[] Complete Noob's Summoner Warlock - 11s Mad Queen, 8 min SoT, bla bla

  1. Yes, the pets will desintegrate everything extremely fast in late game. The only way you could see those extra summons more is using Doom Bolt whenever is on cooldown. In crowded places like BoC / SoT you will see them much more often because you will have 3-4 elemental storms on top of eldritch fire + solael’s flame. You just have to be…more active…

  2. I would not run any caster build (summoner or not) in the Crucible except for a CT Sorcerer. Even if you respec the char in order to be able to do it you will find the procedure suboptimal. The Crucible favors inherently tanky characters such as a Warder or a Witchblade. Anyway, once you master the build you can farm SoT in around 8 min. That’s aproximately 12 legendary items + 2 Moosilauke shoulder in an hour.

In the Crucible you will get around 16 legendaries and a LOT of MI Nemeses shoulders in that time frame. This is because the Crucible is actually massively imbalanced and makes choosing Kymon vs Order completely irrelevant in the main campaign.

Still, the AoE this build provides allows you to farm trash very easy in order to get components. As such, I would say this build + a tanky Witchblade will cover your entire farming needs for any future character you might want to make.

P.S.: Do not bother with the Harbinger summon. He is massively slow even with Manipulation maxed and +100% to total pet speed.

Side question: I couldn’t find information on what the revenant of og’napesh buff actually does. The tooltip says it boosts a few things but I haven’t been able to find numbers. Anyone know?

darn, was hoping it was just me and there was a use for the harbinger. at least he looks bad ass, even if he does just stand there :smiley:

will be happy with the +2 stats until I level into better gear.

appreciate the quick replies

He might be useful in fights where you don’t have to move. If he has the same chaos resist debuff that the regular ones have he might even be pretty nice.

Actually, they last 25 seconds. Every level adds a second or two to the duration. At max rank you have 5 of them for 25s and with them slapping everything with DG’s stun chance it can get really fun. I’ve been farming Karroz with my AAR warlock trying to get the gear for this build and the skeletons occupy his adds until I kill them and make more skeletons.

I don’t doubt that there’s better shit to be doing with your DP than revenant with this build, but they aren’t nearly as useless as you make them out to be.

I just got shephard’s call and not seeing any new icons appearing by the pet bars to indicate when it triggers from my attack. how can you tell when it procs?

From the new patch notes:


  • Elemental Balance: increased % Burn, % Frostburn and % Electrocute damage
  • Manifestation: the % Elemental damage penalty for players and the % Elemental damage bonus for pets have been removed

How critical to the pet damage was the 120% elemental bonus from manifestation? I know we’ll need to see how much elemental balance was boosted, but is this a huge loss of pet damage for this build?

Quick question, which skill do you have Hungering Void on? I’m using OFF currently.

Chaos Strike - because you should use it only vs bosses when mirror and BoD is up.

This a good question. Also, the legendary ring now has a good chunk of elemental resist; does this effect how many points go into derpy bird’s alleged skills?

any recommendations on good places to farm for the glyph of kelphat’zoth ring? the guide says to farm for a good one, I would settle for even seeing one, good or bad :smiley:

Ofc, I updated the guide for

The HUGE Kelphat’Zoth buff means you can put another offensive augument on the ring instead of an elemental resistance one. Also, points from Storm Spirit can now be spent elsewhere (e.g. Maiven’s Sphere, Infernal Breath, Mirror, Doom Bolt, etc.).

SoT if you are in Elite would be optimal. There is no special place where you can find it but I recommend SoT because undead are weak to fire damage (…and chaos).

The Glyph is now fairly amazing, certainly a big improvement. Previously I had found maybe four of them and recycled all but one (that I use now on this build). Now I might actually keep it if I find another.

Looks like I’ll have to revisit some of my old summoner builds with this new update.

I’ve been playing this build as a Pyromancer and I’m doing great so far (HC Elite), BWC is amazing with Eldritch Fire and Flashbang procs Shepard’s Call multiple times (not sure if the effect stacks), Plus you don’t need Doombolt to snipe mobs since BWC procs the Black Scourge spawns already.

Not a big fan of the Symbol of Solael and Chaos Strike as they feel more like bandaid fixes because the build is lacking active skills to attach procs to but I think mine will end up a bit more defensive on the devotions since I’m playing HC, so I’ll make more use of my passives.

Any pointers for a HC char?

Farm some resistant Bysmiel-sect legguards preferably at +5% OA for the pets and stack a lot of HP. Anyway, Ultimate will be much harder than Elite so you should prob invest all spare points into Blast Shield + Flashbang.

P.S: Chaos strike is paramount due to 3 reasons:

  1. It is the only way you can reliably apply the Viper debuff;
  2. It gets you out of shit if you get crowded, allows you to avoid environmental damage, etc.
  3. It cuts runs by 20-30% because it gives extra mobility.

You do know there’s 6 different “resistant” prefixes at 70, right? Which resistant are we looking for?

does it matter if I pick Kymon’s or Order of death vigil?

Not all that much. I believe the order has a good pet augment so I went for them.