[] How to Solo Ultimate Avatar of Mogdrogen in 10mins. Build+video etc

Begone false gods, the lord of light is the only true god.

This is a quick guide on how to kill ultimate mogdrogen with a modified version of my "tri"elemental saboteur build posted here, which is now a pure fire build.

[COLOR=“Red”]Disclaimer: No consumables were harmed during the making of this video, i hate consumables. Consumables are cheating, its like having a rich dad.

[v1.0.0.4]Video: Saboteur solo ultimate mogdrogen 10mins. no consumables.

In some ways, ultimate mogdrogen is the ultimate test of the strength of a build. The fight requires a combination of tankiness, sustained dps, CC, hp recovery, -resist, OA/DA.

As such this build relies on no gimmicks, just the right balance of the above for this fight.

Fight mechanics:

-Mogdrogen has -130 lightning resist. So you must stack 130 above 88-91%
-He “enrages” at 50%, gaining stormcallers pact, 40% dmg absorb, more dmg, bigger crits. so this is the true test of this fight.
-He summons 3 types of adds, briarthorn, quill spitters, charging pigs. the pigs have a nasty charge, the ranged mobs are spread out. As far as i know all do physical dmg and maybe pierce on the ranged mobs.
-He will also randomly move around so you can’t put him in a corner to avoid adds. He cannot really be lifeleeched but adds can.
-he has a ton of DA/OA much much higher than anyboss in the game, so at 2300DA u will still be crit. at high OA u can still miss.

[v1.0.0.4]Video: Devotions, skills, components, gear etc (actually forgot kymons will on my neck… boss would have been noticeably easier if i had it in the kill vid LOL)


The fight:
-important: use classic targeting, hold LMB down on the boss the entire fight. Let aoe kill adds.
Phase 1, above 50% This is easy, just flashbang when adds spawn or every 4-5sec. Hold down BWC button to cast on CD, while this lasts longer than the CD, the boss moves alot and this will also trigger solael’s witchfire debuff.

phase 2, below 50%, he will hit significantly harder and bursty. be ready with PB/potion to heal burst.

You don’t necessarily need to flashbang spam on the adds, explosive strike does AOE lifesteal from adds which is part of sustain, flashbang causes adds to randomly run away from you.

When the boss is alone, IE no adds up, u can’t really life steal, so pay attention to healing with pots/PB.

Monitor ur mark of divinity cooldown. Be more vigilant when its down. The haunted steel ability is a very helpful big lifesteal buff, espcially when MoD is down, careful use of this + potion/PB should help keep you alive in phase two.

Ignore ranged adds, lvl12 flashbang will reach them and make them miss/confuse enough. When the melee adds spawn make sure you flashbang once immediately to stop the pigs from charging you.

In closing:
Many thanks to Drizzto’s guide on duo ultimate mogdrogen and detailing some fight mechanics there.

As far as I know this is the fastest solo ult mog kill in presently, finally a patch where saboteur can do something better than blademaster :slight_smile:
Nerf static strike.

i know you were angry that Mogdrogen nerfed your lightning static strike but still not a reason to kill your old master :frowning:

Nerfed Saboteur just become a god slayer.

You hate consumables but do not mind cheating? I think you missed this when creating your other guide…

Get real.

OP here: http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?p=373109

Look dude, i understand ur new at this game. Any self respecting veteran player with a few twink items in stash can do 1-85 in less than 24 hours. all you have to do is ask around.

it seems most of your whole 13 posts here is spent talking shit to me, now you actually go edit my screenshot from an old build to make this flame post.

your new, so theres still plenty of fun to be had in game, you should try playing the game instead of flaming people here. like seriously its kinda sad man.

Despite his hours played, looking for the amount of kills and boss kills you can only assume that he was well geared and went straight foward to Ultimate. With quests, good gear and spending less time hunting trash mobs and progressing over it seems completely possible.

I agree, a veteran took a whole 22 hours just to reach 84, psstt, get real.
On a serious note, dude, if you’re trying to be a troll you may need to find another job.

@jajaja: Did you try using Dracarris instead of Firestarter or the green daggers just simply BiS :confused:

yes i looked into it, however, each legion firestarters flat fire dmg applies to both weapons, not just one - at least thats my understanding anyway.

but mainly the lack of IAS / OA are pretty big deall. and the proc on firestarters are not to be underestimated, they are stronger than stormheart procs on a single target, its pretty signifcant.

on top of this u can always get really good rolls on firestarters by keep remaking the game unlike regular legendaries

I’m 90% sure that isn’t the case.

Flat damage on a weapon will only apply to that weapon.

scratch that part then, thanks for the info :smiley:

with that said, legionstarters should still provide significantly higher dps than dracaris due to IAS/OA and very strong proc

Grim fate + ortus is a good combo too.

Warpfire also provides a debuff proc and skill bonuses, nothing beats Firestarters in term of raw power though.

tried warpfire as well, the dps loss was just too great to justify the single target cooldown based -res debuff. but again, it has +skill so, its not unreasonable. it may come out ahead on very high resist enemies like sharzul/mogdrogen.

grimfates are kinda like dracrasis, with less dmg but extra proc vs trash.
doens’t really help against bosses tho and trash dies instantly anyway.

tried ortus as well. ortus is decent, about same dps, IF you still keep one legion dagger to use oklain’s latern devotion.
with ortus, u are basically trading a dps proc for a heal proc. whichever suits ur needs, more healing was never a necessity for me with breath of belgothian + lifesteal

Hey jajaja. Have you tried Mogdrogen on ultimate after nerf? Getting shrekt by him. Too many ads are alive… they seems to die slower now. Sometimes i get oneshotted through mark of divinity. Any thoughts?

dps has decreased some, but otherwise nothing really changed interms of defense. he’ll take a bit longer but fight should be the same.

likely a common mistake of being unable to tank him is not stacking +130% lightning resist above the 91% cap on ultimate. and he has a large amount of -res.

another reason is letting the adds hit u without being flashbanged. as long as they are flashbang debuffed, i actually like more adds being alive as it provides more lifesteal.

Have nearly the same gear setup. Exept rare pants… I swaped starfury with avatar of mercy for stun res. So mb the 4 max lighting res is really that crucial or it’s just me perform bad with flashing adds. Thx for reply)

Resistance grows dramatically more powerful the closer you get to 100%.

Going from 0% to 1% is nothing. Going from 98% to 99% is literally halving the damage you take.

Got raped in ult then in elite. Tried to change close to the suggested build and still gets raped in ultimate ( a few skillpoints short and 1 different devotion point - And ofc meteor only lvl 1, maybe that matters a lot). Unless the pants are super important with the reduced stun time, idk what to change to beat ult avatar. Maybe just try to lvl meteor and see if it will matter.

Old post…but no, no they cannot…not in the vanilla veteran game at least. I have grim stash with a crapton of twink items and still dont think i could 1-85 in less then 24hr.

The crucible + friend = easy