So, I love the aesthetic update provided by upgrading the Forager Shack. Being able to cultivate things in place is nice; but I do also enjoy actively managing relocating the “collection circle” in which my Foragers work throughout the seasons.
My suggestion is, once the building has been upgraded to T2, add an additional worker slot with the ability to toggle on/off the collection circle. The additional Forager would be able to go and roam and forage (just like the T1 building), while the other Forager one remains at the garden. I say it should be able to be toggled on/off since I’m assuming that some players do not want to have to continually change where their collection circle needs to be. In that case, the additional Forager would increase the T2 building’s production output.
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I saw that the garden can only do one item, so where foraging is plentiful I don’t bother with upgrading.