This is my first build and I really wanted to make an aether melee toon with the necromancer. I managed to get a well-rolled rare 2H Fleshwarped Core and decided to level this one to use it and the Krieg’s set I had.
It is not the fastest clear in the game, or the toughest build, but it is fully serviceable and capable of clearing the game on all difficulties. Most of the gear is farmable (Krieg set in particular is easy to farm) and it should be something more accessible than some of the top tier builds. I recently hit 100 with it and am tweaking gear and devotions. Advice on set up is always appreciated.
Updated screenshot with current gear:
From Soldier we get a lot of OA, attack speed, physique, a gap closer, and of course, our damage dealer, Cadence. The Necro tree gives us more OA, Aether damage, and -rr%. The gear for this class combo isn’t stellar, but the Krieg’s set is quite adequate for this set up, and a rare Fleshwarped Core mace serves the build well.
Current build and gear:
Final gear:
- melee with a closer (Blitz; I can’t stand to run to my enemies)
- durable
- good single target; and decent AOE
- craftable/purchasable weapon, and only 1 piece of MI gear
- another. cadence. build.
- not the most gear choices (Krieg’s set is about the only legenary gear support I found)
- almost all aether, so enemy resists can be an issue, though I have not found this to be a huge issue
Alternate Gear and Devotion Choices:
Weapon: Temporal Arcblade - Aether damage, 2H sword. I like the rare mace over this, but the Arcblade may be easier to farm.
Belt: Mythical Reforged Chains of Oleron - +soldier skills, and crit damage are nice. The Soulweave Epic I have compliments my resists nicely, and has +Cadence, so I imagine either will work fine.
Rings: Judicator’s Set - good defensive set up with attack speed to boot.
Devotion: Behemoth is another option if you are wanting more defensive options; Attak Seru or Rattosh would also work over spear of the heavens. I will try and put up some alternate devotion layouts.
- level 30ish build
- level 55ish build
I would start in the soldier mastery and pump cadence early on, going down to at least war cry and putting a point in what I deem “1 pt wonders” (skills that help with just one point like Bitz, WPS skills, military conditioning, etc)
I would pick up necro around level 30 probably. Remember, use 1h/shield, 2h, or ranged, depending on what your current gear is that you find while leveling. That is why I pick up necro later: his aether damage won’t help you unless you have some aether damage gear. If you do find an aether weapon for instance, adjust leveling strategy accordingly.
For devotion, I would rush Kraken (if you are leveling with a 2h), and then go for offensive or defensive, depending on what trouble you are having.
The fleshwarped core mace I use is a drop from Aetherial Guardians or Aetherial Sentinels, so if you don’t want to farm one while leveling, here are some alternatives for aether weapons, or weapons that have aether conversion (note that for leveling, any weapon will do, especially in normal/vet):
- Devil’s Bargain sword from Devil’s Crossing
- Warden’s Judgement mace from Warden Krieg
- Legion Aetherspark dagger from The Black Legion
- Colossal Bulwark shield, another MI from aether mobs
- Fleshwarped Carbine 2H gun, another MI from aether mobs
- Immaterial Edge axe
- Aetherwoe mace
- Jaravuuk’s Bite dagger
- The Soulflayer 1h ranged
- Wrathmourne 2h sword
- Soulsplitter 2h Axe
I would love input on:
- devotion choices (I feel these work, but I am sure I missed a better synergy).
- Blitz v Siphon Souls v some other skill choice I should be looking at.
- glaring problems with component choices.
Overall this build has been fun and solid. As I tweak the final gear I am going for, I will also post a non-Krieg’s build, and a 1h/shield version as well.