[] Tri-damage Witch Hunter - Dual wielding Nemesis Slayer (13 sec Fabius, etc.)

Soo… you decided to post this juicy build :rolleyes:

I´m starting a new playthrough on thursday with my friends and I was going to do your version of the “tri-element” build.

Could you give me pros and cons for both builds? Most importantly which build, in your opinion, is more fun and powerful to play with when leveling? Also which one is more tankier?

nice guide!!
you did not use troll rage?

That’s tough. You make me chose between my two most favorite builds. :smiley:

They are both easy to level and gear up for, although the WH is a bit less gear dependant imo.

Pro WH:

  • no Set required
  • fast and fluid gameplay
  • very versatile, can easily be played as a Acid/Poison or Vitality WH, just by switching some gear
  • Nemesis go down faster, better Single Target DPS
  • CoF is the best AOE Debuff, massive -RR
  • Dark theme, looks badass
  • facetank everything except MQ
  • high OA (up to 3200 with some gear adjustments)
  • massive ADCTH
  • supports three damage types with -RR

Con WH:

  • lacks a bit of AOE Damage (still plenty)
  • can’t finish Gladiator Crucible solo without major tweeking
  • low HP/DA
  • HP bar might jump a lot

Pro Saboteur:

  • massive AOE Damage and good Single Target DPS
  • rather high DA/Armor/HP
  • a lot of cool Procs
  • solid -RR (but mainly Elemental/Fire)
  • can clear whole game content
  • also fast and fluid (but not as fine as the WH imo)
  • MoD as a fail saver

Con Saboteur:

  • rather low OA
  • hard to cap AS
  • relies heavily on Fire Damage (some Enemies like Shar’Zul can be a chore)
  • not as much ADCTH (therefore you might need to drink potions from time to time)
  • slower Nemesis killtimes

The Saboteur is more on the tanky side, although I find him dying more often in Vanilla than my WH. The WH wrecks through any enemy without too much trouble.
While leveling, both do fine. The Saboteur has a lot of AOE, so he might be faster. I enjoyed leveling my WH over the Saboteur. But that’s a matter of taste.
If you want to farm Crucible with some friends, you can do fine with both. Flashbang and Thermite Mines are very good just for that matter. WH’s CoF and BOD are also powerful support tools with some other guys around.

I thought of it. It also does well together with ABB + LE. But Calamity does the job just fine and you can craft it earlier. Come to think of it, I might add Mistborn Talisman as an option up until Slaughter Relic or even Shard of Beronath later. :slight_smile:

Wow… thank you for all the information :slight_smile:

Thanks Jägermeister, for your leveling guide.

Personally, I had success with leveling Nightblade to Ring of Steel and getting BS and AQC both to 5/8 for 20% WPS, then leveled Occultist up to Possession grabbing a bunch of points into SW and PB for some added Chaos Damage and Attack Speed and some points in BoD as well. After Possession, I rushed for 50 in NB to max Execution. Regarding relics, I used Calamity from 18-25 and then switched to Mistborn Talisman switching Flame Torrent to Troll Rage. It also helps to craft the Chaos Daggers if you can, but everything just melted. Right now I’m at Homestead in Elite and zipping along.

Very fun build! Thanks again. :smiley:

Yes, that’s pretty much what I’ve recommended too. Added Troll Rage into the Leveling Guide. :cool: Didn’t skill into RoS though.
Glad you have such a success. :slight_smile: Elite should be a cakewalk.

nice build, thanks

Hey Jäger,

i’m a very new player, just started this evening :stuck_out_tongue:
Wanna give your build a go seems fun.

Just have a question about stats allocation, should i go 1 for 1 with cunning and physique and take no spirit at all?

Sry if this seems like a very noobish question… :rolleyes:

You can see the Attribute distribution in the Grimtools link, when you hover over Physique/Cunning/Spirit with your mouse. :slight_smile:

On top of that, I included the Attributes into the grimcalc links in the leveling guide. You can see the distribution on the left side, just under the blue level marker on each link I provided there.

You should roll with 75 into Physique, 3 into Cunning and 12 into Spirit at level 85.

For example, at level 25, your stats should look like this: Physique 22, Cunning 1, Spirit 7.

That’s not a stupid question, alot of guys aren’t sure how to allocate the stat points on a build. :wink: Usually you should put as many points as possible into Physique. The stat provides HP and Defensive Ability, which are needed at End Game. We put points into the other stats, mostly to achieve a certain threshold for item requirements.

That way, we can focus on offensive gearing and wear all the items we need for that. :slight_smile:

Have fun and welcome to GD!

Doh… didn’t see that xD
Thx for the quick answer

No problem, you are welcome. The information can be a bit overwhelming in the beginning. :slight_smile:

If you are running into trouble, feel free to ask any question you got.

I started this build recently and so far cruising toward end of Normal. Very smooth!

I did something of a similar build in the past using Pyromancer – seemed to get pretty good mileage out of the Chaos/Firestrike + Occultist/Poison. Earlier in the thread you’d done some comparison between this one and Saboteur.

Thoughts on how you might do this one as a Pyro?

Dual wielding Chaos Pyro does very well too. :slight_smile: I did play a dw Pyro for a while, but reskilled him later.

JoV used to rock one of these with Blademaster’s Talisman. He went the Time Dilation / Hungering Void Devotionroute though, as far as I remember.

The damage output can be even higher as Pyro, but I personally missed the WPS as well as Pneumatic Burst. It also annoyed me a bit, to have a Relic or Medal to enable dual wielding. Gameplay didn’t feel as smooth overall, imo. Pyro has the benefit of having Blast Shield and Flashbang + passives. Plus, Firestrike is the better Auto Attack Replacer, for sure. To sum it up, it is a decent alternative and might do as well as my WH.

You summed up pretty much exactly how I did it as a Pyro! Thanks man. Hmmm, maybe I’ll make a separate thread on it.

I am feeling like a real noob…what does WPS stand for ?

Weapon Pool Skills. Those are the auto proc skills following the Dual Blades line, located on top of the Nightblade skilltree. :slight_smile:

Sitting at 51 on Witch hunter currently. What talisman should I be using?

Hey guys :slight_smile:
Is there a place or a mob type prefered to farm shard of beronath recipe?

By talisman you mean Relic, Medal or Amulet?

Nope, sadly not. Just roll with Treasure Troves for that matter.