[] Krieg's Battlemage Tank-Melee-aether

When you have over 2000% aether damage, 24% is nothing. Giving up hawk would be a lost in damage!
As for Fiend it helps for killing trash faster and for overall Hp sustain. The proc, flame torrent has 35% weapon damage, combined with Life leach it become a nice AOE life leach.

Would the Eternity Relic be any good on this build ?

Would the Eternity Relic be any good on this build ?

Time loop won’t work with shield but the relic is still nice.

The last patch has changed a little the build:

-We now have some MOVE SPEED ON BOOTS!!!:smiley:
-attack speed on reckless power, and it’s very nice:)
-A little less aether damage on set bonus
-And some +skill for necromancer. Now necromancer is a really good alternative.

Hey uh, Sepukku I just made this build inspired in your build and MrTek comments with some changes to devos and some other stuff, I hope you like it and don’t get mad that I posted it.
I mentioned both of you in my post if thats worth anything :slight_smile:

Here’s the build thread:

Hey uh, Sepukku I just made this build inspired in your build and MrTek comments with some changes to devos and some other stuff, I hope you like it and don’t get mad that I posted it.
I mentioned both of you in my post if thats worth anything

Hey, i just saw your answer on mt post but i saw your build 2 days ago. It’s nice some player was wondering how to use krieg’s set with death knight and now it’s done. Thanks for them:) Just a question, did you tried crucible? Thanx again for your post and have fun:)

Levling tree / devotions / gear? Not everyone got full levling set in stash / full krieg’s set when they hit 85+

I honestly don’t think build guides need a levelling thread now that this one exists:


Also, if you don’t have full Krieg set, then you should farm it first with your other chars before attempting this build because this is built exactly around this set. You can still try aether Battlemage without Krieg but it’s a lot weaker.

Yes, I’ve tried crucible and it worked out pretty good.

Did it without buffs/blesses, next I’ll be trying crucible with extra spawns and no buffs.


I just run the last dungeon with my battle mage (still the same as the guide cause i didn’t played since about my last message on this post). I could facetank every boss with the last one.
Then just really easy with this build. (i was very lucky i had gun+recipe on first run lol)
Good luck to you all.