[] Tri-damage Witch Hunter - Dual wielding Nemesis Slayer (13 sec Fabius, etc.)

Hey great guide. I’m in ultimate with it now. Couple things. What do you think of crimson spike weapon? I’ve been using it for awhile now. And also what do you think about riftstone augment? I really like the mobility it gives with being able to blink twice plus it does really good damage.

Crimson Spike is doing fairly well in this build. The downsides are the rather low base Physical Damage part (no additional flat Vitality Damage on the weapon and you’d have to skill into Consecrated Blade) and the missing RR sources, which Fang of Ch’thon and Master’s Spellblade provide.

I’d rather use Damnation, if I had to choose between Vitality Damage based weapons.

Riftstone is actually pretty nice. :slight_smile: Used it myself for a good while. Symbol of Solael’s RR is just very handy. But in the end, it doesn’t matter too much, I think, which of those two Components you use. Just take, whatever suits you better.

Thanks for the reply. I have another question. What are the BiS rolls on the crafted/MI gear? I think I have some decent ones but im not sure which are better than the others.

That’s a hard call, at least for armor and jewelry. Depends mostly on your individual stats and resistances. The higher the rolls are, the better the crafted/MI item is. The next question is, does it fit your build and do you need it?

Master’s Spellblade: of the Abyss Suffix with at least 40 RR combined or Plaguebearer’s Prefix, so that you can put an Essence of Ch’thon Augment onto it.
Solael/Dreeg Pants: Stonehide, Bloodletter’s, Warding, Renegade’s or Rampage Prefix with Of Kings or Of Nature’s Bounty Suffix
Boots: Stonehide, etc. Prefix with Of Featherstep or Of Nature’s Bounty Suffix
Rings: Incorruptible, Dread Lord’s, Harmonious, Tempest, Thunderstruck Prefix with Of Attack, Of Alacrity, Of Hungering Rifts, Of Nature’s Bounty, Of Solael’s Malice, Of The Dranghoul or Of Voidfire Suffix
Shoulders: Ancient, Bloodletter’s, Merciless, Rampage, Stonehide, Thunderstruck Prefix with Of Vitality, Of Kings, Of Nature’s Body, etc. Suffix

If you see a fitting MI with good overall resistances and maybe some offensive bonuses as well, keep it.
If your Pants, Shoulders and Boots cap out your resistances (together with the rest of your armor), your Rings can be full out offensive.

Thanks for the reply and for the detailed guide. Having a lot of fun.

You’re welcome. Glad you’re having a blast. :slight_smile:

Hy another question. What would you recommend for life steal %? Cause I can shuffle some gear to remove some adcth and gain some other stats. I think I’m sitting around 28-30% without procs (at work atm and can’t check)

For this build, I’d say at least 15% on one weapon and around 10% on the other one. With Fang of Ch’thon and the Devotions I suggested, you will sit at least 18% on one weapon anyway.

28-30% is really nice. But you can switch some gear to a bit less ADCTH, for sure.

Hi Jägermeister.

I just started with Grim Dawn, a couple hours in around lvl 20, and of course i have no clue how to skill etc. This build was recommended to me if i want to go on as a dual wielding Witch Hunter.
So far it looks great, even if i don’t understand most of the abbreviations yet, but that shouldn’t be a problem after a while.

Coming from PoE i have one major question so far: how “budget friendly” is this build as a newbie?
Is it hard to get all the items and ressources needed? I mean, i’m ok with farming for my stuff now and then, but in PoE there are builds that need really expensive stuff to work fine (is there trading in GD?), so as a newbie or casual it’s really hard to get to that point (or it will take ages).

Which stats should i look out for on items during leveling?

Welcome. :slight_smile:

Well, we have no currency system like PoE has. If you want to trade, you simply offer some of your own Legendaries/Items for exchange (or ask very kindly, if you really have nothing).

You can find the Trading Thread right here.
You can also use the GD Discord Channel for trading.

Yes, it might take a lot of time to gear up full sets or BiS items (loot is completely random). But it’s not as ridiculous as PoE, imo. You can play solo self found, but it takes time. The only way, to farm up in a faster way is rocking The Crucible DLC. But you need a character to be able to farm Cruci first. :wink:
The upside is, you don’t need all the flashy Legendaries and MI items to finish the game on Ultimate if you follow a good guide. With the right setup, you might be able to farm Nemesis/Challenger Crucible without any BiS items.

Stats on items to look out for my WH on Normal:

Fast weapons (Daggers, Swords): +AS, +OA, Attack Damage Converted to Health and some damage bonuses (damage type doesn’t matter that much until end of Normal, but Chaos, Acid and Vitality are best for sure) Bloodsworn Scepters are really nice. Also, crafted Enchanted Chaos Implements can roll with nice stats. Another good weapon to craft is an Adept’s Dagger of the Abyss, if you find the Blueprint. A Rift Scourge Slicer can also do the job.
Jewelry: +OA, +Stats, +HP, +AS, +Resistances
Armor: I always try to wear Armor equal to my level (higher Armor Rating) with +HP, +Resistances, +OA/DA, +Skills

As I mentioned in the guide, check out the Faction Vendors as soon as possible for some nice rare gear. And buy a Faction Wit for every Faction as soon as possible to increase Reputation Gain.

Thank you, this helps a lot :slight_smile:

Hey another question for you. Was wondering why you recommend the harbingers grasp over voidsteel gauntlets? It says the passive from the harbingers is for ranged two handed only and the other stats are virtually identical plus voidsteel has a proc that works with dual wielding.

Voidsteel Gauntlets are fine too and the proc is nice.

Harbinger’s Grasp offer +%Elemental Resistances, which I needed, and a bit higher value of flat Chaos Damage.

I myself was rocking Voidsteel Gauntlets for a long time, you definately do nothing wrong with them.

Just a quick question, “for science”:

have you timed any dummy kill times with this build ? I finally got an Acid WH to 85 and I’m getting 48 second dummy kills. I’d like to have a base to compare things to, on the rather wide spectrum of possible DW WH builds.

No, didn’t dummy kill up until now. But I can do so later on. :slight_smile: Would be interesting to see in direct comparison.

Edit: got 56 sec on my first try w/o any modifications. It’s definitely not a dummy killing machine. :smiley: Guess I could tweak it a bit to achieve a slightly faster timing.

I have tried this build for 2 days
Lv75 ultimate ,going cronley now.
It’s doing very well,but i still not find BP “Shard of Beronath”.
I have run normal/hard BOS+treasure trove for several times.
Got nothing at all.
Do i need to farm around 55 level mobs for that BP?Or it can drop anywhere?

BPs can drop at any level range. The higher the difficulty the higher the dropchances.
You might just want to proceed w/o it and use ABB+LA or Oleron’s Might as your LMB skill.

2nd Edit: Okay, it apparently can drop on every level. You also might want to try Challenger Crucible to find BPs.

Thanks for information
I will try hard to get BP and those items!

Oleron’s Blood component Blueprint can only be acquired from the Black Legion Faction Vendor after reaching Respected status.

Dusted off my Witch hunter (actually my first char ever), and respecced and gathered whatever gear I had that could be of use… and I have to say, Wow it is a really fun build!

I’m a little squishy yet (hp bar bouncing a little too much at times :p), but still doable with retreating / the occasional pot.

Using Death omen mh and just a regular demonic Masters spellblade oh for now (got to farm more mats for crafting).

Thanks for the build mate!