[] Complete Noob's Summoner Warlock - 11s Mad Queen, 8 min SoT, bla bla

The one you are lacking, ofc. Take it easy, man…it is highly improbable you will min-max a character in less than 4 days.

Worst case scenario, if you are lacking a specific resistance and you can’t continue further (though I highly doubt this will happen giving this is a pet build with insane CC) you can craft rings until you get an “Incoruptible” prefix and a nice pet buffing suffix. I mean…this is what iron and scrap is for, right ?

Hey m8 thanks for the guide , just got to lvl 42 and it’s been okay so far .

Newish player , what faction did you choose at homestead , Kymons or deaths , thanks .

I have got 2 players to 85 and farming to get relics I don’t have including primal instinct but no joy yet .

I have been running troves but the last 15 in a row 0 blueprints and not many tainted/bloods etc not dropping either . Is there a point when troves stop giving items ?

I did manage to get a ring , the glyph from Etram in Tyrant’s hold , so it’s a start . Also been farming for the offhand and I think I have almost every one but the one I need , bloomin’ RNG eh :stuck_out_tongue:

Order of Death’s Vigil on Veteran + Elite - you max reputation with them and take all their auguments / items you might need (or think you might need).

Afterwards, on Ultimate, you side with Kymon’s Chosen and farm the shit out of the Order until you get nemesis status. Zantarin is a joke when your pets have 80% vitality resistance. Anyway, if you don’t get the Fiendflesh legendary Mantle , a Taskmaster’s Zantarin Mantle of the Wild would be BiS (if not circumstantially better than the Fiendflesh especially Vs. the upcoming Aetherial dungeon in December).

Brilliant , thanks a lot , much appreciated .

Thanks to Avatar for the brilliant guide.

I used your build as a base for a Pyromancer summoner and it was a lot of fun. What the Pyromancer lacks the most is the Mirror and Nullification skills. DPS wise it is almost the same (I used an almost identical devotion setup as presented in the Warlock). The only area it surpasses the Warlock is the speed of killing slow or static enemies if you use the Thermite Mines (better for static as Log, because you will draw aggro as soon as you use them.
To get more Lightning damage to profit from the Flame Touched passive I used the Spark of Ultos as my weapon to convert 30% physical to lightning on my pets. I also used two Glyph of Kelphat’Zoth to boost the Lightning based damage.
In the end I think the Warlock is better than the Pyromancer.

On the off-note, I don’t see any changes on the revised aggro generated by my Hellhound after

Just my two cents.

As a complete noob, how is this build different from JayNynes?

Take it easy man, I’m just asking questions for clarification. If you have gear+augments+devotions+skills listed you should have a pretty good idea of what resistance that package will be lacking, no?

Iron is for crafting random legendaries at 75k a pop until I get what I need. Duh. :stuck_out_tongue:

True, but I made the build in before the Glyph buff. Anyway, I have lightning, fire and poison resistance on the pants. An “imprevious” prefix can also be good, but that means you will keep Mogdrogen’s Sanctity on a ring and I don’t actually consider this to be a good thing.

Since Nemesis farming is now officially dead, I’d say you would want as many offensive pet auguments as possible on the rings. You get more out of SoT/BoC than hunting the nemeses so the fact that you can kill Ben’Jahr or Valdaran in 20 second with no risks means little now.

But what about pride? Being able to say “yes I can kill every last thing in the game with little effort”? Having the assorted heads of sundry monstrosities to adorn (or perhaps build) the walls of your home?

Be right back, gotta suggest that last one in I&F. :stuck_out_tongue:

If you plan on fighting Mooski a lot, Orders of Death Vigil has an augment that gives 20% reduced frozen time to your pets (on jewelry, so you can have 3 for a total of 60% reduced freeze time). You can just re-sprinkle your offensive pet augments back on after you’re done killing Mooski each time.

(that’s not an option if you’re sided with Kymon’s Chosen, of course)

I was thinking, after the Glyph boost, is there a point to having the raven around? If you don’t use his buff I don’t really see the point. I removed it and put the points in elemental balance, I think that improved overall damage output and made me not swear at the stupid bird anymore. Win win.

Yes sure, you can kill the bird now !

An item to consider if, like me, you never found a beastcallers mark in 1000 hours of playing:

It was buffed in and just look at that pet OA (not sure if it can roll higher).

Wow, when you say “11s Mad Queen” you weren’t kidding. I’m rocking this setup with basically the gear in the OP and it’s almost embarrassing how quickly she drops. Guardian of Bysmiel is so easy I pull him with his extra spawns just to have stuff to kill.

Too bad I continually get Fabian and Iron Maiden on the later waves of the crucible. :furious:

To be honest with you I didn’t design the build to run the Crucible. A lot of ppl (myself included) have actually finished Gladiator solo with casters…HOWEVER, the entire process is extremely painful and demanding.

Optimization considerations will quickly lead you to the conclusion that the Witchblade class currently provides both high damage output and enormous survivability, making it the best class to farm the Crucible reliably.


I’m lvl 45 and I’ve just invested 3 points in to manifestation but i’ve not seen a noticeable improvement in the pet damage output for the hellhound or Ognapesh. Is this a reflection of the update to manifestation for this build or am I not using this skill correctly?

I have one point in IEE and tested the pet damage output on the dummy in Devil’s crossing toggling IEE on and off. I can see a difference when Bond of Bysmiel is on but nothing for IEE. I have zero points in elemental balance at this stage.

Thanks for your help in advance.

The grimcalc is outdated of course. You should now take points into manifestation only after Elemental Storm (the devotion) has a sufficiently high rank and you have 10/10 in Vulnerability.

Also, until you farm a lvl 75 Bloodsowrn signet, you might want to take 2 x Kelphat’Zoth rings now.

Yeah, I realize that. And the build actually doesn’t do too bad in the Crucible; the enormous amount of pets let you be pretty mobile, and putting any damaging effect on curse is a quick way to slaughter whole packs at a time (and getting more pets, woo). It’s really just the nemesis waves with fabius and iron maiden that make life difficult since they have such huge burst potential.

Okay, question: does this spec (or any warlock spec) have even the slightest fucking shot at killing the Clone of John Bourbon? Because I fight him and I immediately die if I don’t pop a trillion potions and spend a death on pulling them all back to the loot beforehand. Even then, I just die in 30s instead of 0.01ms.


I’d appreciate some advice on the build. I’m currently lvl 79 and have most of your prescribes items but i can’t seem to hit the same crit heights as you. On average, my pets do about 12k crits with a range of 3k - 22k.

Please see my items and character sheets below. I’d appreciate any insights/advice on ways to improve my dps.
