[] WTF is going on?

[off]Is that some sort of elitism from HC player? Like he put himself above the crowd :smiley: And then he go to the forum and crie like a baby cause he just lost one toon, demanding nerfs and explanation >_>[/off]

As for the video - well, bad luck :smiley:

Except he didn’t cried, nor demanded any nerfs at all, but asked Crate what was the deal about it… looks like you need to learn to read, before hitting that Reply button.

It has nothing to do with version, same thing would have happened in this situation if it was, in fact it’s less likely to die in because

Slightly reduced Physical damage dealt by monsters on Ultimate difficulty

Slightly reduced Nemesis boss Offensive Ability

Can we please bury this hateful thread already? Case solved - it was an incredibly bad luck and lack of knowledge of this particular hero’s skill, related to faulty resistance system. Some of you think it’s okay and not worth looking into - I disagree with you. You have zero chances to change my opinion on this. Your view of HC is distorted (my opinion, you’re free to disagree) because of indifference, but I won’t get at you for this anymore.

Watched video and that death was 100% preventable. Hopefully OP can learn from this experience to play better.

Welcome to Grim Dawn Ultimate,

the game where whole pages of various studies and theories cannot explain sudden deaths that a simple last hits log would do.

But no, the players cannot know how they died. Their only option is to click on “OK” and start a new build.

And repeat.

Because it is way too hard to implement a last hits received log.

Yeah, I see it now, thanks for your explanation. Still won’t upgrade, I think.

Ok, sorry. Was a bit angry. I was not meaning that about all SC players. I just dont like people who talking about thigs that they dont understand.
And with their speach they violate the rule “respect the ideas of others even if you disagree with them”. As also did I, and I’m saying it again - I’m sorry for my rudeness.

Thanks for taking the time to post that. I was not singling you out by any means, both sides were getting a bit toxic.

I love you all.

Dafuq :eek::eek:

And where is info about this changes in patch notes?
Always strange hidden jokes. Like life leech resist in

It was done as an extra surprise :p. Also the undead buff was in as well.

Life leech resist in

I think you mean ADCtH not affecting bosses, well that was a bug they acknowledged it and fixed it

The skeletons being buffed was needed but not game-breaking, don’t see any issue. SoT was child’s play to the point not many ran it.

And Zantai did mention skeleton buff in a post in

ADCtH not affecting bosses was because a buff to enemy life leech resistances stacked higher than intended with another hero/boss specific modifier.

Ah so that’s what it was, which is why i said it was bug and was addressed in a quick fix

I can tell you it once again - no info in patch notes. Looks like i need to read every single post to understand what is going on in this game?
I see no issue with this buff. Issue is hidden info.

Also it was no point to run SoT or BoC more than 1 time due no reward before, after Crucible was released.

con GRATz

are we playing a game, we dont know shit about monster buffs abilities etc?

all we know is something ‘slightly’ buffed or nerfed

are you guys serious ?

Thank you for this. I confess I really hate it when I see these kinds of superiority attitudes on forums just because people choose to play hard core. If that is your thing my hat’s off to you and I hope you have fun. It’s not a choice for many of us for many different reasons that I won’t go into here.

Suffice to say the attitude of the people who post in the forums is important IMHO. If I see a lot of this it can really affect how I feel about the community which in turn affects how I feel about the game. Shallow of me I know but it will often result in me looking for something else to play.

Not trying to derail but the debate that goes on in POE re: the Ascendancy Trials is a case in point. I read enough nasty “get good” posts in those threads on their forums that I opted to just leave the game behind. It was not the only reason but it contributed for sure. For me there is a positive/negative balance that goes on with games and if the negative outweighs the positive I usually move on.

Suffice to say I really like the community here. Most of you are positive, helpful people who really love the game and generally try to help people out. That makes for a great forum experience and if it takes a little moderation to keep it on track then I’m all for it.


I will chime in with some wisdom: some hardcore players are complaining in a way that is trying to have their cake and eat it too, in my opinion.

  1. As it has been pointed out, op wasn’t one shotted. It was a culmination of factors he did not assess and lack of knowledge that led to him being bursted down. This is the risk when playing hardcore. I have one super ultra tank hardcore build that has completed all content. And I have squishier soft core builds that have never died.

If you only play on hardcore, and never play on softcore, expect to die. This is how hardcore only players learn. Period.

Two: if you say, lower the burst, but also “I want a challenge that feels good when I overcome it” you have no concept of how hard it is to accomplish in a way that feels good on both hardcore and softcore. It’s not an unreasonable request but I think it would be nice to see more politeness and less snideness toward the small group of overworked(I promise, however hard you think they’re working for us you ate underestimating them) devs who have bothered with this much effort to end game balance at all.

Fun fact: only around 3% of their consumers even get to ultimate. Now I wonder what % of that is hardcore. And yet some of you act like improvements to hardcore balance is an entitled right and that the fact that sometimes these things aren’t perfect for you is an absurd failure if not quickly fixed for you… come on.

Third: enemy attacks are on timers. You can time them. You even have the free mod tools to find info on them in advanced so you don’t even need to let them hit your face as you fumble around to figure out the timer. One can play around enemy abilities if one is patient and cautious.

Four: if you’re going to play melee, you need to be aware that shotgun attacks exist. Period.

“Downshifting from HC to SC is a very shitty experience.”

Opinion you. I don’t mean to to sound condescending but you really need a better mental discipline to enjoy HC in most arpgs. I have recently made more hardcore characters in my spare time and I do so with a strong acceptance that I may die and it will suck. I enjoy both modes now. No shitty experience for me. They’re like two different games imo…

Look, I’m sorry for people who aren’t enjoying it. But whining about how unfair a game is to you isn’t cool. Just give your feedback and let it be. Express frustration even. But at some point you have to accept that these things happen and may continue to happen. There is a population of HC players who enjoy it for what it is. Try to keep that in perspective.

An improvement in the eyes of one player is a downgrade on the eyes of the other.

Final point : mods exist. Play cornucopia :stuck_out_tongue: