percentages per guild worker) when a Miners Guild is active.

  • Graveyards: Should be able to be upgraded to have a groundskeeper which can recycle grave plots by incinerating older corpses. Players cannot keep burying villagers forever!

  • Town Info: The Town Center says “Village Quests” at the top, so can we have some actual quests to fill time in the next release? Expedition to Kill Wolves/Boars/Bears, Collect a certain number of raw or fabricated materials in a year, Have 12 months of food stored, something like that.

  • UI Reports: Reports should allow showing beyond 12 months so players can see their entire progress since the game began

UI Useful changes

UI Harvest Menu:

  • Trees Subcategory: Mature, Dead
  • Stones Subcategory: Small, Large
  • Bushes Subcategory: Thicket, Shrub
  • Berries Subcategory: Sumac, Hawthorn, Hazelnut

UI Road Menu:

  • Create Subcategory: Dirt, Stone, Brick (assume Brick will be tier 5) and Upgrade road options

UI Flag Menu:

  • Create Subcategory: Set Exploration Point
  • Create Subcategory: Set Flag Combat Area

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