[] Complete Noob's Summoner Warlock - 11s Mad Queen, 8 min SoT, bla bla

  1. Your leg armor is Boneweave - in those videos I was using a resistant Bysmiel-Sect of the Board. Sure, that combination is not optimal, but it adds 5% OA to your pets, as well as HP for you.

  2. You are using 2 x Kelphat-Zoth - while this combination is massive in some circumstances, it will transform all physical damage of your pets into lightning + elemental in conjunction with Manifestation. You might see some problems there vs. Valdaran, for example. In the videos I was using a Subjugator Bloodsword ring of the Wild. This will make your damage output spectrum more broad in my opinion.

  3. I believe you don’t have Hungering Void at max level. The Dying God devotion adds a lot of damage to your pets.

  4. You might want to use the Fiendmaster chest vs. everything except high elemental damage bosses. It is better than the Beastacaller’s chest for this build in 90% of the cases.

  5. You absolutely need the Primal Instinct relic. The swarmlings are enormously powerful. In fact, this relic will probably get nerfed.

  6. There might be differences in terms of rolls on the items. As a side note, there is a 40% variation on stats on what you see on Graceful Dusk. As such, the same way there is a big difference between a 60% warpfire saboteur and a 90% one, some summoner legendaries you got might have came with bad rolls .

Thanks for that Avatar. I also have primal instinct - forgot to post that on there. I’ll see if i can find the remaining items you mentioned and also level up hungering void.

I also took up the Eel devotion to free up two points for bonds of bysmiel. I’ll see how that goes.

Thanks for the analysis. Out of curiosity, what % pet bonus damage and % offensive ability should we be aiming for?

After the buff to bird damage and the buff to the resistance on the glyph ring, I can’t decide if it’s worth putting more points in dumb bird (and lightning strike) or to just get rid of him altogether…

I’d say get rid of it. Devs have hinted at incoming nerfs of pet lightning damage (the reason I abandoned this build in elite) in that thread where someone killed ultimate modrogen with it. Zantai specifically mentioned the Glyph.

So I just switched my Panetti’s Warlock over to this and I’m in HC. I’d like to make this build more HC viable. Any suggestions?

Just wondering whether you killed Anasteria or grind Outcasts rep for this build?

started this build and it feels really weak… Any help with that? Any changes due to

Do you have the required items, like the (Empowered) Black Grimoire of Og’Napesh and Primal Instinct? If not, the build will feel severely underpowered for sure. This is a very fun build to play but its gear dependencies are fairly strict.

As for, this build took a pretty significant nerf to Curse of Frailty and many of its final items, but that doesn’t have any real impact on the build if you’re just starting out. At max level, however, you’ll no longer be able to match the kill speeds in the videos posted due to the DPS loss from the changes. I couldn’t tell you how much lower exactly, but this build still has very high single target DPS.

Hey man, first off, awesome build!
But i got a question about devotion points. I finished everything like u said, but i have some points left…what should i spend them on? Bysmiels Bonds?
Thanks in advance and kind regards

Quick question about Eldritch Fire: are you supposed to spam Solael’s Flame in longer boss fights in order to continuously proc Eldritch Fire?