[] Markovian/Warborn Commando - Juggernaut - high physical dmg shield build + Crucible farmer


I keep delaying because i’m curious about the hotfix. There could be some relevant buffs that might affect the final devotion map. I’m also curious, besides everything related to damage, if Markovian proc remains at 1 sec CDR. It feels very bad at the moment and Warborn builds that invest more in physisque might take over which is a pitty.

Lol, good one

Hey can’t a guy hope:rolleyes:

If i see buffs then i am back in business as well. These guys usually listen to the community so let’s see

And when is the hotfix foreseen ?? :smiley:

I’m guessing that means in a week or two.

this build still work in ?

i follow the build exactly same but i dont have 100k damage?
mad queen still 1 hit me

I will update it before or after the hotfix arrives. There are changes in devortions. Also changes taht need tu be made in stats. When I made this build in version 0.6 there was no way anyone could have known what the devs wanted to do with monster OA. I’ve moved some points from cunning to physique, Use colossal Grasp gloves, especially on markovian.

Try allocate devotions to grab Ghoul active, it helps sustain 6 sec between health pot and overguard cd. Also try Barbaros pants and Colossal gloves, they are amazing. And you can add Prismatic Diamond to your helm, it receive nice buff also.
Good luck.

p.s. time your cd’s wisely :slight_smile:

Tried ghoul in many combos, weapon needs changing for markovian to a Vampiric bonschythe/boncleaver or of Voracity, or both affixes, which is what i’m using. Haunted stell can’t be used on markovian because damage plummets and ghoul is not enough for crucible

I never run crucible, Ghoul only for 4% life steal and active for MQ/Sharzul. And i speak abou full Warborn ofc, not Markovian.

Sure, it works there. It’s fine for vanilla be it Warborn or Markovian:)


Thanks for a great build. I just finished up ultimate with the Markovian version of it tonight. Zero deaths, only the third character that I’ve been able to do that with. What an amazing tank - I didn’t even have the whole Markovian set (missing the amulet) and I can only think of a couple times that my health bar even dropped below a half (Loxmere and couple Nemesis encounters). It helped that I was still playing in v1.0.0.6, but I wanted to try out this build the way it was designed before updating to the current version.

Thanks for the guide. Just finished Ultimate and started Crucible/Gladiator today using this build ( slightly different ) My first full playthrough… with crappy gear, mostly factional, no any sets etc. Btw 0 deaths ( soft ).

Everything was easy… ofc, a bit slow because of my low equipment.

I crafted my first Oleron’s Wrath…+1 Rending Force and Laceration.

fail :frowning:

Take it easy in crucible then:p Stop at wave 100 and grab your loot. Penalty for death is very high with loot. You can complete your sets in challenger.

Still waiting on hotfix for update

@Buster62- Glad you liked it:)

@Phosphonothioic Don’t worry it will serve other builds like 2h bleed warder

Superfluff - I’m searching for an MI to replace my Warborn Gavel. In the meantime, do you have a suggestion on what I could swap Haunted Steel for? I was thinking either Hallowed Fang or Oleron’s Blood.


Hollowed fang also has conversion like Haunted steel.:stuck_out_tongue: So no.

For Markovian a good replacement for Warborn gavel is Vampiric Bonescythe of Alacrity/Voracity

I have the simple version, bonecleaver, with the above affixes.

I’ve even used a yellow, Vampiric boneclaver of alacrity, with decent results. Go Secret shop:P

Is there a way to reset that vendor aside from having to recreate the game?

Go to Benvald than place a personal rift, take it to Devils Crossing. Than i talk to the two vendors there and take the rift back to Benvald.