[] WTF is going on?


P.S. I hate Port Valbury

That shameless self plug though, Doom. Well plugged. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey I’m all for a death log. Nobody is against that afaik.
I don’t consider it high priority but it would be useful in a few ways.

Why? It’s so sweet…
No, seriously, i enjoyed a level design of place near that huge flesh hulk - boss.

If it wasn’t for the issues I have with damage floor, I’d love Valbury. It’s cool, thematic…And I have a couple builds rocking 91% Aether res. But OFC, Res does nothing for Ground…And OFC the whole area is fricking COATED in it…

Eh. My issues with damage ground are large enough to warrant a separate thread. But generally, that’s why I avoid Valbury.

I still haven’t beat it…

Ran into a nemesis unexpectedly poof dead. The 2nd attempt I have no idea what killed me. I’m staying away from that place till I get the quest to beat it on alt on a lower difficulty. Then I’ll have a better idea of what to expect, I still don’t even know what the final boss looks like.

He looks like three dudes, with some super Maiven’s Sphere that pops up occasionally, that you can’t Nullify. Oh, and when you kill one, the others seem to get stronger. It’s not a fun fight, really.

Fight is easier than walk in the park, just killed them using only CoF and flashbangs on my pyro, no hitting no other skill just CoF and flashbangs :smiley:

You must have a LOT of procs on that character then.

Also, easy is relative. Even when my characters are in no danger, I still don’t find it a fun fight, personally.

Yep, 8 procs (6 gear and 2 devotions), facetanked and cleared all Valbury by just using CoF+flashbangs combo in 13 mins :wink:

Well for most of my builds is easy, or to be more precise for all caster builds I have ultimate difficulty and everything it has to offer is joke.

P.S. Best thing is when you kill all 3 of them in same time :wink:

Ok, but i cant understand this logic.
Why simple Fire Revenant can kill this character very easy, but Undead Nemesis Boss for example CANT. Even with debuff to my resists from nearby hero.
Buff by nearby Priest? This priests always everywhere in undead locations, but i never die by this reason in all patches before.

With near best equip for this class you can die like a fool to couple of trash mobs? Not even nemesis boss or strong location big boss?
Character with legendary set and other good legendary gear must suffer in common situation? Absolutely insane.

Most of theoretical forum warriors complaining about my DA, but forget about VoS aura, that reduce enemy Offensive Ability. -130 OA for anyone in 6 meter radius. (it was 10lvl on this character).
And seriously, even with crit, what crit damage single Fire Revenant was able to do for this DA? x2? x10? x50?

Fire revenant + hero doing much more damage than their fraction nemesis boss. You can also jump to 4 other heroes in SoT and kill em without big problems, farm alkamos, etc. (on Ultimate ofc)
I play this game more than year and beat hardcore ultimate for 9 random builds created by myself, with or without good gear. But dying by Fire Revenant and 1 Hero is completely lack of knowledge and stupid mistake which anyone understand. And i feel big hypocrisy by many answers here.

We already far away from early access, 8 big balance patches and we still face stupid mechanics against melee class which is completely useless against range builds.

The Fire Revenant was buffed by a nearby Priest, you got RR’d by Balzarar (i swear i can’t type this hero’s name correctly) and then got shotgunned by the buffed Fire Revenant fire nova. And there’s the fact that the undead were buffed considerably in and i would honestly consider them harder than endgame Chthonians and Aetherials, specially the elemental knights.

Nemesis can actually do less damage than regular enemies depending on certain builds. I have builds where Valdaran can barely scrape them while Flesh Hulks punches can deal moderate damage. That’s hardly an argument.

Having BiS legendary items doesn’t protect you from dying, even against regular mobs in the highest difficulty. Last, 1,9k DA with VOS at level 10 leaves with 2030 DA. That’s still pretty low, something like 2150 and above is much prefferable.

adoomgod, you do sound condescending, esp. since you are late to the party. I pretty much agree with everything you said, we could’ve had a nice discussion on details, but as of now I’d rather not fan the embers and let the thread die out.

Just one thing - I do realize that HC is a minority and devs could care less about what happens there. But they do care. And I very appreciate this. And I would appreciate if people were less zealous about telling that they shouldn’t, after all pretty much everyone here belong to those 3% you mentioned.

Being a rude troll to the devs is certainly going to make you get your way :rolleyes:
Or does the fact that a good population of players disagrees with your extremely negative view not even worth your consideration? Seriously, they’re doing their best.

Well then I apologize. Really. I wasn’t trying to but I didn’t know a way to talk about being disciplined without sounding condescending. Only a small part of my post was directed at you and I am sorry it came off that way.

Allow me to be self effacing: I spoke of mental discipline/fortitude in a single aspect of gaming but this has nothing to do with maturity or intelligence. A while back I lacked what was needed to enjoy hardcore myself. Everyone has a different line in the sand not to cross. I used to rage on losing characters with even just a few hours put in. Then I tried REALLY hard to think “this character will die and I’ll lose it eventually no matter how hard i try” when playing hardcore. Made the difference. Now instead of being upset I sort of just facepalm and sigh and take a break.

There’s no bad blood between us man. I really get when someone says in text “I’m not trying to be condescending but…” it’s setting up as an excuse to be condescending. But I was being earnest with you. Different games have different difficulties for hardcore and grim dawns is certainly not for everyone. I welcome improvements I’m just tired of people being so adamant that their way is the right way.

When it comes to end game design it really is a charity of the devs. Especially such a small team. I wish more people would talk to them respectfully with this perspective in mind. (Not saying you didn’t, others didn’t)

I understand if you still don’t want to hash it out tho.

Zantai did mention they’re looking at alternatives or modifications to that style of attack, so his complaint was not entirely without merit.

I’m sorry but the player carelessly rushed in the middle of the enemy mob, and opened himself to multiple simultaneous damage and debuff sources.

I get that it sucks to lose a HC character, but I really think he wasn’t playing carefully.

That is why I play SC. Because I just don’t always play the game as carefully as I should. Admittedly, playing when light on sleep and only moving because of V8 Energy Drinks…Not a good idea. Shrug. If I was a careful, alert, conscientious player, I’d maybe play HC, just so that I could prove my builds were HC viable without argument. But I’m not, so…I don’t.

It seems like you fell out of the bad luck tree and hit every f’in branch on the way down only to wind up at the top of it and fall down it again. Others have pointed out that enemy damage was nerfed this patch so you would have died regardless of patch or not. You flashed into the mob too quick without paying attention to what you were taking on. Then the stars aligned and every shitty ability those mobs had were done to you. If you would have taken a moment to assess the situation I have no doubt you would have over came it

Somewhat off topic but in Heroes of the Storm Diablo has this fire stomp ability that shoots fireballs all around him much like the flame revenant attack. He also has the ability to flip another target over himself and it used to be that each projectile would deal damage should you get hit by them.

Needless to say the combination of his fire stomp + timed suplex ability could instantly kill another hero due to all projectiles hitting that target. Blizzard eventually made the change so that even getting hit by multiple projectiles would only still result in one hit (though they also made the projectiles come back for a possibility of 2 hits).

In any case HC can be rather difficult since you do have a lot of randomness when it comes to enemies being impacted by the items that they can be equipped with. Perhaps the Fire Revenant had some badass items that gave high % physical/fire damage, or maybe a skeleton archer had a crossbow that had a debuff to DA or Resistances on it, and so on.