[] DW Cold/Frostburn Spellbreaker (Fabius 12 sec and Mad Queen 12 sec) with 1 DM piece

doesn’t look like you were using Beacon of the Winter’s Veil and you obviously have some good life leech. Doesn’t look like the exact same build… which is my point. Since you can’t freeze anything the mace is now pointless, this frees up a few item slots in the build; hence might as well use a DM set.

There is slight differences, but i cant call that another build, alias SS spam cold/frostburn Spellbreaker.

I guess its all perspective. To me if a build is based on certain items then its a different build. In a sense this is a more glass cannon version of SS spam (I didn’t build it that way because it was too squishy I went for tree of life). But it was only dependant on two items. In any case lets all just aim for the same item dependant variants of a cold spellbreaker build. GD is cool because you can have a cold-spellbreaker build but do it many different ways. We just have one less now, hopefully I can complete a DM set.

Not really the mechanics he is using are the same, only differences are his setup balance and it’s not based on one or two items!

It’s a good build because it’s built all around and not dependant on very specific item ability ( for example night embrance icechill).

Would you be so kind and share your setup with us please? :slight_smile:

cold SB never needed freeze btw, aint new with .9, a solo crucible farmer is around since .6, meaning without alkamos items.

Just hope the less geared/experienced players will be able to play without, abusing freeze was a bad habit imo, felt it like a glitch or something xD
but for sure ill keep a good memory of that completly frozen MadQueen, was just hilarious, i mean one of the most deadly boss, not even capable of hitting you … :rolleyes:

I am humbly asking again :slight_smile: