[] Tri-damage Witch Hunter - Dual wielding Nemesis Slayer (13 sec Fabius, etc.)

Nice. :slight_smile: Glad to hear.
You will see a massive DPS gain after having the Masterā€™s Spellblade of the Abyss or Plaguebearerā€™s Masterā€™s Spellblade equipped.
Donā€™t forget to put three points into Consecrated Blade with any Weapon dealing Physical Damage equipped.
You also could try to craft yourself a nice Chaos Implement with +Chaos Damage and ADCTH.

Yeah, Iā€™ll continue to craft daggers untill i get one with the right stats. May take a while i reckon. :stuck_out_tongue:

I forgot about consecrated blade actually. Thanks for the tip! Death omen is physical, so that will help quite a bit i guess.

Implement? Do you mean like Symbol of solael?

Yeah, it can take a while until the right one shows up.

No, Chaos Implements are also craftable Daggers. They are yellow (magic) items, but can roll as rare (green), when you roll rare affixes on them.
Same goes for every magic gear craftable at the blacksmith.
Thats why many of us craft the magic Enchanted Heavy Boots there, to get those juicy double rare rolls on them (you see them used in nearly every endgame build: ā€œStonehide Exalted Treads of Kings or of Featherstepā€).

Oh, ok.

Yeah, Iā€™ve crafted some exalted threads, so i am aware of the possibility to get a good rare from that recipe.
So that means any yellow dagger with chaos damage on it will work?

Yeah, they are called Enchanted Chaos Implement at the blacksmith. I think they are more like Scepters, but whatever. You want it to have ADCTH, additional Chaos Damage, and maybe +AS or +OA or other nice rolls that fit well. Those can roll with prefix and suffix. Masterā€™s Spellblades can only roll with one prefix or one suffix.
I just wanted to mention it as an option to Death Omen. Another, even better, option are Bloodsworn Scepters with nice rolls. But you need to farm those.

Btw, I got my first Fang of Chthon by crafting Legendary Caster Weapons at the Celestial Smith.

Ok, ill try to craft a few and see how lucky i am :slight_smile:

You mean from the 8 tainted brain matter + polished emerald craft right?
I can try that as well when i get enough brains.

Thanks for the help!

Just 8 Tainted Brain Matter, no Polished Emerald, but yeah, exactly. :slight_smile:

Also remember, that you can exchange your other rare crafting materials for Tainted Brain Matter at Horrus the Cursed Smith in the Gates of Necropolis.

Np, have fun!

Can you take a look at my grim tools see if i can do something better? I actually have maxed ele resists i dont know why its showing under capped.

Very similar to yours. Im having problems killing the aetherial nemesis. I can get him about half but he always ends up 1 or 2 shotting me. Any tips?

You might want to apply a Kymonā€™s Will Augment to your jewelry for 10% Reduced Targetā€™s Damage. Also, skill one point into Breath of Belgothian, the Pneumatic Burst transmuter. It reduces PB cooldown by a good margin, so that you can heal more often plus additional Health Regen.

Looking really good otherwise!
Actually I never had problems killing Valdaran with this char and your setup is pretty similar to mine. I have like 3100 OA and only 8.3k HP, but that shouldnā€™t make too much of a difference.

He shreds your Resistances, but yours are maxed out. Hmm. I usually just tank him melee until he dies. Maybe just an unlucky crit after RR? How many times have you tried to bring him down? Maybe some mobs around him hitting you for additional damage? Definately try him again with transmuted Pneumatic Burst.

Ok, I made quite a lot of Exalted scepters (chaos type), but im not really sure when i surpass Death omen in quality.

The best i got was a Nightblades exalted scepter of voracity.


When rolling the dice its always a matter of luck. Of Voracity is a nice suffix. Looks decent enough to give it a try!

The base Chaos Damage is always a huge bonus over any Physical Damage based weapon with this build and you have additional skillpoints to spend, cause you donā€™t need Consecrated Blade. Thats also why Bloodsworn Scepters are a nice alternative for this build, if you dont have Fang of Chthon or other high tier Legendaries, because they roll with nice stats naturally.

Iā€™d say, try it out and compare those by doing some Cronley runs for example.
I recommend starting with Treasure Trove runs to get some rare crafting materials and start the gamble at the Celestial Smith for Fang of Chthon.

Ok, will do.

Thanks again mate!

Edit: Got two Fangs in my first five crafts :slight_smile:

I make sure to clear around him before engaging. Last night I tried like six times before giving up. Maybe I need more lifesteal but he does something that hits me almost 100% every time. I will try your recommendations.

Nice! Wish Iā€™d have such luck with that guy. :smiley:

Okay, I will take him on this evening to double check.

Try squeezing in a rigid shell somewhere

Your resistance is awful do something about it and your character will not survive even the weakest nemisis or for that matter any strong poison hero. Donā€™t know how your surviving. Your damage is inconsistent Chaos, Lightning, Electrocute, Elemental Poison and vitality too much of different damages that is most of em not being utilized by your skills, very bad. change your chest armor, shoulders, boots. boots suggestion get the Empowered Rifthound Leather Boots a any build boots for ultimate that is very easy to get dismantled 10 of these already and have 5 in IA. Even My bleeding soldier is stronger than this without any armour if I remove Blodragerā€™s set except for shield. :smiley: Fun to play without armour while killing melee heroes like warden.

How much lightning resist overcap is recommended for this guy? Is 20-30% enough?

Iā€™m gonna try to find him later and see how i do.

20% should be ok. Althouh he shreds more than that 20% is enough to survive

Hmm, not sure if troll or serious.

@Jahuz: Cant tell from memory how much Lightning overcap I actually have atm. And I switched a lot of gear and Augments the last two days on my WH. But I will post a kill vid this evening if possible.

Valdaran can definately be a prob I guess. He is always such a pain to find, so my last time meeting him with my WH was a few weeks back.

So he whooped my ass the first try with some kind of potato setup. :rolleyes:
Changed my pants afterwards and killed him. Still, my rings were not optimized and my Augments all over the place, but well.

Got +40% over max Lightning Resist the whole time.
