Nice to see the game developing and changing. Good job!
In the trade-post you now have buy/sell prices. Is this an option that you can toggle on/off somwhere or is this unchangable?
For myself, I enjoyed the idea that you are in a peaceful rustic time and meet some peddlers who want to trade and carry goods between communities. Being on even footing with them felt natural. Now there is a kind of mercenary merchant’s atmosphere, where you are the little farmer and they are the big powerful company that manipulates the prices to their own advantage.
I hoped this effect would grow less as you became a more mature town (tier 3+) and become a more equal trade partner, but it does not seem to be that way.
Sofar I have not had a single vendor to vendor trade-opportunity (moving a product from vendor a to vendor b at a profit), and I suspect the game has some logic built in to prevent this from happening now.