[] DW Cold/Frostburn Spellbreaker (Fabius 12 sec and Mad Queen 12 sec) with 1 DM piece

Sure it must ends that way how you thought :cool:

I am glad that you like this :smiley: I really need to try this on Crucible but I’m too lazy :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m sorry :frowning:

I agree with you. I wish there are ways to apply other CCs as well :P.
By the way, I’m using Deathmarked Jacket because it has 2 shadow strikes. I don’t have a badge of masteries with shadow strikes so I need this jacket to get lvl26 shadow strikes.
This is a comparison between the two armors (Frostdread armor’s passive is on as well).

Hmm… I don’t think ‘better’ is the right way of comparing the two. Also, I never tried DW melee poison witch hunter build. Maybe you can tell me after trying this :D.

Nice build :slight_smile:

Try to up your OA its really low, DA also if possible.

If you want to maximize your dmg output this is something you should probably aim for :wink: https://i.imgsafe.org/89ff447a2b.jpg

Thanks a lot! :slight_smile: I’m working on it but it’s not easy to bring up my OA/DA and keep my RRs high :/. Can you share your build?

I recently started playing GD again after being absent for a while and went with a spell breaker. What I find somewhat “annoying” when trying to look up any interesting builds is that all builds more or less always are extremely gear dependent. Not only that but it’s always a final build.

I’m currently at lvl 33 or 34 with my character and would be interested in a guide suggesting what I should focus my skill points in. No guide ever seems to have that :confused:

I’m currently using two one-hand weapons and focused towards cold/lighting damage. Is there anyone who could give me some pointers in how I should plan my skill points and devotions points?

I’m really sorry that you found this post disappointing :/. This is my first ever build post and I was a bit lazy…
I tried to level with cold dmg shadow strikes build… but I don’t recommend it… it was really miserable, haha If I could start a spellbreaker over, I would want to try Phanetti’s Replicating Missiles build.
I think there is a right way to make a build. I think coming up with your own build is the fun part (At least for me, it is). In addition, we can always reset skill points and devotion points!

Also, if this is your first character, I can give you some legendaries. (pbz1856 <- this is my steam ID) Please add me :D!

Is this with Pneumatic Burst up?

The stat image OA/DA is with Pneumatic Burst but it becomes 2463 OA with Amarasta’s Blade Burst.

about OA, you should be able to get 3k, or close to (with ABB up), still if 3k aint mandatory for sure, still i think 2.5 is the least
try some other devotion options, and farm MIs for a better ring, also id change shoulders imo and few components like the one on gloves

I know its a major pita, also having decent amount of HP is troublesome for this kind of SBs.

Oh no, it’s not your build/guide it’s just that everyone of them requires you to have maxed out your character and found most or all of the required items :slight_smile:

I’ve figured out a good way to go on about with my character for now so it’s all good :slight_smile: Thx for the offer but this is my fourth or fifth character so I have quite a few leggies stacked away :slight_smile:

Thank you for the advice! I… really want to bring my OA up but I don’t know how… I have this shoulder because I need 2 shadow strikes to max it out. In addition, my shoulder gives me 86 OA, 40 DA, and a lot of resistances (especially, stun resistance). Do you have any suggestions? I would like to explore my other options :slight_smile:

Yes… I can get more HP if I give up my skills points and resistances :smiley:

I see haha I wish you luck with your character :slight_smile:

as promised, here’s the screenshot with gladiator crucible :smiley:

one w/o and one with extra spawn, which is very hard to maintain, almost die from big hit couple times, forcing me to respec some points from SS into mirror of erec :smiley:

this build killed iron maiden very fast surprisingly, my first 150 wave consisted of 2 maidens 1 moosie, had i not activate mirror i would’ve died from blitz and crit.

can’t be brain-dead using this build, need a lot of attention to HP and which one to kill 1st. very squishy but it has good CC (slow, freeze, etc) which is a good trade off.
and most of all it’s enjoyable to play :smiley:

I started a new character this weekend and he’s sitting at 52. I did the pre crucible trick and got my self to 10 devotion points and lvl 19 then started the main campaign. I put all my points into VoS and NC and as I walked through the campaign everything died. It wasn’t till act 3 or so that my aura wasn’t 1 shotting anymore :slight_smile: Eventually I maxed lethal assault and put 1 point into SS and in combination with the VoS/NC and procs from random gear and devotions I can one shot almost anything with 1 SS. I’m now putting additional points into SS and levelling my arcanist mastery, also have 1 point in CC moves.

I’ve never had so much fun levelling an alt. I figure Elite will bring some additional challenges but most of the gear I have saved up is from 50-75 so should be doable.

hello could you possibly tell me the route of the devotion to take and also the stats distribution? thank you so much :smiley:

OMG ,Night’s Embrace and Shard of Asterkarn do the magic !

Here i come, mad queen!

OH WOW!! Thank you for sharing this! Yes… health is really the main issue with this build :(. I think I will take MoD and try the gladiator crucible :D. I think this build definitely has enough dmg to clear it! I’m glad you tried it out :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m really glad you are enjoying the build :D. Personally, I had really hard time leveling this character… (Died A LOT!) But I really like strategy :smiley: I hope that your happy journey continues!

You don’t need to follow this order but this is one way to do it.

  1. 1 Red
  2. Finish the Viper
  3. 1 Green
  4. Finish the Hawk
  5. 1 Blue
  6. Finish the Behemoth (Giant blood)
  7. Take away the Green and Red
  8. 1 Purple
  9. Finish the Empty Throne (Resistances)
  10. Take away the Purple
  11. Finish the Rhowan’s Crown, Owl, Hammer, Spider
  12. Finish Leviathan
  13. Finish Sailor’s Guide
  14. Take away the blue
  15. Amatok the sprit of Winter

I have 4 cunnings, 13 Spirits, and all physiques. This character has a major health problem…

You lose a lot of damage but it’s really fun combo :D!!

you’re welcome. i have no issue with damage, saw many 100k above pops up.
but yeah the trade-off seems fair enough, which is survivability, esp againts big hitter like tyrant, shaz’rul and friends. (i got mauled to 2k hp by wave 149 shaz’rul once, and im not happy with that).

it’s not braindead build to facetank, i died a lot trying that in cruc using this build, except when i use mirror. :smiley:

MoD is a must esp againts extra waves, i’ll risk dark-dreams for it.
-1sec belgothian tho :frowning: will they decide to nerf it again to 0.5sec :smiley:

To increase health, I would suggest wearing bennjihar pauldrons of kings to fulfil that stun resistance plus 900+ raw health and nice armor rating. Any prefix with resistances are fine but of course stonehide is the best. The replacement will push your health to close to 10k, at the expense of some loss in OA and DA from the devil spaulders. It’s all up to you.

73 now and just started ultimate, only one death and that was in port valbury on normal :slight_smile: I went a slight different route and ignored leviathan and went for tree of healing. Once I find the ammy I’ll probably focus on your set up more (its the only item I didn’t have once I cleaned up my mules).