[] WTF is going on?

But don’t shotguns proc your mark? It always does seem to proc when facing Queen should i mistime anything

The proc activates at 30% health or below. If the damage is far greater than that, as in it pretty much removes your entire health at once and then some, the proc is not going to activate.

This has happened with my Cadence S&B Witchblade, where Mad Queen retaliation spikes just said fuck you to my Menhrir’s Will (and it was not in cooldown) and he just got shotgunned from full health.

this is extremely wrong&false.

a spellbreaker can tank EVERY nova hits with 50 fire res in GD vanilla conditions

a- you can get critted, prolly what happened here considering his DA
b- zantarin vitality nova

other than that, i can prove how wrong you are about this with my zero legendary valdaran run video… he shred my resist and i got shotgunned twice didnt die or lost more than 5-7k hp…

w/e bro all my chars are over 2.1 2.2k DA so dont know… he simply got critted, other than that spellbreaker just laughs about those attacks you mentioned.

Does it mean 1oo8 is unplayable? I only played once, a year back, ant this DW pierce BM was a force to reckon with…

Now I am doing dual pistols Pyro - will he work later? In Veteran it is not a cakewalk for me.

Could you please recommend some 1oo8 viable builds?


I think he went from just above 30% to zero.

Valdaran has one of the weakest shotgun attacks in the game, specially when one of the projectles seems to always miss even at point blank range. That’s hardly any example because i’ve tanked his shotgun attack with my resistance shredded. Guess i generalized shotgun attacks a little too much.

I’m gonna be an asshole now, but people walking around with 1,9k DA on Ultimate are just asking to be one shotted. Specially with a mastery combo that is know to be rather squishy.

He had 3933 health (33% left) when he took the killing blow:

this part is kinda true ya…

:cry: 12k hp, 10% absorption, 80% res, 1.9k DA + 130 with VoS is squishy in :eek:
Brave New Patch

That’s a SC player’s point of view. From the HC player’s point of view, a chance of losing BiS gear you had spent 6 months farming for because you had screwed up yourself is bad enough. If some rare and pretty much impossible to predict factor can screw you up to that extent, then HC might as well not exist. After seeing this, I for one not sure if I want to play HC in GD ever again.

Wasn’t exactly random, but no, not particularly; and we’re looking into solutions for melee vs projectile ring spells shotgunning like this.

The OP wanted an explanation as to what happened, so I provided one. (Missed the resist reduction from Balrazar on top of that too, good catch there).

He got one shotted while being low HP and having rather low DA.

Just one unlucky moment and monster constellation is enough. Seems like he didn’t realize Balthazar and his stupid dog while relying on MoD to save him.

When every HC player would open up a thread after his toon dying, the forum would be full of those threads. It’s part of the thrill and sometime it might just happen.

Between the shotgun nova, the timing of the res debuff, and the last hit just barely missing the threshold for his MoD - talk about the perfect storm of unlucky.

OK I think we can summarise everything that went wrong for him:

  1. Resistances reduced by Balrazar’s DEE
  2. Lowish DA not sufficiently compensated by VoS
  3. Shotgunned by Flame Revenant’s Fire Nova
  4. Flame Revenant buffed by priest
  5. Fire Nova does hefty physical as well as fire damage
  6. Flame Revenants have more Cunning than Rage Hulks at the same level
  7. Last set of simultaneous hits occurred at 33% HP and damaged him straight to zero, bypassing MoD

@Zantai Me and my friends have also noticed some random damage amp going on on some trash where they are doing 1 shots. We all have super high DA (Enemies were at a 80% hit chance), but we would get 1 shot walking past some of the trash. Golem thingies are able to half-shot with their basic hits, and it just seems that the damage scaling adjustments you did accidentally shifting the endgame difficulty up on trash mobs. Again, we are talking about people who have so much DA as to be uncrittable by bosses, with 10-12K hp, and 80+ resist sheet, just instantly dead. It all seems to be in SoT too, haven’t noticed it elsewhere (yet).

So…the summary is that you’re seeing this with undead? Several undead enemies were buffed as SoT was widely considered the easiest roguelike.

Just today I died to three Hero Skeletal Monstrosities in SoT all smacking me the same time with 10k HP, 27% Phys Resistance and over 2k DA. Didn’t dodge or fumble them because it never happened before.

That explains it, I guess. :smiley:

I have also noticed this with very high DA. In both BoC and SoT. Some inexplicable bursts. Andi mean with tank shield and all just get menhir’s procced out of nowhere. I will try more and see what’s up.

Yea, it was the easiest, but I think a lot of that comes down to the fact that the core resistances you need for most of the dungeon are just elemental/cold. Unlike both BoC(Chaos, Vit, Fire for boss), or the (Overcap by 30) Aether resist for PV with good fire/poison too, SoT just always had the easist to build resist for thanks to the fact that elemental resist was so easy access. And I distinctly noticed when I got 1 shot it was by one of those revnants, I think the fire projectile ring may have got me or maybe not, but when a tanky build goes down instantly to a trash mob, then it feels a bit off. Undead already have some of the least ignorable trash in the game thanks to priest heal spam + frost revs freezing you while warlocks drop the CoF on you, and meanwhile knights just instantly apply their reflect status so you take tons of chip damage from yourself. Also, the SoT boss fight has for the most part always been cheesable with a Hoarfrost potion because he is so dependent on that freeze at times (Although the recent 0 CD shadowstrike spam from the boss is getting fairly irritating).

SoT was easier, but it also has multiple other factors that make people prefer it. 1. No irritating post-processing effects that drain your FPS or impair vision (Looking at you both PV and BoC), 2. a more reliable run with an easy access to a ton of heros on the way and one of the Witch God pants, which are obviously BIS for most builds nowadays, 3. A high yield of Ectoplasm, which is one of the more constraining resources in the game, and needed for the production of those keys to run the place, and 4. a high density of fairly decently selling MI drops.

Also, on the topic of Skeleton Keys, I really feel they should be crafted with 1 of each “core” rare mats, and Skeletons be given their own rare mat (With crafting recipes obviously adjusted to use them in place of the hearts/brains/bloods in various cases). Increase the output to give 4 keys, one for each rare mat used (Heart, blood, brain, and bone/spirit?). The core trade-off of farming SoT in place of BoC or PV is that you get no rare mat drops other than maybe a heart from a hero on the way to it, or something from the trove, so in effect you are trading ease for far lower rewards/sustainability.

You CHOSE to play HC. The POINT of HC is that you can die, and lose BiS gear you spent 6 months farming for. If you don’t want to lose your gear and character, then don’t play HC.

That isn’t a SC player’s point of view. It’s just the facts. You chose to take the risk. Now, when that risk comes due, and you die, you’re complaining that the risk you took voluntarily has borne fruit. I get it, the death feels bad…That doesn’t change that you took the risk. Nobody forced you, nobody is making you keep playing HC. Hell, nobody is preventing you from using a tool to resurrect your character. Your choices, not mine, or Crate’s.

I’m under the impression that all those life saving effects take a moment to proc. So, if you die between when the proc’s requirement is met, and when the proc actually notices this and goes off to save you…You still die. AFAIK that’s just a technical thing with priorities between damage and the proc system, but Crate could probably give more details there than I have.