[] Beginner's melee 2H Lightning Elementalist

Here’s my Ultos Elementalist topic [] The Lightning Hammer- Ultos 2h melee Elementalist, Gladiator in 6:45 on average

The thing is there is big difference between beginner’s build and fully geared one. If you have all the items than probably you don’t need guide with leveling tips and budget gear only.

I’ve really enjoyed leveling and playing this character. I initially started the char back in early 2018. After finishing a veteran campaign at 65 I took a break but recently came back to the game and I’m nearing the end of the Elite campaign.

Before continuing this character I did my due diligence and reviewed the comments in this thread to make sure the build was still viable. I’m aware of the wendigo totem \ blackwater change and that tempest is weaker now. I figured it was OK to proceed but now that I’ve unlocked arcane bomb and bound it to blackwater cocktail (which I haven’t been using up to this point) I’m a little underwhelmed. Arcane bomb is definitely a necessity but I hate the fact that i have to use blackwater for it.

The OP recently said in a comment that the devotions could use a rework so I figure it’s safe to make some changes! Here’s what I was thinking:

The options for binding arcane bomb are pretty limited. My only options are:
primal strike (bound to reckless tempest)
gavel of justice (bound to elemental storm)
blackwater cocktail (MEH!)

If I wanted to bind arcane bomb to primal strike, I could then bind reckless tempest to thermite mines, wind devil, or wendigo totem. I’m not sure which one I should pick though. RT activates on a crit. If it’s bound to thermite mines. Does it activate when the mines crit or when I land a crit with my weapon?

Finally, I’m curious if I should just abandon reckless tempest altogether and use the Ultos proc instead? The OP mentioned that tempest has become weaker but it looks like most of the non-proc points for tempest still serve this build well so I’m not sure I want to abandon it entirely.

To whoever responds: Thank you for the help!
To the OP: Thank you for posting this build it’s been a lot of fun!
My current build

More like Tempest is really not a great pick when you can grab Spear of the Heaven + Ultos instead, which is standard for any Ultos build these days. It was how people preferred it back then too, but you can’t fit these two well with Chariot of the Dead (which is another constellation not taken these days due to sheer investment it takes), so after thinking a bit I invented this Ultos + Tempest setup. Ironically that combination is how an electrocute-based build is done instead.

Another thing is my build has both Revenant (without a proc) and Rhowan’s Crown. This made sense back then but now a) Revenant’s proc got flat RR and b) Revenant’s nodes were nerfed, so I’d say it makes sense to get either one or the other. Since you’d have similar problems with binding Revenant’s proc as with Arcane Bomb, I’d say go for Rhowan’s Crown.

Bind Arcane Bomb to Primal Strike, bind Ultos to Wind Devils and bind Elemental Storm to Thermite Mines. You won’t even need BWC in this case, albeit BWC is still good for debuffing.

You can use the devotion setup in that build as a referrence:

Build is from here:

Thanks for the reply Dragon. After I posted last night, I tried out binding arcane bomb to primal strike and bound reckless temptest to thermite mines. That seemed to work well.

I reviewed your suggestions this morning. I’m still relatively new to this and hadn’t even considered Spear of the Heavens. It really got me thinking so I did some tinkering in Grim Tools. I think I found two good paths forward with the devotion points. Both require removing Tempest and Chariot of the Dead. The trick was finding a suitable replacement for the affinities given by CotD which was locked in by Ultos.

Prerequisite steps moving from this build:
Remove Crossroads (Purple)
Remove Wraith
Complete Rowan’s Crown (last 2)
Remove Tempest

Option 1:
Scholar’s Light
Remove CotD
Ultos Proc
Crossroads (Blue)
Sailors Guide
Spear of the Heavens
Crossroads (Red)

Option 2:
Crossroads (Red)
Remove CotD
Ultos Proc
Crossroads (Blue)
Sailors Guide
Spear of the Heavens
Crossroads (Gold)

I’m leaning towards option 1 because I like the bonuses given by Jackal. Option 2 was my attempt to do a 1 for 1 replacement of the affinities granted by CotD. Fiend seemed like the obvious choice with bonuses to fire and chaos damage for two less devotion points. If you have any thoughts on these options I’d be happy to hear them. Thank you!

You need Ghoul. :slight_smile:

Haha, I had a feeling you might say that. Back to the drawing board!

EDIT: Nevermind. Seems like I should just use the devo setup from that Ultos build. Thanks for the help.

I have a question about the Devotion Priority in the guide and how it actually works. Are you supposed to max out each of the signs or take just a single point (for example 1 point in Scholar’s Light) and move on to the next number on the list?

Max unless stated otherwise.

Very Cool ! This build is still viable with the nerf of the thunderous attack ?

It’s viable, but Warder, Druid and Vindicator are considered to be better classes for Ultos builds at the moment.

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The grimcalc links seem to be broken, could you make at least couple of example leveling up setups to grimtools, if possible?

The grimtools build calc link works fine; it’s links to the other builds that don’t.

And what do you mean by levelling set ups? There’s already a levelling guide in the OP.

He means that grimcalc links in my levelling guide provided as a skill progression example are broken. RIP grimcalc I guess.

@dragothica I’ll see what I can do, but no promises it’d still be of use to you by the time I’m done.

Yea It’s no big deal as there is the written guide to follow, anyway.

thanks for the update :slightly_smiling_face::clap:

Hello, do you have like pictures of the shaman and demolitionist skill tree?

I have level 94 Elementalist from the old days!

Click on the relevant grimtools link in the opening post.

My bad, I am not familiar with using grimtools. Is there a way to view the skills trees?

OH I found it… So the skills panel is missing a few skills I only see blackwater cocktail and thermite mines.

Click on the book to the left of the skills panel and you’ll call up the masteries and can see them all there. You can also see the devotions by clicking on the devotion icon once you’re in a mastery.