[] DW Cold/Frostburn Spellbreaker (Fabius 12 sec and Mad Queen 12 sec) with 1 DM piece

Great build, 2 questions: why don’t you ge the blizzard ability, seems pretty good? Do you have a leveling guide for it or what to use while leveling and what to look for?

I have an okay geared 85 spellbreaker but my OA is somewhat low and just barely hits 2100 with lethal assault active. Having such a low crit chance and even sometimes not even reaching 100% hit chance is kind of painful against the higher level bosses so I was wondering what you guys think is worth using to deal with this

Two things that come to mind are Blade Trap & chugging some Dermapteran Oil (15% chance of 100 reduced DA for 5sec) before a bigger fight but I’m not sure how effective either of those things are. Also somewhat unrelated but do flat DA reductions like flash bang and derma oil stack and add up together on enemies?

But what would you remove to be able to get it ? tho I agree it’s pretty good (if enough OA)

Something like this http://grimcalc.com/build/1008-SqdQcu, got 2 points to switch around even… Hammer doesn’t give you that much anyway… do you happpen to know a good Spellbreaker leveling guide pls?

yup, I’ll try that. (for the record, I used blizzard rather soon while leveling) EDIT: provided I have enough OA for it to be usefull at all…

And nope, don’t know any leveling guide… for this one (I’m still just at 75) I went completely offensive, dual wield but caster as well and put everything I could find that does cold dmg / +speed / OA (often green or even yellow items were the best stuff during the first 40 or so levels for me). It went pretty quick, I was sometime oneshootable, but mobs died first (almost) everytime :slight_smile:
Used a lot OFF and RoF, and used eastern set for a while, also, I tried to get a bit of dmg to health conversion whenever I could.
It just became hard when hitting ulti, so I stayed as long as possible in elite. Anyway, that’s how I handled it…

Now I’v just reached 75, so I’ll look for gear in my mules and see how it goes for those last 10 levels. My main problem right now is resistances…

Pretty new player here, i was wondering in regards to the leveling process, how would you keep your weapons upgraded.

What i mean is do you snag any weapons that shows a +# increase to DPS, even if it has zero or lower %Cold Dmg? or do you ignore the shown DPS aspect and always get the highest ColdFrost Dmg plus OA that you find? Even if the weapon shows a minus in dps?

Why don’t you put, say, 7 points into Sphere of protection? It gives you 14% more effective health and health regen, 14% less from health degens like “aether hazards” (that are plain HP degens) etc. %% dmg loss over board on 400K crits isn’t that much, is it? I see (over several builds) points spent in much more “dumber” things for the sake of one attribute of the skill invested in…
Would you put 7 points in 14% more life or armor node at expense of 5% less damage? Well, by looking at gear used in these nuke builds, lot’s of gear used gives 2~5% more damage at expense of a lot of other things, like health pool, etc. Surely you can negate one piece of gear (just damage part) to get a lot more durability? Nightfall is especially useless unless it’s at maximum or over, and even then…most things are dead before you get to press that SS button again… :cool:

edit: I am not saying that you will die with this build if you play it carefully when needed, but hell, not everything is frozen all the time and ~8500 life isn’t that much in any, ANY, case. Even with 20% dmg reduction from sphere, it’s still a gamble. Have that Loxmere surprise you, nullify you and RiP.

Do almost everything opposite of what has been said. :slight_smile: No offense to posters, but take sailors blue first, then take spider, then take some points in that shaman up there, then take behemoth, then go for the chair, then go for the hawk etc. I leveled it up to 78 with 0 deaths (veteran in normal), still on Elite, need some more gear to go further.

PS. For gear, look for cold damge, cold procs, life steal, etc. and any weapon that has +cunning/spirit/physical really, it’s good. Attack speed not important at all. Reduction to cooldowns is important. Attack speed is almost mediocre since you don’t use any skill that depends on attack speed.

Does this build still survive MQ now that you cant freeze-lock her anymore?

Mad Queen is very simple for Spellbreakers as long as you pay attention. The strategy that I use is to wait until you start taking lots of damage then pop Mirror. At this point MQ has her retaliation aura up, which you can Nullify. So once your Mirror is up, nullify her aura, and MQ is a breeze.

is like kidpid said, ussually she go with her aura of reflect damage after she’s first scream, then mirror to prevent if you’re scare about her damage, then nulli her red aura, after that is no way to die against her.

Using mirror vs MQ is pussy style, only nullification is required. :rolleyes: killed the build, it was fun though thanks for the build idea.

Night’s Embrace never was mandatory for this build, and its still more than viable. :eek:

In now way do cold/frostburn spellbreaker depend on the night’s chill amulet. They are even stronger after this patch.

He probably meant about the part where they boosted boss type enemies CC resistances…Someone run Queen now and see how it goes? :smiley: I am not there yet :slight_smile:

This. Yes I can still do retarded damage, but don’t have the ability to stand up to any top bosses anymore. Used BB, Mirror, nullify and kiting got her to 10%. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m sure with tonns more kiting and adaption will be fine.

it was the mace and the ammy that made this build different. Now might as well just run a typical DM set.

it was the mace and the ammy that made this build different. Now might as well just run a typical DM set.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Posted a MQ runs just before. :rolleyes:

sorry, I didn’t know it was clip… :rolleyes: