[] WTF is going on?

Itemization can also be something to look out for when it comes to enemies using items that have reflect or debuffs.

odd. I’ve been farming the rogue dungeons for 2-2,5 weeks non-stop and never experienced any spike damage. Even with 1850 DA on my elementalist…which I specced out of Blast Shield while testing.

So I doubt it is just a thing due to the improvements you did. Otherwise more of us would’ve caught on to it. Althought i had to be careful around the exploding hell hound of that Dreeg dude summoner. That caught me a few times off guard and almost rekt my chars.

The point of HC is that I try to avoid dying by being experienced and playing skillfully. HC is not supposed to be a russian roulette. If exaggerated greatly, you’re telling that a soldier dying because the grenade he was about to throw happened to be faulty and exploded in his hand is okay because it’s his choice he’s a soldier and he took the risk.

Yes, nobody making me play HC, it’s just I had started it because I wanted to get 100% of steam achievements for one of my favourite games. Yes, that’s also my choice. No, I can’t just stop playing HC, and you suggesting it tells that you don’t have a clue about how it feels to go back from HC to SC. Downshifting from HC to SC is a very shitty experience.

I think you’re missing the point he’s trying to make. Your statement is perfectly right, that’s why you can play hundreds of hours with a HC char, as the OP probably did.
But it can take just an unlucky moment and you becoming slightly careless with time to die. That’s the deal and the thrill with HC chars. You just have to deal with sudden deaths, even if they might be cheap.

Btw, I stopped playing HC after one of my D2 chars died with 500+ hours of time invested.

Whose fault is that? Yours. It’s how you perceive it.

All I’m trying to say is that asking Crate to change the game because of a rare, perfect storm scenario is WAY overshooting things. If this happens all the time, that’d be different, and then SC and HC players would be upset. As it stands, it’s almost laugh-worthy how many insane things came together to cause this death. Don’t ask for changes based on a fluke.

There is one solution for this sudden-death experience the next time.

Dont run into the mob like you did, if your are unsure of any mean bosses, that could lurke around. Lure them away, single them out and then take them out
one by one.
Your way of “jumping in” would/could have killed almost any char.

Undead have been boosted quite a bit since There are not to be under-
estimated anymore.

Sorry for your RIP! Your were not carefull enough. I almost got killed in the same way.

regards Arkon

^ Pretty much this

I noticed in the video that the player was playing pretty recklessly for hardcore. Specially putting himself right in the middle of two heroes and a bunch of regular skeletons (there were three skeleton priests). That’s quite dangerous, specially after the buff they got in a recent patch.

And if someone will rape you, it will be only your fall, yes?

That’s why i prefer play HC. Because SC dilutes the brain. And you are one of best examples of it.

HC give you a real CHALLENGE. Where is no way to cheat.(if you not a pussy who use programs)

SC is for 3 types of people.

  1. For those who play only for relax. But usually those people dont go far than normal difficulty.
  2. For those who test new builds. And they are often really good players which got their HC chars.
  3. For pussies who are weak enought to take the real challenge. And to face it.

So, if you will die on it, it should be only your faulght. And not a bug, or unexpected damage from nowhere.
When you play HC, you make your own strategy. You try to take into consideration all what you know. And if there appeals some bug or something like it and you die because of it - of course you will burn!

If he had played more skillfully, he would have:

  • Surveyed the battlefield and ID’d all the heroes
  • Cast Nullification on himself as soon as he saw the poison icon on the lower right
  • Waited for the flame rev to cast fire nova before moving in OR cast mirror beforehand
  • Set his loot filter to rare
  • Killed the priests first

So there were some things he could have done to avoid his insane bad luck.

yeah, given that statement (and the 3 type of SC players) I’d say there is only one brain diluted here - and it has nothing to do with SC or HC

So, if you will die on it, it should be only your faulght.

It was his fault, rushing recklessly into multiple heroes (at < 40% health on top of that) is just plain stupid, the only surprise is that it took him so long to get killed playing like that

Did we watched the same replay? He was full health when he came into them. At 30sec he got full HP.
At 31 he got poison debuff
At 32 he lies dead.

There were only 2 shots. First lowered him to 4k hp, second killed him. As soon as i can see on clip.

And about SC vs HC… i’m just tired of idiots like Nssheepster who dont understand why people play HC. And why it is very difficult to play SC after it.

  1. That comparison is awful. Playing HC is voluntary.

  2. You are a perfect example so far of someone playing HC for the elitism, rather than the joy of it.

  3. So you don’t play to relax, you don’t test new builds, and you somehow have reached the erroneous conclusion that HC and SC aren’t exactly the same difficulty level. News flash: HC and SC are exactly the same until you die. So if you never die in HC, you may as well be playing SC, because there is functionally no difference. If you never die in SC, then the same applies. There is no extra challenge to HC, it’s the same game. Any extra challenge comes from having to re-farm your gear if you make a mistake.

  4. I don’t play SC for any of those reasons. I play SC because I have a fondness for well rolled rares over epics or legendaries. These are all nigh on irreplacable, because of the insane amount of time it takes to get one such rare, and as such I don’t want to lose them because, say, my cat jumped on my nuts while I was playing, leading to my death. That’s happened to me, more than once, as has other distractions that can’t reasonably be anticipated or prevented. At some point, if you play this game, you will die to something you had nothing to do with. Power outages, bugs, glitches, distractions, what have you. If you choose HC, then you should be aware that that will occur. If you aren’t aware of that when you made the choice, I’m sorry…But that doesn’t change anything.

  5. Let’s repeat the important bit from the above wall of text… If you play HC you will eventually die to something that is not at all your fault. Period. This is the case for any ARPG, and it should not be expected to change, for the simple reason that it cannot change without the game losing all challenge. DEAL.

Multiple projectile skills and how/when they register each projectile hit could be looked at unless the possibility of being hit by 1/2 or more projectiles is indeed intentional.

My assumption is that such skills are more used against ranged characters, summon based characters and I suppose multiplayer (or just the monster showing how cool it is by flinging projectiles everywhere while screaming in rage). If near/fully killing a close up target is supposed to happen then perhaps a bigger tell should be added to the animation or an added particle effect before the skill actually occurs.

You’re like a voice of reason in this thread and I found myself agreeing with pretty much everything you’ve said. I logged in to basically tell ya that.

BTW (for OP), I may not be elite or know the ins and outs of this game but 5 seconds into you entering that dungeon I had to check to see if you were on HC. I’ll call myself a noob, yet even I knew right away that you jumping around into mobs like you were was 99 percent of your problem. Complacency is what killed you.

1.9k DA in ultimate was suicide?
my sorcerer with 1.85k DA playing port valbury in ultimate
(really hard in flame of valbury with usual itemization, but without that place,
surely can survive.)

for some casters, it’s quite hard to obtain over 2k DA.

if we must obtain 2k DA in ultimate, some aggresive devotions/items would be just buried especially for caster.

Standard is to get to 2.1k at least, most of my builds sit around 2.2-2.4k. You have to give up some offensive power for it, no way around it. You either will end up taking Solemn Watcher or Wolverine to do it generally. They also added tons of DA to a lot of caster devotions, so you really don’t need to complain about it being “hard” to get it. It really isn’t, so long as you take either watcher or Wolverine to amp it up.

@Zantai, you said you did these changes to make SoT harder so that it wasn’t the easiest roguelike, right? Well Bastion is an absolute joke. You’ve made SoT the hardest dungeon, with the weakest payout. The moment people get those rings/scythe, people will never run it again. Port was the hardest with the greatest payout, Bastion was middle of the pack on both difficulty and reward, and SoT was easy, but the weakest payout. Now SoT is tied with PV on difficulty, but PV has significantly better rewards (Leg weapon is far more flexable for way more builds, drops aether crystals/shards like mad, brains drop from heros/bosses, has up to 3 deathroom chest to open, and has tons of powerful MI boss drops), Bastion is the easiest in the group, and drops more Bloods of Chthon fairly reliably to sustain the runs, with a legendary weapon which supports multiple varieties of Commando/Demo builds, and SoT… has a few legendaries that once obtained will result in you never wanting to go there again. The Scythe is really meh, only really working for 1-2 builds (Winter King, CDR-Spellbreaker. Which you gutted because it broke Crucible. Now you also gutted the CDR buff on Crucible too, so now CDR breaker wouldn’t even break Crucible. Oh look, build killed and then the thing that broke it in the DLC game mode got nerfed to well below the breakpoint value. GG.) The rings literally only are valuable for 1-2 builds, cold focused nightblade variants.

SoT has now by far become the least rewarding dungeon. No rare mat drop of any form, MIs that are only valuable to Nightblades who would by far prefer MIs from other locations or legendaries instead, the most inconsistent path in the game, with barricades often extending the length of a run through SoT by 2x-3x, and now to top it all off is prone to random 1 shots from the mobs there. The trash mobs at that.

This is happening an oddly large amount around this community. It’s odd, because usually it’s quite the reverse…everywhere, really, no matter what I say.

Either I found my people, or somehow fell into a world where making sense is encouraged. I can’t tell, but either is good with me. :slight_smile:

  1. Yes, playing HC is voluntary. That’s my choice. But dying because of bugs/dev.mistakes - is not. And if for SC-pussy like you it’s not obvious - I cant do nothing.

  2. I’m not playing for elitism. I’m playing for beating a challenge. And really enjoy it. It gives me adrenaline. And makes brain work harder.

3.Who said that i didn’t relaxing on it? Who said - i not test builds? I just prefer do it in real combat, not with dummies. It makes all tests a bit more fair. Especially when you already know all about mobs and tactics.
And that’s another reason why changes should be known.

  1. Throw your cat throught the window. Or train your reflexes better.
    All my death was only because of my own misplays and that’s normal. But my friends and OP died not because of their mistakes. They played just as usual.

  2. Let’s repeat for dummies like you. When you play HC you may die. And that’s normal, of course. But it is not, when it happens not because of you, but because of unexpected bug or hidden things that no one knows. Why it is so difficult for you to understand such easy thing?

SC-Pussy here checking in to say, “You can not call anyone but me an SC-Pussy on these forums.”

Please read:
